Doomed To Be A King

Chapter 559: Detoxification

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Everyone laughed at each other, naturally unbelief, only when Su Yu wanted to hide his identity.

"Hahaha, Playboy can really laugh." Dr. Lin chuckled, then suddenly said: "With this kind of medical skills, it is no wonder that Playboy was so injured and can recover quickly."

"Playboy, can my daughter still save?" The woman in the palace dress didn't care about anything else at this time, and asked with tears on her face.

Su Yu's medical skills gave her hope.

"The poison of Tianxing Red Snake is extremely overbearing. Xuanxin's four needles can only suppress the spread of poison, but it is impossible to force it out!" Su Yu shook his head slowly.

"Oh, so, you just have no choice?" Bai Qiu asked with a sneer. "It takes only 100,000 top-grade spirit stones to suppress the poison, and your heart is too dark!"

"I said that if you can solve it, you can solve it naturally." Su Yu didn't even look at Bai Qiu, and then said: "Everything is mutually exclusive. Since the Red Star Snake can be born here, then naturally there is something to restrain the Red Star Snake!"

"Don't you want us to look for the illusory antidote here? Let's not say whether what you said is true, even if it really is, it's such a big place, when are we going to find it?" Su Yu's attitude made Bai Qiu angry and spoke. Ironically: "I think you said that on purpose, so bad debts!"

"Yes, if you can't save it, just say that a method that is not a method at all, and you want to swallow a hundred thousand spirit stones based on this?!" Bai Qiu, as the son of the city's lord, naturally someone should respond.

"Fool!" Su Yu gave Bai Qiu a cold look, causing Bai Qiu's face to flush instantly.

"The position of the red star snake must be near the snake's nest. The direction of the star snake's escape just now must be where the snake's nest is. As long as you walk over, you can find the antidote!" Su Yu's words made many people secretly secret. nod.

"Playboy, I'll go find it with you." The woman in the kimono lit her eyes and saw hope.

"I'm going to go with everyone, who knows if you will take the opportunity to escape!" Bai Qiu said again, he was already anxious and became extremely irrational, aggressive to Su Yu, not like the humble gentleman in the past.

Han Qian looked at Bai Qiu, who was angrily angry, and at Su Yu, who was always calm, and sighed. The gap between the two appeared unconsciously.

"Uncle Ye, please go to the way we came, take a piece of celestial female snake to shed its skin." Su Yu said to Ye Lei, and then took everyone to the serpent nest of the celestial female snake.

After half an hour's walk, into the eyes, the celestial mother snake's huge body was lying on the ground. At this time, where it still had the previous majestic wind, a big hole was broken in the head. Obviously the magic core has been taken by the city owner and the president.

"There is a cave there, it should be the snake nest of the star snake." Not far from the corpse, the hole was clearly visible.

The eyes of everyone gathered together on Su Yu's body, wanting to see his next move.

"Brother Hua, I don't think there is any difference here. I don't know where the so-called antidote is?" Bai Qiu glanced around, a sneer on his face, and asked, unable to wait to find the place.

There is no special elixir for the same trees and weeds here, and even the aura fluctuations are not.

He acted in such a way that many people shook their heads secretly, and no one responded with a voice. At this time, the human life was close to the sky. He actually ran against Su Yu, and his strength was too small.

Su Yu looked away, walked towards the cave, and stood at the entrance of the cave.

A bunch of weeds grows here, which looks like other weeds, but if you look closely, you can find that there is a little scarlet at the bottom of the grass near the soil!

If the red star snake swims in a place for a long time, the toxin will flow into these weeds along the soil. These grasses are suitable for the star snake to live in. If it is nourished by the toxin for a long time, it will naturally produce antibodies.

"It's it!" Su Yu smiled at the corner of his mouth and reached out to pull this out of the weeds.

But I saw that the roots of these grasses were actually red, like fire, extremely dazzling. Such a special scene immediately attracted everyone's exclamation.

"This is the antidote, it's really powerful, it can be found."

"The person who knows the heart and the four needles is naturally unusual. I suspected him before, but I shouldn't have."

"It's really lucky for us to think that there are people with such high medical skills in our team."

"No wonder he was so calm before. What kind of expert is a horse-drawn carriage? There should be that kind of treatment. It must be stifled."


As a warrior, injuries are inevitable. In many cases, the importance of medical treatment is even more important than immortality, and senior doctors will naturally be touted.

"Brother Hua, the snakeskin was taken for you." Ye Lei handed the snakeskin to Su Yu and said.

The more he touched, the more he could feel Su Yu's extraordinary.

Su Yu nodded lightly, then said: "Uncle Ye, please also use the fire to burn this grass and the snake skin of the star snake."

Ye Lei nodded, suspicious of Su Yu's words, his palm turned, and immediately a red flame burst in his palm.

Su Yu wrapped the snake skin of the star snake around the red roots of the grass, and then put it on the fire to burn it.

The snake skin of the star snake is extremely tough, and it is not afraid of flames at all. There is only a little tea time to show signs of melting. With the snake skin wrapped, the grass roots are still intact, and some juice has oozed out.

"Okay!" Su Yu smiled slightly, and then covered the root directly on Duo'er's bite wound.

"Playboy, will my flower be okay?" The woman in palace dress looked at Su Yu, her eyes full of expectation and worry.

"The toxin of the Star Red Snake is adsorbable, and it cannot be forced out by external force unless it is eliminated, but the snake skin and this grass root can resonate with the toxin of the Star Red Snake and let it flow out autonomously." The so-called man Suffering from money and people is a good or bad customer, Su Yu explained patiently.

Toxins come out on their own?

Everyone is suspicious and awaits.

"Look, it seems that the black gas is really fading!"

"Star snake snake skin and grass roots are starting to darken!"

"This kind of drug-killing tactics is really unheard of, unprecedented and unprecedented, mysterious, Playboy is really a talent!"


It didn't take long for someone to wait, and soon someone exclaimed.

But I saw that the grass root was like a magnet, and the black gas on Duo'er's body was being sucked by it continuously. As more and more toxins were absorbed, the grass root also started to change from red to black.

At the same time, Duo'er's complexion faded and gradually returned to normal.

"Duoer..." The woman in palace dress looked at Duo in her arms, and the tears could not stop flowing down, but recovered, this was tears of joy...

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