Name: Doug;

Number: 48699527;

Mental strength: 5118300;

Current ranking: 3000\3000;

Keywords for the event: low-key;

Keywords for the scene; romance;

Advanced skills: None;

Derivatives: None;

When Duge opened his eyes again, he was already in a room with very high technological content.

The room has a sleeping cabin-like bed.

In front of him was a computer-like screen. The screen was erected in front of him, like a piece of transparent glass. He didn't know what material it was made of.

At this time, drawings of various parts were displayed on the screen, which looked dazzling.

What floated before Dougal's eyes was his personal panel.

Just as he expected.

With the blessing of the power of faith, his mental power value successfully exceeded five million, which was almost double the last time he entered the alien battlefield.

Even with more than 5 million spiritual powers, it should be far behind compared to people from Pan-Universe Entertainment.

More than a hundred people in Pan-Universal Entertainment can wrap up almost the soul of a world with their own mental power. Their mental power must be calculated in at least hundreds of millions.

The difference in brain capacity between humans and ants is that Doug's current mental strength is at best that of a rabbit or a large mouse, with nothing to show off.

Integrating the memory of the person whose body was taken away, Duge looked at two key words.

After the last time a villain randomly became upright, Doug was no longer very picky about keywords, but when he saw low-key, he was still stunned for a moment.

Being low-key is contrary to his character!

Moreover, alien warriors rely on influence to enhance their physique, how can they keep a low profile?

Low-key: a low-frequency tone; toning down a more negative tone; unassuming, a modest and prudent attitude...

Synonyms: restrained, modest;

A low-key explanation flashed through Duge's mind, analyzing the expansion direction of this keyword.

The first thing that popped into his mind were those academicians of the Academy of Sciences who behaved in a low-key manner. They were not well-known, but their research affected the entire world. They were considered models of low-key work, and few people would recognize them when walking on the street.

But these people's approach to things is obviously not suitable for them. Doug is not the kind of person who does things in a down-to-earth manner.

The alien battlefield also does not allow him to work down-to-earth.

Then there is only one way and another way left, the way those superheroes in DC comics do things, the masked Superman and Batman, doing things in a high profile and hiding in a low profile...

In DC comics, who dares to say that Superman's influence is not great enough, and who dares to say that reporter Clark is not low-key?

Before going to the battlefield, Bai Long warned him that he was not allowed to reveal the power of Poseidon. Nan Youlong wanted him to hide himself. As a result, he randomly got a low-key keyword.

If you say this is a coincidence, even the dogs won’t believe it!

Pan Cosmos Entertainment is using various methods to restrict his flamboyant way of doing things...

The second keyword is romance: indulgent, arbitrary; romantic; poetic, full of fantasy, romantic, informal;

Smiling proudly in the world, poetry and wine in the countryside, drinking from horses in the vast sea, sealing the wolf as a coron...

This is the ultimate romance for men.

Putting up a few garlands, singing a few love songs, doing some unknown rituals, and fooling the little girl into a romantic way is too low.

Although the romantic behavior of sealing the wolf to live in Xu is inconsistent with the low-key attributes, what Duge wants is the skill of the second keyword. As long as the appropriate skill can be cultivated, it doesn't matter if he gives up this keyword.

For a moment.

Doug set the tone for development in this world.

When thinking about key words, Duge smoothed over the memory of the person who had his body taken away.

This time the alien battlefield is a technological world.

The level of science and technology is much higher than that of the earth. It has developed a spaceship that travels faster than the speed of light, and has the ability to break through its own galaxy and conduct space navigation.

From this aspect, the level of this alien battlefield is much higher than the previous two. In the first training battlefield, civilization is cut off, and the Mahayana realm cannot be ascended, not to mention.

On the alien battlefield, the influence of the gods did not extend beyond this planet.

As for this planet called Bixing, after a great technological leap forward thirty years ago, the countries on the planet stopped fighting among themselves and turned their attention to the sea of ​​stars.

There are dozens of test sites and resource collection centers established on other planets alone.

The power of the star warships manufactured by various countries can even directly attack targets on the planet in the universe.

With such fighting power, even those gods and Mahayana realms cannot catch up.

However, it is precisely because of the improvement of technological level that the arrogant Bixing people have brought disaster to their own planet.

Bixing's signal to explore civilization was captured by a group of civilizations that had lost their homes and were wandering among the stars. The other party's vanguard troops followed the signal and came over to kill them. Bixing's outposts and resource bases placed on the outer planets fell one after another.

At a time of crisis, the countries on Blue Star formed a federation and relied on geographical advantages and suicide attacks to barely hold on to the last line of defense.

During the battle, Bixing captured one of the opponent's spaceships. Now, scientists are stepping up their efforts to decipher the opponent's technology in order to achieve further technological breakthroughs.

Through the communication equipment in the spacecraft, the Blue Star Federation learned that the opponent's army would arrive in two years.

The reason why the vanguard of the wandering civilization did not use weapons of mass destruction against Bixing was entirely because they did not want to damage Bixing's environment.

After all, what the other party needs is a home to survive, not a smashed planet.

The two sides are now in a stalemate stage.

The other party was waiting for reinforcements, but the Bixing people seemed to be waiting for death.

But the people of Blue Star are much more courageous than the people of Qiyuan Star, and they are not willing to let their planet be occupied. Now, in addition to maintaining basic life, all the industrial lines of the entire federal government are fully preparing for war.

The whole world is working hard to protect their homeland.

The person whose body was taken away by Du Ge was Lin Hong, a seventeen-year-old student at the Mechanical Engineering School of Imperial University.

He has an ordinary appearance and average grades. He is the kind of person who can't be found in a pile of embarrassments, which fits his low-key attributes very well.

Bixing's main weapons are battleships and mechas, which are said to be the strongest individual weapons.

The job of a mechanic is mainly responsible for repairing damaged mechas. They are logistics personnel on the battlefield. They are important but inconspicuous. They are far less popular than mechas who are responsible for combat and mechanics who are responsible for designing and improving mechas.

Lin Hong's dream was to become a mechanized combatant, but when choosing a major, his physical condition was not up to standard, so he had to switch to a mechanized repair major.

However, the age of seventeen is a stage full of dreams, so this ordinary little guy has an extraordinary dream in his heart.

He was not satisfied with being an ordinary mechanic at all. He had to deal with a bunch of cold mechanical arms every day. He couldn't become a mecha fighter, so Lin Hong set his sights on being a mechanic. He was thinking about how to improve mechas every day, hoping to achieve success in one fell swoop. Become famous, and eventually become famous all over the world.

The reason that prompted him to do this was a woman.

Lin Hong's dream partner is Gu Qingyan, the goddess recognized by the entire Imperial University.

Gu Qingyan is not only the goddess of the mechanized combat department, but also the number one combat genius in the mechanized combat department, like a shining sun, dazzling.

The ordinary Lin Hong admires his goddess. He has collected a lot of information about the goddess. He knows her height and weight, what color she likes, and what kind of clothes she likes to wear.

However, he had such low self-esteem that he did not even dare to say a word to the other party.

Lin Hong's dream is to one day design a mecha that is unique to his sweetheart, and let her wear her own mecha to fight, and he will be satisfied.

Unfortunately, his talent was not enough to improve or design mechas. He spent all day studying boring knowledge like bibles, and he was almost in a daze.

A poor, pathetic little guy!

After experiencing so many simulation fields and alien battlefields, this is the first time that Duge has lost his body to such an ordinary person.

It can be said that Lin Hong perfectly fits his keywords. With such a character and such an identity, he really can't keep a high profile even if he wants to.

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