Doomsday Bunker Upgrade

Chapter 566 Sixteen cannon shots

Tight patrols and security measures have proven necessary.

On the periphery of the test site, the patrolling soldiers once again found the Lucia who wanted to touch the test area.

It's just that their luck is obviously not as good as Oleg and his men. Before the experiment started, they were discovered by the fully armed patrol soldiers and were directly caught on the mobile base.

"Send them to the base and give them directly to the Lucia officials. The test will start soon. There is no time to interrogate them, and it is not suitable to leave them here." Chen Xin looked at the captured Lucia people and finally The commander, who felt proud, shook his head and signaled him to hand over the person directly to the official Lucia.

The test is about to begin, and the mobile base will be shrouded in microwave radiation from the weather controller.

It doesn't matter that they wear special protective clothing, but although these Lucians are wrapped thickly to withstand the cold, they have no protective measures.

It's fine if it's irradiated by microwaves, but if something goes wrong, it's like putting a whole raw egg in the microwave, so people must be sent away.

Although Chen Xin really wanted to test the effect of the weather controller's microwave irradiation, he wasn't too mad enough to experiment with live people.

As for interrogating them, Chen Xin doesn't even have the time to spare. He is just people who come to spy on the test. What other purpose can he have? Even if there is, he can ask the official Lucia to interrogate, without him bothering.

The commander led the way, handed over the captured Lucian to the helicopter, and continued to let the soldiers conduct a strict patrol.

At the same time, the trial has entered the countdown.

"Prepare the whole ship! Prepare for the bombardment!" In the command room, although there was already one experience, the captain was still very nervous, and the whole person was serious and tense.

This time, sixteen rounds of artillery shells were fired continuously, and even supplementary fire was required depending on the situation. This was a brand new test for the members of the entire mobile base.

They had also conducted artillery training before, and they had officially fired artillery shells in the last test, but they fired 16 times in a row, which was completely different from single-shot firing.

Continuous rapid fire, but also to adjust the shelling position every time it is designed, is a big test for the artillery itself and the gunner. After all, this is not an anti-aircraft gun used to fight planes, and it cannot shoot non-stop like a machine gun.

"Academician, the shelling is ready and can be fired at any time, please instruct!" As before, after the shelling was ready, the captain reported to Chen Xin.

"Stand by for now." Chen Xin nodded, picked up the intercom on the side, and contacted the base: "How is the weather controller preparing?"

"Reporting to the academician, the weather controller is 90% charged, all preparations have been completed, and the test can start at any time!" The base also came with good news. After all, it has been tested twice. What should you prepare? Are all familiar with the road.

When Chen Xin heard such a report from the base, he nodded with satisfaction, so he said to the intercom: "Start the test!"

After receiving Chen Xin's order, both the base and the mobile base started running, and Chen Xin himself came to the observation window in the command room, from which he could clearly see the turret on the deck.

In the last test, because only one shot was fired, and the location where the shell exploded was far away from the mobile base, Chen Xin did not see the launch of the shell. This time, he really wanted to see the launch of the shell with his own eyes.

Without letting Chen Xin wait for a long time, the turret on the deck quickly moved, and then with the command of the captain, the 130mm caliber naval gun roared.

The cannonball shot out from the muzzle like an electric light, and exploded instantly in the sky, accompanied by a sound like thunder.

Even though the observation window and command room have been well soundproofed, standing by the window, Chen Xin still felt the amazing movement when the 130mm caliber naval gun was fired.

Sixteen shots in a row sounded like sixteen fireworks exploded from a distance, but standing close to watching the shells fired, what echoed in my ears were sixteen thunders resounding through the sky.

Looking at the sixteen firelights that flashed across his eyes, and feeling the red marks left by the sudden light on his retinas, Chen Xin raised his head and looked up at the place where the shells exploded.

Although he couldn't see it clearly, when the shells fired later exploded, the flash of light still allowed Chen Xin to see the smoke-like chemicals gradually spreading in the sky.

This made Chen Xin excited and looking forward to it. He hoped that the experiment would be a complete success.

"Academician, the machine at the base is about to start the microwave irradiation, please change into protective clothing quickly!" Chen Xin was not wearing protective clothing, and the captain who had wrapped himself in a heavy special protective clothing at this time He quickly persuaded Chen Xin, worried that he was planning to personally verify the effect of the microwave irradiation of the weather controller.

Hearing the captain's advice, Chen Xin patted his wrist, and the original clothes on his body instantly turned into nano-armor, and wrapped his whole body, even his face was blocked by the thick visor. Down.

After putting on the nano armor, Chen Xin's voice became a little dull, as if he was talking in a tin can, but he still looked at the sky outside and asked the captain, "Has the projection started? "

"Not yet." The captain glanced at the electronic clock in the command room and said to Chen Xin, "This time, we need to wait for the chemical agents in the sky to completely disperse and the diffusion range to reach the maximum before starting the microwave projection. It will take a few minutes."

Chen Xin nodded and switched the visual mode of the nano armor. In different visual modes, he could clearly see the situation in the sky and the changes in surrounding temperature through the display interface of the armor.

"I hope this experiment can be a complete success." Chen Xin muttered to himself, feeling nervous.

What they want this time is not just warming and windy as before, but actually changing the weather and making it rain in this test area.

To achieve this goal is undoubtedly much more difficult than the previous two experiments.

Even Chen Xin can only hope that the test is successful. After all, the upgrade of the weather controller this time is not based on the black technology of the system, but the efforts of the staff.

Even Chen Xin didn't know whether the experiment would be successful or not.

This kind of expectation and tension was something he had never had before, which made Chen Xin have a brand new experience.

Taking a deep breath, Chen Xin silently estimated the time. A few minutes passed quickly, and the microwave projected by the weather controller instantly enveloped the entire test area.

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