Don’t Mess with Shennong

Chapter 606: Regret it

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The mutant golden eagle is very anxious. Not only does it smell a special scent, but it always feels that some dogs are saying bad things about themselves.

Because he forgot to throw the rabbit first, he landed too quickly and almost fell into the yard.

Fortunately, it is superbly skilled, Deyi Shuangxin, a mutant sand sculpture, corrected the landing posture a second before the tragic fall, let the rabbit in the paws land on the ground, and then stabilized.

The rabbit was still struggling, and this time, it was quiet.

Tweet, tweet.

The mutated golden eagle, with its unique arrogance, tweeted a few times, saying hello to Wang Ping'an.

It raised its chest with its head high, gathered its wings, and stared earnestly at Wang Ping'an with sharp eyes.

I don't speak, I just look at you like this, to see if you give me something delicious.

Anyway, I smelled that smell long ago.

"Master, this sand sculpture has no respect for you. Don't feed the dog if it has good things." Sparrows aren't the only dogs who say bad things behind their backs.

"Tweet? Tweet!" The mutated golden eagle was startled, and jumped back three or four meters, staring at the big yellow dog in horror, as if asking, could this goods talk?

"Look, I haven't seen such a handsome dog! Huh!" The big yellow dog was smug, just learned how to talk, not to mention how excited, not to mention how proud.

"Tweet?" The mutant golden eagle glared at it contemptuously, and then converged, squinting halfway, trying to make a look that would please its owner, "Tweet?"

"Don't call it, your ear hurts if you call it! Give you a pill, it depends on the chance!" Wang Ping popped out the remaining pill Qi Zhidan.

The mutated golden eagle was as fast as lightning, and as soon as it flapped its wings, it caught it with his mouth and swallowed it instantly.

Then, like the crescent bear and other dog cubs next to it, it was painful, screaming, suffering the changes and evolution brought by the pill.

At this moment, the medicinal effects of Crescent Bear have been digested, and there is a smelly sweat, with two full hiccups, sitting on the ground in confusion: "Aoao, Aoao Aoao."

It still can't speak, and even IQ hasn't improved much, and doesn't understand what happened.

The other four dog pups, like the Crescent Bear, took the first time to use the Elixir of Wisdom. They have not mutated themselves before, and they have not changed much. Except that their eyes are smarter than before, they still cannot speak.

"Wang Wang, Wang Wang." They were wronged and helpless, crawled to the big yellow dog, poked its legs, and seemed to want another pill.

"Do n’t be too greedy for your four puppies, our master ’s panacea is expensive. When I ate yesterday, I listened to everyone chatting and said that the master ’s panacea can sell for tens of thousands of pieces. Four of you, how many catch Can bamboo rats and hares earn tens of thousands of pieces for their owners? "

When the big yellow dog scolded the pup, his eyes were glaring at the mutant golden eagle, referring to the skills of Sang Shuai.

The mutated golden eagle that was twitching in pain, when he heard the words of the big yellow dog, suddenly glared, saying one by one: "I ... want ... eat ... dog ... meat!"

The voice of the mutated golden eagle is as sharp as a golden stone, and the tone is not very prepared, but it is barely understandable.

The big yellow dog was startled, and screamed: "The sand sculpture can even speak? Is there any reason in this world?"

Wang Pingping patted his head painfully and suddenly regretted feeding Qi Zhidan to these beasts. If every pet is like a big yellow dog, it's a chatter. How annoying should it be all day long?

"You all shut up for me! Especially in front of ordinary people, don't talk, or someone will jump out to demons and demons, and I won't be able to protect you when the time comes."

Wang Ping'an solemnly warned.

"Yes, Master, I'm your most obedient and docile little sparrow. Your will is my will!" The big yellow dog lay in front of Wang Ping, arched with two front paws, like a joke, said.

"Fart ... fine!" The mutant golden eagle gritted his teeth, but it was extremely difficult to speak, and it took a lot of effort to say these two words.

"Wang, you are jealous of my good relationship with the owner." The big yellow dog proudly flaunted.

"..." The mutant golden eagle was tired and didn't want to talk to it, and after eating Qi Zhidan, it really became smart, knowing that it's not the time to quarrel, otherwise it would anger the owner, it would be unlucky.

"Okay, let's go. After taking Qizhidan, no matter the success or failure, the next time you take it will be at least one month apart."

Wang Pingan waved his hands impatiently to let these pets loose, and the smell from them was really unpleasant.

The big yellow dog is extremely smart, and is most familiar with Wang Ping's temperament. Seeing him say this, he immediately ran into the orchard with a few puppies, and didn't want to make it annoying.

The mutant golden eagle has always been cold, and now it is getting smarter, but its temperament will not change.

"Then ... I'm back in the mountains ... I'm catching prey!" After the mutant golden eagle finished speaking, it soared into the sky and spread its wings, and it had already reached the sky.

At this moment, there was only one crescent bear in front of Wang Ping'an, staring at the small black bean-like eyes, and staring straight at Wang Ping'an.

who am I? where am I? What happened?

How did I wake up from hibernation?

Also, if I haven't dreamed just now, I seem to hear the big yellow dog talking? Will the sand sculpture dyed with feather color also speak?

"Aoao, Aoao?" Crescent Bear wanted to ask Wang Pingping what was going on and wanted him to explain.

"You continue to sleep, don't wake up until the end of the new year, since you hibernate, how much pounds of beef I will save every day." Wang Pingan did not give it any explanation, carrying his hands, walked out of the yard, ready to walk around the village, see from Where can I earn merit.

"?????" Crescent Bear didn't get an explanation. He stared at Wang Pingping with frustration. Until he couldn't see his back, it rolled in confusion, shrunk in the corner, and tried hard to think about what happened just now.


Tang Shenyi, who was making alchemy in Taoyuan, suddenly screamed.

"Master, no good, the fryer!"

Wang Ping's head didn't return, he said lightly: "You can still talk, and it's so loud, it must not be killed, then continue to practice. Alchemy, how can there be smooth and profitable, occasionally frying the furnace once, too normal Now. "

"..." Tang Shenyi's face was dark, and a cloud of smoke spewed out of his mouth, complaining, but nowhere to vomit.

The alchemy fryer is not a frying pan.

After the fryer, the alchemy materials inside must have been destroyed. Clean the alchemy furnace and continue the alchemy.

If the Dan furnace is exploded, it is a serious accident, and the alchemist will either die or be injured, unless this happens when refining high-level immortality medicine. Under normal circumstances, the Dan furnace rarely explodes.

Wang Ping heard the sound of the fryer and knew that there was no danger, so he did n’t look back and did n’t go to see more.

As soon as he walked out of the gate of the orchard, he met Wang Wencai, who was extremely decadent and haggard.

Suddenly, Wang Ping'an regretted that he should pay more attention to Tang Shenyi, and he should visit the fryer site.

If that's the case, you won't see ...

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