Doomsday: PUBG System

Chapter 298: : Something is wrong

Let alone any clues, immediately cut off the most direct witnesses.

However, Xiang Jing was not worried, because since the little girl appeared in the Holy See as Dana, after all, she became a cardinal at a young age, and this matter is absolutely inseparable from the Holy See.

It may even be the ghost of the Holy See, and there must be people who know the truth.

If it's a big deal, kill it to the Vatican and catch the old **** pope.

Xiang Jing pondered for a moment, and finally sighed helplessly. Finally, someone found it, but no memory.

"Peter, what's the matter?" Dai Na asked, seeing Xiang Jing in a bad mood.

Xiang Jing shook his head and said, "It's okay, I'll go out and see if anyone is coming."

He said that he left the room, and ran outside alone, smoking a cigarette while thinking about things.

Xiang Jing suddenly felt very upset, even very irritable, his eyes flashed, and then he contacted Li Qiang to "bring me some purified water and soil."

Now that it has been determined that Dana is the little girl, it doesn't make sense to be here anymore.

Forcibly leaving her in China, it will arouse her resentment. It is better to go back to country Y first, start from the root, and find out the reason.

It didn't take long before Li Qiang delivered two things. The soil and water were actually fertile and had better nutrients than ordinary ones. The others were no different. They were just an excuse anyway.

Xiang Jing followed and returned to his residence, pulling Dana and saying, "Go."

Dana thought that the chaser was coming after her again, so she packed her things and followed Xiang Jing to leave.

But as he walked, he found that he went farther and farther until he left the territory of China.

Dana couldn't help but stop and ask, "Peter, where are we going?"

Xiang Jing turned around and said, "Going back to Country Y, you see, I have got the water and soil."

Xiang Jing said as he took out a bag of soil and a bottle of water.

"During this time, I have been investigating the time when the vehicles they transported left, and I secretly collected fruits and vegetables from the vehicles."

Dana looked at the mud and water in Xiang Jing's hands. Although happy, she still said with some worry, "But is this little mud and water enough?"

Xiang Jing smiled and said, "It's okay. I caught one of them and asked, as long as ordinary soil and water ginseng are mixed in, the ingredients will become the same as the inside in a week."

"Really?" Dana felt a little weird.

Xiang Jing smiled, "Of course it is true, otherwise where did they come from, such a large area of ​​this special soil and water."

"Let's go."

Xiang Jing didn't want to struggle too much with this issue, and set off on the journey back to China together with Dana.

During this period, Dana specially separated a part of the soil and water, joined the ordinary soil and water, and after a week, it turned into the same composition.

Seeing the results, in order to rush back to country Y as soon as possible, Dana did not choose to take a detour, and went all the way, shortening the distance and time.

The time to go back is half less than the time to come.

When she set foot on the territory of Country Y again, Dana's face was filled with a heartfelt smile. Under the shining of the sun, she was really like an angel of the ordinary.

"Peter, let's go back quickly." Dana said excitedly.

In order to come back as soon as possible, they could say that they were on the road day and night, and basically had no rest. Xiang Jing was fine, but Dina looked the same.

Xiang Jing nodded, and headed for St. Paul's Cathedral alongside Dana, thinking about how to help her fix the cardinals.

There are also spies that may exist within the Holy See.

Before Dana fully recovers her memory, Xiang Jing will not expose or force her, and everything will follow her wishes.

Including those who made trouble for her in secret, they were also dealt with. By the way, you can also inquire, if there is any way to help her restore her memory.

There must be some hidden secret in it.

A few days later, on a hazy morning, Dina and Xiang Jing returned to St. Paul’s Cathedral while traveling fast all the way.

"and many more"

Xiang Jing stopped the enthusiastic Dana, looked around in the mist, and found something was wrong.

Usually this point outside St. Paul’s Cathedral is so quiet, but today it is a bit abnormal.

Through the thick fog, Xiang Jing found traces of fighting around.

"What's the matter, Peter, let's go back quickly, Bishop Mullen and they must be waiting for our good news?" Dana said, looking at Xiang Jing suspiciously.

Xiang Jing immediately took her to hide in the side alley, stood against the wall, and covered her mouth.

As soon as Dina was about to say something, she saw Xiang Jing looking outside and making a silent gesture with the other hand.

Following Xiang Jing's gaze, he looked outside and saw that something seemed to be moving in the thick fog.

He was on all fours and looked like an animal. The body was too big, but the overall feeling was very thin. The first impression was mutant beasts, monsters and the like.

However, as these figures slowly approached, it became clear through the fog that this was not a mutant beast or a monster, but four people, four people from country Y.

They are ragged and skinny, with white eyes and saliva at the corners of their mouths, growling like beasts, and crawling slowly on all fours.

When Dana saw this scene, her eyes suddenly shrank, and she couldn't believe what she saw.

"Don't worry"

Xiang Jing said softly, stopping in place and preparing to observe again.

These few people, not ghosts, and ghosts, looked a bit familiar, as if Yuan Mu had bitten the hapless Martin at the beginning, and he was like this brutal and bloodthirsty ghost.

Xiang Jing probably already guessed what happened, and Dana, as a priest and cardinal of the Holy See, naturally understood the reason.

They looked at the sacred St. Paul's Cathedral, the church under the thick fog, revealing a simple and mysterious dare, and now it is like a beast dormant in the dark.

Xiang Jing took Dana back quietly and left the place, preparing to wait for the fog to clear before observing.

They are also lucky, otherwise they just swaggered so much, they might be seen clearly.

Having retreated a long distance, Xiang Jing and the others stopped and got into a relatively high building.

"Peter, what happened?" Dana looked at the fog-shrouded church from the window, looking very disturbed.

Xiang Jing shook his head. He was also at a loss. It was only two months or so before he left. Could it be that the blood clan vented his anger to the Holy See because he had killed four marquis last time?

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