"Zombie virus..."

Zhang Ziang murmured dreamily.

He raised his eyes with panic in his eyes, and asked eagerly: "What is a zombie virus? Will I become a zombie?"

Realizing that his iris was turning red again, Su Junxin's heart tightened.

Those who have just awakened will become extremely emotional due to the soaring hormones in their receptors, especially in the special situation like Zhang Ziang's now, and they can't make any mistakes.

She hurriedly calmed down with a gentle voice: "Hush-calm down! Don't worry, you have now successfully transformed into a supernatural power, and you won't become a zombie again... Zhang Ziang, listen to me, the zombie virus appeared earlier than I expected , Before I fully understand the situation, you must not reveal the identity of the supernatural person, and I will find a way to transfer you out after your injury recovers, understand?"

Zhang Ziang met her firm gaze, and his emotions finally stabilized.

He thought for a while, and cautiously asked: "Then...how can I be sure that you are not a bad person?"

Su Junxin moved for a while, released her hand, and snapped her fingers in front of him.

With a "pop", the electric lights light up.

Zhang Ziang was startled by the lightning that suddenly appeared on her fingertips, "You too..."

"Yes, I'm a supernatural being like you, so at least you can trust me now." She tilted her head and looked in the direction of the door, lowering her voice, "Someone is coming, pretend to sleep."

Zhang Ziang was taken aback, and lay back subconsciously.

After a while, Qin You opened the door and came in.

He glanced at Zhang Ziang on the bed, and Yu Guang inadvertently swept his trembling eyelashes, pretending not to see it.

"Junxin, the Coke you want."

Su Junxin thanked him, and reached out to take it.

She gently rubbed the edge of the can with her fingers, a layer of cold water was stained on her fingertips, and she hesitated to say, "Qin You, I..."

Qin You sat down beside her and blinked softly, "What's the matter? Junxin, you can tell me if you have anything to say."

"I have an unrelenting request. I don't know if you can check it for me..." She took a deep breath and lowered her voice. "Today's surveillance video from the hospital."

Qin You was a little surprised, "Why?"

"I suspect that someone got into the hospital and deliberately made Zhang Ziang what he is now."


The end of the world began with the zombie virus. After this virus appeared, it swept the entire continent almost overnight.

There are hundreds of thousands of survivors on Earth, but in the next ten years, no one has really understood the source of this virus.

Some people speculate that a virus leaked from a secret research institute, some speculated that it was an alien's plan to destroy mankind, and some speculated that it was nature's revenge against mankind after it was invaded and destroyed.

But what happened today made Su Junxin think of another possibility—

Could all of this be related to the mysterious bandit organization "NEWWORLD" in the last days?

Otherwise, how to explain that their people can use sonic weapons to control survivors at the beginning of the end of the world, and why they have such a complete set of experimental equipment and a huge scientific research team...

No one can plan for this level. This is clearly a premeditated plan!

Or in other words, they are the real initiators!

The zombie virus suddenly appeared ahead of schedule, and was so accidentally injected into Zhang Ziang, causing him to lose his memory and almost mutate. If she hadn't appeared in time today and suppressed the spread of the virus, Zhang Ziang would become the first zombie.

The hospital is crowded with people. Once someone is bitten by him, it will spread to ten or ten in a very fast time... the consequences are disastrous.

And the end times, with blood flowing in memory and countless deaths and injuries... will also come early.

Su Junxin became more and more frightened as she thought about it, her back was a little hairy.

At this moment, the development of things has far exceeded her expectations.

Who is controlling all this in the dark?

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