Doomsday Jigsaw Game

Vol 3 Chapter 229: : The twisted end

Everything has two sides, even one-sided things in philosophical or mathematical will be incomplete because of human eyes.

Alpha is the other side that cannot be erased.

The Heart of the World and the Heart of Rules, Bai Mist still doesn't know where they are stronger than immortality, but now he has figured out some things.

In fact, the whole distortion... is a "pathology" of the will of the world.

The well is the thing left after illness.

Everything in this world can be controlled by rules. There are objective laws, so in Baiwu's previous life... only someone would be hit by an apple, and they would be able to realize the beauty and strictness of physics.

The entire history of human development is the process of gradual customer service "subjective" and objective.

But the human heart is not, the emotion is not.

That is a realm that gods can't estimate. From ancient times to the present, the human heart has not been controlled by any rules.

After the distortion, what kind of world is it?

Bai Wu now understands it.

What Alpha pursues is an absolutely subjective world.

A world that is constantly changing with people's hearts. All objective rules collapsed.

Such a person, you can say that he is a real lunatic, but the more mad, the more terrifying the obsession with survival.

Want to educate Alpha? I'm afraid there is no possibility.

After thinking for a while, Bai Wu looked at the two ink shadows: "Can you create rules?"

"Yes, I can define the rules at will."

"And I can create matter at will. Our existence is a contempt for all the laws of conservation... We are the distortion itself."

The Heart of Rules and the Heart of the World successively answered Bai Wu's question.

Bai Wu said:

"The combination of your two abilities, in a sense, even if you are the real creator?"

"You can say that, I like this description." The heart of the world rises up like a praised child.

Bai Wu frowned:

"I have experienced many scenes where the sequence is deprived of entries... I have even encountered things in which everything reshapes everything and decomposes directly to take away the ability of the other party."

"And the Sequence 6 that I have mastered, the law of order, allows me to learn other people's sequences and disrupt other people's sequences..."

"It's as if I entered the fifth floor, and you directly suppressed the Eye of Prell. Could it be that there is no way to suppress it in the same way..."

Without waiting for Bai Wu to finish speaking, a voice came from the ink shadow that represents the heart of the world:

"Tsk tusk tusk, I wanted to take shortcuts when I came up, but unfortunately, some sequences can be suppressed because there is a problem with the way they are bound to the user."

"And some sequences are different, it requires the user to pay a certain price. Once the user does pay the price, then they are each other."

"The Alpha in your mouth is immortality itself. Of course... there is another reason. Only those sequences that rank below the fourth... can be suppressed."

Bai Wu probably understands it, the sequence 4 rules seal, the sequence 6, the law of order.

One is absolute elimination, and the other is trying to master the laws of order.

But they all have one thing in common-only take effect for the sequence below the ranking.

In other words, immortality cannot be eliminated.

Moreover, immortality, rule-seal, these two sequences are very likely to be the same as sequence one and sequence two...

Have a sense of autonomy.

"Alpha is immortality itself?"

"Yes, his will, and the will of the third child are almost perfectly matched. He is the immortality itself, so trying to deprive it, this thing can't be done, and we can't do it."

The answer to Bai Wu is the Heart of Rules.

Bai Wu frowned deeper:

"So why is immortality third, and you are ahead?"

"He's mocking us, right? Right? Hey, he has no beaded eyes... Okay, you have very special eyes, so change the word, dear little devil, there are so many things we can do. ."

The ink shadow that represents the heart of the world is obviously a double-label sequence that only likes to mock others who don't like being ridiculed. Bai Wu's words make it quite unpleasant.

"Immortality means eternal existence. Even if you twist the rules of life and death, you can't erase it. The Alpha in your mouth is indeed compatible with distortion. In addition to immortality, he has also mastered a lot of powerful power. For so many years, Only the kid in the old four can fight it."

"So he is indeed a very troublesome kid. In another world, he can spread and twist on his own, and reversely affect the well world."

"But no matter how powerful he is, in my domain, he can't compete with us."

"It's just a pity that he can't make it to the fifth floor, otherwise I will play with it...if I am willing to play with it."

While speaking, the ink shadow distorted into a human form.

Bai Wu's eyes were sharp, and this human figure resembled a figure not far away wrapped in yellow sand.


"No matter whether it is a living thing or a dead thing, I can create the objective matter that supports this world. I am already in a forbidden zone beyond the reach of God."

The Heart of the World still wants to continue to pretend to be x, intending to make the "Five Nine" created by it fight against the white mist.

But in the next second, it was instantly worn out by the heart of rules.

"Hey, hey, what are you doing! I'm showing my magical powers!"

"We need him to balance, and you, don't create things that shouldn't be created. This is what we said beforehand."

The "Five Nine" created by that possessing disappeared.

Bai Wu looked unhappy, and his eyes were sharper than that of Wu Jiu's sword.

The voice of the rule of heart is also very clear-"You have to show your ability, who is not good to make, why are you making him?"

The heart of the world is at peace. It seemed to remember that this little man was very important to the candidate before him.

This is what they said beforehand to test Bai Wu's will, but keep Bai Wu's partners around.

Although he felt a little unhappy in his heart, Bai Wu could still feel the horror of this sequence.

All beings can be destroyed and created instantly.

On the fifth floor of Well World, there should be no Baichuan City.

It is impossible to have deeply distorted areas such as the Ninth Mental Hospital, the Violet Manor, and the zoo.

I shouldn't have seen Yanjiu, Dandrell, and Hongyin.

But the heart of the world can create everything in an instant. Even the created world is more difficult to deal with than the world one has actually experienced.

After creation, Sequence Two can also destroy all of this in an instant. No matter how powerful a single creature is, even if it has already crossed the limit of human beings, it is as strong as the captain... In the face of such a huge power, it is nothing but a grain of yellow. There is no difference in sand.

Compared with the universe itself, rivers and oceans, the huge differences between the rivers and the oceans... are not worth mentioning, just like nothing.

This is the true power of creation.

To get this kind of power, it will naturally pay a great price.

Bai Wu can feel one thing, the heart of the world and the heart of rules have to ask for himself.

"What do you mean by balance?" He asked directly the key.

"Immortality is a terrible sequence, it has great growth." The Heart of Rules is responsible for answering this question of Bai Wu:

"It is a sequence formed by the instinctive desire for survival of all creatures in the world."

"The original intention of the existence of this sequence represents immortality. In fact, you should understand that its power is far from ours."

"The Heart of the World and I can easily suppress it. Ranking does not mean absoluteness. The strength of many sequences lies in their users."

"But in a sense, the ranking of a small number of sequences does make sense."

"We shouldn't have worried about anything. But until Alpha was sent out of the tower, when I created rules to spy on the future world... I saw an absolute distortion, a world completely different from what we expected."

"The objective world is constantly being eroded by the subjective distortions of creatures, and the objective and subjective aspects of this world should be complementary, but in the end, everything can be annihilated, and everything can be changed with the subjective wishes of creatures..."

"But there is only immortality... it can never be changed or obliterated. So it has become the only objective thing in the distorted world."

"And this...breaks a balance. It will cause some kind of immeasurable catastrophe."

The heart of rules is actually very...abstract and obscure.

It is as if an old man is telling an extremely difficult philosophical concept.

But Bai Wu understood.

It is not the world that is distorted, but the definition of the world in the hearts of the creatures.

It is the abstract things like the human heart, thoughts, and soul.

The so-called distortion is coming, it is an objective materialistic world that is changing towards an absolutely subjective idealistic world.

Just like Violet, you can rely on your own obsession to force others to become your own parents. Objectively speaking, those people are just passersby. But in Violet's subjective terms: who I want them to be, who they are.

It was like Dandrell. He felt guilty of cannibalism in his heart and yearned for friendship, so he directly and subjectively believed that by eating the other party, he would gain the bond of the other party.

For Sequence One and Sequence Two, or for Well, such a world is not terrible.

But such a world... It can be terrible if the ratio between subjective and objective is always skewed.

If Alpha continues to intensify this process, the distortion will swallow the distortion, and a world that cannot be controlled by the subjective "well" will be born.

Very complicated, give a simple example.

God has given a person absolute freedom of thought, God has given this person the ability to transform thoughts into reality, and this person's thoughts continue to break through the imprisonment, and reality becomes more and more abstract.

Finally, this man had a bold idea: God did not create me, but I created God.

So the origin was also twisted and turned upside down, and the worry-free **** became a slave.

There is no objectivity in this world, which means that there is no matter, and the basic composition of the world collapses.

But the Alpha with immortality will not collapse, it is something that will always exist forever.

This has become the only it has become the world itself.

So it can destroy everything and eventually becomes the creature that survives after destroying everything.

This is the personified Sequence One and Sequence Two, the future that is spied on with special power-the world's most ultimate form after the distortion has come countless years.

This is very much like the battle between Alpha and the lord of the tower.

The Lord of the Towers is stronger than Alpha. He defeated Alpha, but in the end it was the eternal Alpha that had the last laugh.

Sequence 1 and Sequence 2 foresee a certain period in the future, and they will also experience such a situation.

So they need someone... to balance it all.

After clarifying all the white fog, I asked another question:

"So, how soon will the scene you foresee will come?"

"After Alpha kills your companions, he will get Sequence 10 and Sequence 12. At that time, he will use his amazing understanding of distortion to comprehend the true law of distortion."

No wonder Alpha has to collect Sequence 10 and Sequence 12 by himself...

It seems that Alfa is also collecting puzzles. In the countless years of being trapped in the tower, Alfa is also silently perusing the twisted rules.

Although the rules were sealed, and even though it was hit by the inverse dimension, it still relied on the absolute affinity with distortion to master a lot.

And the final puzzle of Alpha... is Sequence 10 and Sequence 12.

"He is indeed a genius with distorted perception, just like you." said the Heart of Rules.

"But the gap between me and him is not small."

Bai Wu and the tyrant teamed up, and they couldn't even beat Alpha's clone.

Even the "deified" Jingichi is extremely difficult to deal with.

Bai Wu knew very well that he had already reached the "culmination".

In the real world, there are almost no rivals.

Even in the severely distorted world of the fifth floor of Well World, he would hardly suffer from a fight if he really wanted to fight.

But even so, there is an insurmountable gap between him and Alpha.

"So it seems that I am the only hope?"

The situation is beneficial to Bai Wu, but Bai Wu... can't be happy.

"Yes, you are the only hope. You can be the second to last to enter the fifth floor of the well world, or you can be the last."

"If you are not the last then Alpha will be the last. At that time, he will become the true master of distortion, the source of distortion, as the name suggests."

The yellow sand began to fall off little by little.

The world of this absolutely still sand table seems to be fading away that layer of yellow.

Baichuan City gradually showed its original appearance. Not long ago, it seemed to be swept by a sandstorm.

But now, everything seems to be playing upside down.

Time seems to be going retrograde.

Time is not really retrograde, Bai Wu knows very well that he has reached the time to make a choice.

"So what you mean is... the current Alpha can be defeated, but it can't be killed? I want to re-do what the tower master did?"

"No... what you are going to do is what Qian wanted to do in the first place."

"Exile him into an undistorted world, suppress him forever, and be suppressed while he is still."

Of course Bai Wu understands the meaning of the heart of rules:

"He is already too powerful. To defeat him, I have to use your power? But this power...maybe the price is not small, right?"

Sequence 1 and Sequence 2 may be able to bring Bai Wu the power close to Qian Yixin.

Even beyond that power is unknown?

But Bai Wu knew that Qian Yixin's fate was not a power that any creature could possess.

In a sense, Sequence 3 is immortal, which is the limit of power that creatures can obtain.

The two groups of ink shadows were also silent for a while:

"Yes, all of this has a price. It takes a price to gain powerful strength. I think the low-grown human next to you knows this best. People lament his luck, but the hardship he has paid. This is something that ordinary people cannot bear."

"And the power you want... is even more vast."

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