Doomsday Virus

Chapter 145: Tomb

The two senior backbones turned back from the ground, and were immediately shocked by the scene in front of them.

Countless dark red tentacles spewed out of the tunnel and penetrated through all deadly points of the soldiers standing nearby.

They were locked in place like puppets, and their expressions remained curious one second before death ...

Then, even more creepy scenes happened. The soldiers whose dark red tentacles penetrated their bodies began to dissolve quickly, even the clothes on their bodies like candles!

In less than a second, the bodies of hundreds of soldiers melted into a mass of creeping blood-red blood and penetrated into these tentacles!

Then, in the blink of an eye, the tentacles retracted into the tunnel and returned to Xia Leng's body with rich "nutrition", turning into the nutrients and evolutionary point of the black light virus.

Xia Leng felt the tremendous changes in his body. He killed and swallowed Pullman in the eyes of the wind. At that time, he felt that the black light virus in his body reached saturation instantly. At the same time broke through the critical point and reached evolution again!

And this time the evolution is very different from the previous one. The previous evolution only allowed one to obtain at most one attack form.

However, this time evolution has almost enhanced the strength of the whole body geometrically!

At this time, Xia Leng felt full of energy and wanted to release it, just like taking the excitement drugs made by these companies, and it was still the one with no side effects!

The black light virus turned into a tentacle, and a set of black hooded sweater was re-woven for Xia Leng. Although he felt like wearing it, he did not have the habit of being naked or exposed.

At the same time, he felt that he had a more subtle perception. His black light sensing ability was unable to sense the situation under the ground, so at that time he would be attacked by a double-headed mutant python suddenly bursting out from the ground. .

But now, as long as it is any object buried within a hundred meters of the ground, a clear outline will appear in his mind, even if it is a worm that is still creeping!

This made Xia Leng immediately remember the situation when Pullman was digging and digging to escape the ground, and suddenly Pullman controlled the rope to accurately grasp it.

So, have you swallowed up this Earth System Master, and have you really gained the power of the other party? !!

Xia Leng tentatively turned his palm up, thinking about the scene of Pullman's "casting" at that time. With the ability of the Net of Memory, every subtle move of Pullman could be perfectly reproduced.

Sure enough, the moment he stretched out his palm, the soil around Xia Leng began to tremble, as if an invisible thread was pulling them!

With Xia Leng's mental strength becoming more and more concentrated, Zla! !!

Suddenly, a soil ladder suddenly rose in front of him, leading directly to the three-meter-high tunnel!

Just now Xia Leng's mind was just a tentative idea, and he manipulated the surrounding soil to create this ladder!

It ’s important to know that when those in charge have just acquired this ability, it will take months to master this special power slightly, and the proficiency will start to rise steadily as time goes on.

At that time, Pullman was already a genius controller, and it took a month to make a condensed bench ...

However, with the ability to control the first element of earth, Xia Leng's heart did not fluctuate much.

Even because of this evolution, he felt that he was one step further away from the human category. All the emotions and feelings that humans deserve are increasingly stripping themselves off, like a heartless walking dead.

Xia Leng stepped on the ladder he made himself, and stepped from the bottom of the pit to the ground step by step, which also took his mood to the next level.

When he stepped on the last step, he saw that there were already heavily armed soldiers standing outside, and they all looked at him with a look of terror.

In fact, before he came up from the tunnel, he had already sensed that there were hundreds of footsteps on the ground, and the ability to control the earth elements gave him a clearer outline of the enemy's position.

Fielding and Brooke had reached the outermost circle of the soldiers at this time, directing them to surround the man in layers.

The two of them weren't sure whether the enemy would release the weird and horrible tentacles that they just had, so they didn't dare to approach it easily, but they would not run away.

Because basically most of the troops in the city supported it and witnessed their presence. If the escape was passed out at this time, it would be even harder to say clearly before the leaders ...

Xia Lengben also wanted to release the tentacles of the thousands of tentacles just to clear up the surrounding troubles at once, but he couldn't help it.

Because he found that only when he had devoured enough enemies and the black light virus in his body reached saturation again, he could release this horrifying trick.

However, this evolution has allowed him to have a deeper understanding of his other abilities.

"Sir, do you want to fire?"

Several commanders from various detachments looked at Brooke, waiting for the order of the Supreme Chief at the scene.

However, without waiting for Brooke to speak, suddenly there were fierce gunfire and a continuous stream of screams in the crowd!

The opponent has taken the lead in attacking in a crowded situation! !!

Xia Leng no longer had any concealment. He turned his hands into black light claws, and went straight into the ground under his feet. The entire claws did not go into the soil.

Then ~ ~ The sharp claws "rooted and sprouted" in the ground, growing like a tree root crazy, extending, and soon reached the ground beneath the soldiers in front.

The soldiers felt the looseness of the ground beneath their feet, and before they responded, the tentacles extending below them burst out of the ground, growing like a bamboo shoot after a rain.

But these "spring shoots" are not delicious, but extremely deadly, like the spikes of the bloodthirsty tree roots encountered before. They pass through the entire body of these unlucky soldiers from the **** · gate to the top of the head and are inserted off the ground. Two meters in the air ...

Xia Leng's "tomb kill" instantly killed dozens of soldiers gathered in the front area, and then they turned into nutrients that were absorbed into these tombstone-like tentacles.

The other soldiers who did not "enjoy" this treatment saw the situation, felt a chrysanthemum and flowers tightly, and then desperately pulled the trigger on the man.

The instantaneous bullet fired at the enemy like a storm, even a 7th-tier defensive doomsday fighter would not dare to collide with this offensive easily.

噗噗 噗噗 ~~

However, I only heard the sound of numerous muffled sounds like shooting into a soft sponge. None of these bullets hit Xia Leng's body.

It was like a sinking sea, sinking into the black wall that suddenly appeared around him!

Xia Leng used his ability to control the element of the earth, while creating a soil wall that resists bullets, he also added the ability of black light virus to form a layer of extremely tough virus blankets, covering the wall, and absorbing the bullets. Go in!

But it is not over yet. With Xia Leng's conscious manipulation, thousands of warheads stored in the virus blanket were ejected back. The power is not lower than the bullet just out of the boring. Hundreds of soldiers in a circle were shot to the ground ...

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