Doomsday Restart

Chapter 196 The Shock After Arrival

The remaining forty or so evolutionists used all their abilities to retreat to the third line of defense!

The army of 30,000 zombies, only about 5,000 left at this time!

And before Martial Dao Mountain, there is still a place where bombs have been planted!

Perhaps these zombies can be resolved.

However, the five thousand zombies left in front of me are very different from the large number of second-level zombies that died before!

Half of the remaining zombies are second-level and half are third-level!

In other words, among the zombies they are facing now, there are at least two thousand and five third-level zombies!

The reason why the second line of defense suddenly collapsed and suffered heavy casualties was because a large number of third-level zombies joined the battle!

Most of the two-star evolutionists cannot withstand the blow of a third-level zombie! !

After seeing the Shifanghui troops die at such a terrifying speed, Wu Wuxiang immediately called the rest to retreat to the third line of defense!

They retreated at a crazy speed, and the zombies were also chasing after him!

Obviously there were nearly forty two-star evolutionaries who survived, but the evolutionaries who retreated safely to the third-level line of defense, only a dozen were left in the end!

The third-level zombies are no longer among the few in the zombies team at this time!

They all have their own super upgraded parts, and some even give birth to very rare abilities.

Want to chase some two-star evolution, it's actually very simple!

When the people of the second line of defense retreated, the shooters of the third line of defense were still attacking!

These shooters have gradually discovered that it is not easy!

Before, their bullets could easily shoot through the heads of those second-level zombies!

But now, half of the zombies below are terrifying third-level zombies!

The surviving second-level zombies are not ordinary second-level zombies, and some are even one step short of becoming third-level zombies!

Almost all of them have their own super evolution.

When first-level zombies evolve into second-level zombies, there is a certain chance of super-evolution, but they are all a minority.

When a second-level zombie evolves into a third-level zombie, there is also a chance of own super evolution. This probability is much higher than when evolving from first-level to second-level!

The more the zombie is upgraded, the greater the possibility of super evolution.

In other words, the higher the level of the zombie, the more likely it is to have super evolution or abilities!

And the third-level zombies that are left now are already good, and some of them have super-evolutionaries!

These two-star evolutionaries are not rivals at all!

The shooters of the third layer of defense, when shooting these zombies, have found something wrong!

Before, their bullets could easily kill a few zombies!

Now, sometimes a bullet can't kill even a zombie!

Because of their bullets, they can no longer cause damage to some rough-skinned third-level zombies!

The super evolution of some third-level zombies has played a very strong defensive role against these specially processed bullets!

The shooters were a little speechless, and could only find second-level zombies to kill in the mighty group of five thousand zombies below!

Those third-level zombies are like invincible existence!

Not only the soldiers below can't do anything with them, neither can these shooters!

Seeing the terrorist defense of these third-level zombies, everyone was worried, can Wang Yu's bomb work on these third-level zombies?

Although Wu Wuxiang and Wu Xiaodie among them are very strong, they have the ability to compete with third-level zombies.

Now the number of second-level zombies has dropped sharply. If you insist on fighting, it is normal to attract other third-level zombies to be besieged!

No matter how powerful the two of them are now, they will not be arrogant enough to deal with two or more third-level zombies at once!

After returning to the third line of defense, the remaining dozen soldiers discovered that almost all of the more than one hundred shooters on the third line of defense were gone!

Upon seeing this, Wu Wuxiang said directly: "Run directly in the direction of Martial Dao Mountain!"

Everyone just waited for these words and ran to Martial Dao Mountain immediately!

This time, the group of zombies directly hit the wooden wall!

No door was opened under the wooden wall. The moment the tide of corpses hit, the wooden wall began to shake violently, which was even more terrifying than the wooden wall of the first layer of defense!

Because when the first layer of defense was against the tide of corpses, almost all the zombies rushing forward were second-level zombies, and third-level zombies were still behind!

This is also the reason why the two hundred evolvers can hold on for such a few minutes!

When the third-level zombies joined, they were directly defeated, and they were almost instantly overwhelmed by the tide of zombies!

How can a first-level evolutionary survive a second under the hands of a third-level zombie?

At this time, the zombies that hit under the third layer of defense were the elite zombies of this corpse tide!

Half are third-level zombies, and half are very powerful second-level zombies!

Therefore, this hard wooden wall collapsed directly after three seconds!

The movement of the collapse of the wooden wall almost declared Death to the dozen or so survivors of the second layer of defense who were escaping ahead!

They finally stepped on their companion's body, and desperately escaped to the third layer of defense, thinking that this wooden wall would block the menacing tide of corpses coming behind for a while!

However, such a hard wooden wall collapsed in three seconds this time! !

Among the third-level zombies, there are flying zombies and very fast-moving zombies. These are all super-evolved!

As a result, these dozen or so evolutionists were caught by these terrifying third-level zombies within a few seconds...

They looked at Wu Wuxiang and Wu Xiaodie, who were running farther and farther ahead, and couldn't say a word.

Obviously you have been so desperate... but still can't escape such a fate?

Ahead is Martial Dao Mountain, the ten parties will defend the last.

No, it's not right.

Before that, before Martial Dao Mountain, there was still a large open space and many low-rise houses with ancient buildings.

It is the world of the last days, and such houses also reveal the master's quality and cultural confinement, as well as the long history of the family, and what kind of resort it was before the end of the world.

Here is the residence of the Wu family.

At this time, look at Liangcheng, which was stepped on by the tide of corpses.

I saw corpses everywhere!

Not only the corpses of zombies, but also the corpses of people.

At the forefront of Liangcheng, there are countless carrion scattered all over the place!

These are all the corpses of zombies, but none of them are complete. They are all scattered on the ground, like a rain of flesh and blood falling from the sky.

The black zombie blood dyed this piece of soil black, and stepped on it softly. I don't know how deep the blood has soaked into the ground...

Further forward, there is a large collapsed wooden wall.

This wooden wall is so big that it can't be done by a wood mage!

To make a wooden wall of this scale, the wooden wall must be very strong!

But such a solid wooden wall completely collapsed at this time.

The wooden wall that fell to the ground has been stepped on by countless zombies.

From here, there are human corpses.

The corpse tide is indeed different from the zombies in other places.

The zombies in the tide of corpses killed people and almost didn't eat them, but threw them aside.

Because the zombies in the tide of corpses, it is not their purpose to find food, they seem to be affected by some trend, and they madly rush forward.

So Ye Yan and the others could see the horrible corpses of people mixed with the corpses of zombies all over the place.

From these corpses, it is no longer possible to see how they were killed by the zombies.

The zombies left them all corpses. They did not eat them, but they were trampled on by a large number of zombies behind, directly stepping on them deeply into the dirt, trampling their entire corpses, and their internal organs flowing outside.

After countless tramplings, the flat or fragmented corpses of these people were combined with the rotten flesh of the zombies, combined with the soil, and combined with the internal organs. Ye Yan and the others could see. Can't help but retching.

The whole air is full of disgusting smell!

Ye Yan, who had experienced the last two years of his last life and had been dealing with zombies for two years, couldn't help but retching!

There are tens of thousands of zombies here!

It's not bad smell!

Wu Wu stared at the front in a daze, at her hometown that had been completely changed by the last days and by the tide of corpses! ! !

Most of the buildings in Liangcheng were destroyed.

Maybe it was destroyed by the Shifanghui, maybe it was destroyed by the tide of corpses.

If it hadn't been for the clear and dirty river, she would never recognize this as her Liangcheng.

If it weren't for the Martial Dao mountain standing in the distance, she would never believe that this was really Liangcheng! ! !

Everyone was stunned by the shocking scene before them.

With so many corpses of zombies and such a miserable city, they deeply felt the horror of the end times! !

They always said that the last days would change everything, but when this change appeared bloody before their eyes, they were caught off guard and trembled deeply! !

And where they appeared, the deafening sounds made by zombies could be heard! !

They can still see the black and heavy silhouettes of zombies in front of them! !

Even if they have made more psychological preparations, they still can't make progress at this time.

Lu Wan tremblingly said, "With so many zombies dead, are there still so many?"

Xu Gan looked forward in disbelief: "How many zombies are there anyway?"

At this moment, Wu Wu seemed to suddenly remember something, and her whole person became extremely crazy!

At the same time, the black cut on her hand once again changed to the blood red state when she was in Broken Valley! !

She directly showed her rapid movement, and her panicked voice came from everyone: "Martial Dao Mountain!!! They are going to Martial Dao Mountain!!! Where is my family!!!"

When he heard these words, Wu Wu had already ran a dozen meters away!

The other people will never have time to be shocked by the scene in front of them! !

Because the family of their companions are in crisis! !

Everyone immediately showed their ultimate speed to catch up with the Wu Wu ahead!

They are not those two-star evolvers, their speed is very fast, if they use their full strength, the speed is definitely higher than those zombies!

But when they started running wildly, the tide of corpses had reached the foot of Martial Dao Mountain! !

And Ye Yan and his party were only less than a hundred meters behind the corpse tide!

Bang! ! !

Bang! ! Bang! ! !

Countless bombs sounded! !

Many zombies in front were directly blown up!

But these zombies are not important anymore!

The important thing is that Wu Wu was a hundred meters away and, with the eyes of an evolutionary, saw her familiar home, a familiar ancient house.

Also, at a window, she saw her father's face, Martial Forest's face! ! !

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