Doomsday Game Online

Chapter 333 Chapter 333

Lynn hey straight happy: "One estimate is not enough, fortunately I was prepared."

A few minutes later, Link dumbfoundedly rejected the luxurious suite the team leader arranged for him, and quietly disappeared into the night city of Bogota.

After walking some distance, he laughed blankly: "It turns out that my moral bottom line is not low enough."

The team leader who was still excited after the night swim said that as a member of the Alliance, they have never given up on housing the weak and the elderly.

The eldest lady didn't object either, but she would screen out some women who had too much bad habits-not all women are bunnies, and there are a lot of people who kill, set fires and rob after the doomsday, and some are more cruel than men.

Therefore, in addition to the more than 300 official members, Red Blood Liming also has a "retention camp" for more than 200 women.

The camp is not the focus. The point is that the harvested team of six members "all" have "a few" ready-made girlfriends-this "a few" starts at least "five", all of which are full of styles and developed muscles in key parts of Colombia Beauty.

In contrast, Link, the big boss, crosses the two worlds, and the number of women is just the bottom line of "a few", which is really a bit of "not a boss" suspicion.

Seeing that the team leader had just brought a big surprise, and he would not appear in front of him often in the future, Link had not heard the big truth.

Old Man Bi's reconnaissance operation will last for two or three days, and he may not return tomorrow.

Link had to meet him to discuss the team and Scarlet Dawn.

However, there is a saying, "It's all here," he didn't need to rush to Wengda to find someone in the dark.

Of course you can't be idle for these few hours before dawn, and you certainly won't be idle.

Bogota is similar to post-apocalyptic Chicago. It currently has a population of millions and not so much supplies.

There are not fewer monsters in this kind of city, and more scumbags.

Link felt that he had to reduce the workload for Old Man Bi and the expedition team in advance.

Well, the eldest niece should also be grateful to him.

But his surname is Lin, not Lei, so there is no need to leave his name for good deeds.


At dawn, Link was sitting at the Scarlet Blood Dawn headquarters, making coffee on the small stove casually.

After a busy night, energy points and other gains are not mentioned, but the world-famous Colombian coffee is inevitably harvested a lot.

Judging from the situation when he came here, the temperature in Jamaica, where another famous Blue Mountain coffee is located in the Caribbean Sea, has risen significantly by several degrees, the air is dry, and the rainfall has decreased.

It is unknown whether Blue Mountain Coffee, which is demanding on the environment, will grow again this year and beyond.

Even if it grows out, it's hard to tell what the taste will become.

Colombia is far away, so you don't need to consider this issue in a short time.

But this year, how many people will continue to grow and pick coffee hungry? This can be answered without thinking too much.

These countries in Europe and America are all addicted to coffee.

If Linkong goes back more often, it can be consumed or sold as a "luxury".

In particular, the coffee beans that have not been roasted can be kept in good condition for a year or two without deterioration—there are still several floors underground in the logistics base of the alliance base camp.

Squad leader Lynn sat next to him, not forgetting to chew the breakfast made by his girlfriends and freshly brewed coffee.

So he was puzzled, wondering why the big boss refused the breakfast and coffee he sent, but made it slowly by himself.

Link didn't need to tell him that he had been busy all night, making breakfast and making coffee was actually taking a break and calming his mood at the same time.

In fact, this process did not take ten minutes in total, and the breakfast time did not exceed fifteen minutes.

After finishing the breakfast routine, Link directly used the backpack trading function to trade the firearms and bullets collected last night to Lynn as an exchange for the ordinary materials last night.

This is the old reason. These things are of ordinary quality, and someone who has been scraping land in United States for half a year looks down on it.

But Scarlet Dawn definitely didn't dislike it.

Even if Link can provide them with ABC suits and standard bullets, that elder niece can also use equipment to classify them.

The most common A-level suits are matched with common firearms, and it is not difficult to make a five-to-one exchange ratio.

Controlling high-end equipment, she can use a small amount of core force to suppress a large amount of bottom force.

You know, there are not many Chinese and ethnic Chinese in South America, and there are only fewer people who have been assimilated.

Except for a small number of Chinese students and tourists, most of the hundreds of Red Blood Liming are similar to Zhang Hao. They are all Chinese and Chinese working and living in Panama.

If the eldest niece wants to build a power with Chinese and ethnic Chinese as the backbone, she has to find a way from Panama.

But most of the people over there have families and careers, and Scarlet Liming doesn't have the strength to come up with it. It is difficult to impress these smart and capable people.

I hope this eldest niece I’ve never met is smart enough, and Link doesn’t mind helping her grand idea.

Scarlet Dawn has the ability to eat the entire South America, and it happens that there is a big flame devil's lair in Rio, Brazil.

Of course, she can also go to North America to mix.

United States is a colonizer, not South America, which has been colonized for hundreds of years. Even its language and religion are Westernized.

If you want those whites to obey the Chinese forces, it would be better to just kill them and save trouble.

Unless, as in the wilderness world, hundreds of years have passed, civilization is faulted, and everyone has lost the national spirit of historical heritage.

But at that time, whoever is strong is justified, and even the whole nation is lost. At most, there is only the concept of human race.

Withdrawing his thoughts and telling Lynn that he was going to meet Old Man Bi, Link set off.

Lynn watched the big boss go away, feeling the body that is still getting stronger, and the various methods against the big boss can only be described as "like a miracle".

It's no wonder that the core layers of the Alliance are all knelt down to the big boss, and there is no such trouble in the Scarlet Dawn at all.

There is no other reason, the big boss is strong enough, and he has a variety of ways to make other people stronger, which can ensure that these people are tight-lipped.

Fortunately, I am now considered the big boss's hardcore confidant! Lynn couldn't help but chuckle in his heart.

After a moment of silly fun alone, the team leader greeted his subordinates: "Where was that family last night? Take me over and see."

A few minutes later, Lynn looked at Zhang Hao’s family, who was a little nervous and restless in front of him, with a kind smile on his face. At the same time, he handed over a small bag full of chocolates and candies in his hand: "Zhang, this is the first time we meet. Please accept this little gift."

Zhang Hao still wanted to be polite, but Lin En turned around: "I want to know the details about what happened last night. Let's find a place to talk?"

Zhang Hao's heart moved, and he nodded subconsciously: "Okay, Mr. Lin En."

Lynn smiled and raised his hand and patted him on the shoulder: "Don't be so polite, you can call me Lynn."

Soon, the two men found a room and murmured for a long time.

When they came out again, they hooked their shoulders on their backs, with smiles on their faces.

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