Doomed To Be A King

Chapter 524: Dead bone in the sea

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With Su Yu's choice, then the other cards slowly disappeared, the card quickly enlarged in Su Yu's eyes, and then slowly turned over...

What will it be, if it is a card returning to the city, if you have a retreat, you can also respond to various changes at any time.

Su Yu's heart almost jumped out, his eyes staring at the card, his eyes flickering, but he didn't dare to look at it.

In Su Yu's anticipating and disturbing eyes, the card has gradually turned over half.

It's architecture!

Looking at the edge of the card, Su Yu sighed slightly. Although the construction class is very useful for Dawang Mountain, for Su Yu at this time, it is actually more tasteless.

The card is finally flipped completely, alchemy pavilion!

Forget it, some are better than none.

Su Yuke still remembers that since the last time he drew the alchemy furnace himself, the furnace has been placed in the open air. This is all right, and finally he has a home.


"Congratulations to the host for drawing the Alchemy Pavilion card, whether to collect it."


With Su Yu's order, the Alchemy Pavilion card immediately appeared in his hand.

Withdrew from the lottery interface, Su Yu was looking at Shuang Er, who was still tearing up the lucky sticker with great interest.

"Brother Yu, I won a lot of prizes, and it's all here!" Shuanger saw Su Yu opened her eyes and immediately asked for help.

Shuang Er has very rules in doing things. Those who win are neatly placed on one side, and those few who do not win are stacked on the other side.

Su Yu picked up the winning sticker and turned it up one by one.

"Chopping a hatchet."

"Fine dagger."

"Gecko swims in the wall."


Unsurprisingly, Su Yu's selections are basically relatively basic things, either weapons or some ordinary skill books, and the best are a few of the best weapons.

Although there were no unexpected surprises, Su Yu still smiled and said: "Yes, Shuanger is awesome."

"Hee hee hee, only the last one!"

Shuanger's expression is the same as Su Yu's before, with a solemn and cautious look, staring at the card quietly in his eyes, full of anticipation.

As she slowly tore apart, Shuang'er's breathing became more and more rapid. Su Yu didn't care, just sat and watched.

At this time, because there were no outsiders, Su Yu restored Shuanger's original appearance.

But she saw a pair of bright eyes, clear and clear, bright stars, curved willow eyebrows, long eyelashes trembling slightly, fair and flawless skin revealing a faint red powder, thin lips like rose petals delicate and dripping , Plus the serious and lovely look at this time, it really is like a fairy going down, so Su Yu is a bit foolish.

Even if there is really no way to go out, having such a beautiful woman is a big pleasure in life!

Su Yu's original irritability disappeared in an instant, but he was not in a hurry to find a way out of the bitter sea.

"Wow, Brother Yu, I'm hit again!"

Shuanger shouted excitedly, and then sent the lucky sticker to Su Yu's eyes.

"King Mountain...Armor!"

Su Yu hadn't taken it seriously, but soon his face froze, and then his face was full of excitement.

In the Mountain King suit, Su Yu has gathered his cloak, ring, and mask, leaving only two armor and combat boots. Unexpectedly, the armor was actually drawn by Frost!

"Shuang'er, you are amazing!"

Su Yu exaggerated excitedly, then kissed Shuanger's cheek naturally.

Originally, this was just a pure way of compliment. Su Yu and Shuang'er had not done it before, but this time, Shuanger's face was stiff, and then his cheeks were flushed and he was helpless.

The head wished to be buried in his chest, his eyes dodged, he didn't dare to look at Su Yu, he was shy.

"Cough..." Su Yu coughed lightly, he almost forgot, Shuang Er is now a big girl, her skin is extremely thin, she will blush when she pulls her hand.

"That...the stickers that didn't win are useless, just throw them away." It was very stiff to change the topic, and Su Yu threw the stickers into the bitter sea.

These stickers fell into the bitter sea, but it was like the mud touching the water, and it melted instantly, and it was corroded silently without a trace.

However, Su Yu and Shuang Er had a subtle atmosphere at this time, and no one could notice.

The bamboo raft still drifts on the sea of ​​blood, however, the originally calm sea is no longer a piece of silence, with blood waves looming.

Although the blood wave was subtle, he felt the natural deepness on the bamboo raft. With the ups and downs of his body, Su Yu soon discovered the anomaly, frowned slightly, and looked at the sea.


With a soft sound, the sea surface of the bitter sea began to bubble.

Goo goo goo goo!

Bubbles are getting more and more cheats, like boiling!

Shuang Er and the iron tower also stood up, looking at the rolling sea with a solemn face. There were bubbles in the water. There are only two possibilities. One is that the water is boiling, and the other is... there is something in the water!


A rapid sound of water answered this But I saw that a pale palm came out of the bitter sea!

The palm of the hand is composed of snow-white bones, without any trace of flesh and blood, and it is shining with metallic luster. The pointed phalanx is like a magic weapon, giving a feeling of indestructibility.

Kaka Kaka!

The hand bone twisted continuously, and then a whizzing sound blasted towards Su Yu!

Originally Su Yu thought that this hand bone was only a part of the bitter sea, and the other parts were hidden under the bitter sea. Now it seems that he is wrong. This hand bone seems to have life and can act autonomously!

Its speed is extremely fast, and only a residual image can be seen. The wind is like a sword, and it hurts people's cheeks.

The iron tower took a step forward, protecting Su Yu and Shuang Er in front of him, and punched a punch at the bone of that hand!


The bones of the hand flicked to the side, but a round hole appeared above the fist of the iron tower, which actually pierced the tower's defense directly!

Fortunately, the iron tower is a corpse. If it is a general warrior, this arm must be useless!


The blood of the bitter sea was stained on the bone of the hand, and it touched the iron tower, and it immediately began to corrode like sulfuric acid!

Su Yu's face sank slightly, his heart jumped wildly, this bitter sea had a weirdness, and the blood water was extremely corrosive!

I haven’t tried it before, otherwise I should have discovered the anomaly of the bitter sea. The most important thing is that the bamboo raft under their feet is too psychedelic. No one would think that this kind of bamboo raft with such a shabby appearance can actually be in a Floating on the sea with strong corrosion!

It was this floating bamboo raft that made Su Yu ignore the horror of the blood sea!

Kaka Kaka!

Along with the click, there was another hand bone that burrowed out of the sea, echoed with the phalanx in the air, and opened his teeth and danced claws to Su Yu, as if grinning.

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