Doomsday Bunker Upgrade

Chapter 705 EMP and EMI

After transferring the design drawings of the large mobile base, that is, the land carrier, to the relevant departments, Chen Xin didn't spend any more time on this matter.

Although the military showed an attitude of wishing they could use land-based aircraft carriers tomorrow, in fact, both the military and the high-level people knew that even with Chen Xin working, they could solve technical problems in the shortest possible time. But it is still not something that can be done in a short period of time to transform such a large thing from drawings into real objects.

Even before the disaster, with Yan Kingdom's industrial strength, it would take several years to build an aircraft carrier after the blueprints and technology were perfected.

Therefore, after the military made such a request, it did not press the matter too much.

As for Chen Xin himself, after completing the design drawings, he turned his attention back to the study of alien creatures.

The previously transferred communication experts and physicists finally made a breakthrough after research. Through the analysis of the existing data, they deduced that the reason for the setback of the alien biological offensive was the impact of the EMP shock produced by the nuclear explosion.

"EMP shock? Then why doesn't electromagnetic interference work?" Chen Xin didn't know much about this, and asked him after understanding the inferences made by physicists and communication experts.

A physicist explained to Chen Xin: "This is mainly caused by the different principles and modes of action of EMP impact and electromagnetic interference. To put it simply, EMP destroys electromagnetic equipment, while EMI... is electromagnetic interference, which only affects The communication quality will not cause damage to the equipment."

Hearing what the physicist said, Chen Xin raised his eyebrows, thought for a while and said: "Your consciousness is that the EMP shock generated by the nuclear explosion caused damage to the organs used by alien creatures for communication, causing their communication command have been affected; but our electromagnetic interference means only interfere with their communication, can the other party ignore this?"

"It can be said like this." A communication expert on the side nodded and continued to explain: "EMI interference can be counteracted by technical means, such as changing the frequency, increasing the signal strength, etc., which is useless to the equipment itself. Damaged, when the interference disappears communication can return to normal.

But EMP is different. It is an instant damage. After EMP occurs, it is difficult to restore the damaged equipment to normal use in a short time. Even if the equipment can be kept from being damaged, it is very difficult to restore communication in a short time. of.

Therefore, according to the information we have and the experiments conducted with the assistance of comrades in the field of biology, we have confirmed that EMP can cause damage to the communication organs of alien creatures, so we can come to such a conclusion. . "

"So that's the case. If this is the case, can it be applied to actual combat?" The reason for the alien creature's offensive has been found. Chen Xin doesn't care about the specific reason. He just wants to know whether it can be used to deal with alien creatures. star creature.

The two experts looked at each other, discussed for a while, then nodded and said: "If a high-intensity EMP impact can be artificially produced, it can indeed have a certain impact on alien life, but we can't make a judgment on how big the impact will be. After all, there is a lack of relevant data and information, and we can only make inferences based on the available information."

Chen Xin nodded clearly, and said to the two experts: "Thanks for your hard work, please compile these conclusions into a report and submit it to the high-level. As for whether the EMP impact can be applied to the battle against alien creatures, I will arrange the experiment as soon as possible, and I will need your assistance at that time."

"No problem, please rest assured and leave it to us." The two experts knew that this was what they should have meant and did not object.

After communicating with the two experts, Chen Xin also planned to implement this matter as soon as possible.

Now that you know the reason, it is not difficult to simulate similar scenes and replicate similar effects.

In fact, human beings already have the technology of EMP impact applied in the military field, and the EMP bomb was born because of this.

It's just that facing a group of creatures, no one would think of using these weapons used to deal with electronic equipment to deal with living creatures.

But since it is judged that this method is useful, human beings will not be entangled in such problems that it was not originally used to deal with creatures.

Some EMP bombs were quickly transferred by Chen Xin, and then tested in various ways.

After some experiments, the conclusion is gratifying, but at the same time the effect is not as good as expected.

These EMP bombs transferred by Chen Xin have a limited range of influence. Within their range of action, it is indeed possible to observe that alien creatures are affected. They lose control and suddenly become anxious and fearful, but they will soon be destroyed. Eliminated by other alien creatures that are still under control.

Yes, the extraterrestrial creatures took the initiative to clean up these uncontrolled daughter bodies after being impacted by EMP.

Obviously, for the alien creatures, they don't mind this little loss. On the contrary, they can't accept the loss of control of the offspring compared to the loss of these offspring.

Judging from the results of this test, it is certain that the EMP impact will damage alien creatures, but this kind of damage has little effect on combat.

Unless a large-scale EMP shock can be created, it is possible to cause a result that can affect the battle situation.

The impact of the EMP shock produced by the previous nuclear explosion was wide enough to affect the upper nodes of alien creatures hidden underground, which would cause the offensive on the battlefield to be frustrated.

To achieve a similar effect, it is obviously necessary to create an EMP impact of at least the same scale.

This is somewhat tricky for humans. After all, to create such a large-scale EMP impact, there is probably no good way other than nuclear explosions.

However, Chen Xin thought of something that could be used, and that was the weather controller.

In addition to nuclear explosions, thunder and lightning can also form EMP shocks. In the past, it was because of this reason that the TV was not turned on during thunder and rain.

As long as a sufficiently large-scale thunderstorm can be created, it can also produce a sufficiently large-scale EMP impact.

Now, mobile bases equipped with weather controllers are being deployed behind the line of defense as part of the battlefield support system.

It only needs to use it to create a large-scale thunderstorm to know whether the EMP shock caused by the thunderstorm will have a large enough impact on alien life.

After this idea took shape, Chen Xin quickly submitted the idea.

The military also drew up a combat plan based on the idea proposed by Chen Xin and the relevant reports submitted by experts.

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