Don't confiscate my citizenship

Chapter 478 Sigrid’s Liquidation

Proteus Capitol Building, 33rd floor, Franklin Hall.

In seven minutes and twenty-five seconds, Sigrid killed Asksan with overwhelming power.

A long time after that decisive blow, the entire parliament hall was still in deep silence, and then, the sound of shock swept through the entire space.

The eyes of the nobles and ministers stayed in the center of the venue, with disbelief written on their faces.

No one expected that the Catholic Church could end this desperate battle of Cardinals in such a strong way in just a few minutes.

I originally thought that Bishop Nirvana would take the initiative to challenge the Hegemony Catholic Church with a self-centered attitude, and would press on the Hegemony Catholic Church step by step, launching an unprecedented war in which both sides would have to pay a heavy price. However, in a sudden turn, one of the parties was cut into pieces in the blink of an eye. Got the smell.

Maybe the overlord Catholic Church hasn’t used its full strength yet.

Because the Catholic Church, who is known as the physically strongest in the Northern Continent, has never thrown a single punch from the beginning to the end.

Muffled whispers filled the halls of the council as everyone tried to digest the shocking outcome.

Many imperial dignitaries had looks of awe on their faces, and they began to reassess the strength of Sigrid, the hegemonic Catholic.

Her unused combat power alone was particularly terrifying. Coupled with the three demon summons, a comparison showed that Asksan was not on the same level as her from the very beginning.

It is hard to imagine that the two cardinals were actually the strongest men who had fought against each other several times and could not decide the winner.

Another group of powerful people seemed worried. They were worried that the overly powerful Catholic Sigrid would be uncontrollable and dangerous as an ally.

The dust of the battle has settled, but the dangerous atmosphere still permeates Franklin Hall, and no one dares to act easily.

Sigrid glanced at the high priests of the Tyrant branch.


Led by the direct soldier Gloria, the Overlord Archpriest moved quickly to collect traces of the battlefield, and put Asksan's body and other non-epic cards that had not yet been excavated from him into body bags. At the same time, the hall floor was cleaned.

The whole process only took a few seconds.

Not only was the smell of blood eliminated by the air purification spell, but even the floor became translucent and glowing, as if the Bishop of Annihilation, Asksan, had never come to the world.

The imperial dignitaries sitting in the Franklin Hall looked at the professional and efficient appearance of the Tyrant High Priest, and their eyes twitched slightly.

The Church of Resurrection is indeed the Church of Resurrection, and it is not sloppy at all in doing its job.

At the same time, the eyes of the High Priest of Annihilation were filled with deep fear, and everything was at a standstill, as if he was sitting on pins and needles.

As Sigrid returned to the front of the Tyrant branch's high priest's seat, the noise in the council hall slowly subsided.

It is reasonable for her to have the right to own the spoils that the Overlord Catholic Church won during the desperate battle within the Church of Resurrection. After all, the Great Sage Isis initially chose to agree with the bishop's desperate battle in order to avoid the empire's responsibility and intervention.

At this moment, even if there are greedy nobles who want to try to claim that Asksan's inheritance should be handled by the empire, they dare not speak out in person.

Although everyone's mood has not fully recovered from the outcome of the fateful battle just now, the normal process of the parliament must continue.

"Now that the internal issues within the Resurrection Church have been resolved, we can resume the normal process for the next election of bishops."

The great sage Isis was still sitting on the high-backed chair with her legs crossed, showing no posture, but her voice penetrated the hall, making her even more majestic than Emperor Protos.

Isis's words gave the Imperial people present a sense of stability.

The nobles and ministers present gradually recovered their emotions and remained quiet, waiting for the speech of the Tyrant branch.

Although Sigrid's victory brought her a huge advantage, the subsequent voting process was still full of variables——

The dignitaries who used to be close to and even please Askesan, under the rules of anonymous voting, are now more likely to vote for the mourning bishop Amiles to prevent Sigrid's liquidation!

In addition, Sigrid has been accused of terrible crimes. Before the truth is finally confirmed, people are also afraid of her power and why she obtained three epic demon summons.

The dignitaries are thinking hard and evaluating, trying to predict how this sudden battle will affect the future of the Protos Empire.

As for Sigrid herself, after this duel, her intimidation and influence have undoubtedly undergone drastic changes, and she has become the focus of everyone's attention.

Just when the direct soldier Gloria was about to step forward again and start speaking.

"Wait a minute, I have more important things to say."

Sigrid suddenly interrupted Gloria, her voice echoing in the parliament hall, full of determination.

Gloria bowed her head and returned to her seat, like a child worried about being abandoned.


Under the gaze of everyone in the Franklin Hall, Sigrid, with sharp eyes, turned around and looked at Duke Morotian Berenhard, who was sitting on the upper floor on the left side of the hall.

The account of Bishop Asksan of Annihilation has been settled.

She also wanted to hand over the [Original Slate-Seal] to her Holy Son right away.

However, there is a real enemy, hidden deep within the Protos Empire.

He is also the last cancer and obstacle for Sigrid and the Son to control the Protos Empire together.

This smell was too familiar to Sigrid.

For her who possesses the keen sense of smell of an extreme warrior, after regaining her full strength, it is impossible for her not to be able to sense the breath of an enemy who has fought a life-and-death battle at this distance.

Sitting on the high platform, the elegant man in a dark coat who was always calm and steady exuded the aura that was the bastard who fought with her under the black robe on the northern border!

"Duke Berenhard, shouldn't it be time for us to calculate the general ledger?"

Sigrid had no intention of commanding the three eighth-level demons, but shook her hanging hands, ready to kill this enemy at any time.

"The Catholic Church."

The great sage Isis next to the throne reminded or warned.

No matter what grudge Sigrid has against Morotian Berenhalder at the moment, this is not the place for Sigrid to take action.

"Don't worry, Miss Isis, I will not violate the rules of the empire."

Sigrid looked back and said to the great sage Isis.

Immediately, she looked at Duke Morodian who was sitting on the upper left side of the hall again.

"Morodian, shouldn't you explain the bloody and brutal massacre in the Northern Border Province, and the heinous crimes you and Askesan committed?"

Sigrid's gaze was like a sharp sword, trying to penetrate the hypocritical noble appearance of the man sitting far away, and bring a final end to the absurd turmoil of the Protos Empire!

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