Don't confiscate my citizenship

Chapter 419 Lan Qi finally meets a normal person

It may be that the phantom of the Great Love Poet is more cautious and does not intend to show up to attack Lanqi for the time being.

It could also be that the initial distance was relatively far and she hadn't caught up with Lan Qi yet.

"As expected, it is a complete copy of the Great Love Poet, and the cowardice that will never come out if you can't win is also copied."

Lan Qi's eyes scanned every cell door and every mark on the wall, looking for clues to move forward.

There was a time when the Great Love Poet was afraid of Thalia, so when Thalia was around, the Great Love Poet was determined not to come out.

It's not too difficult to go all the way in the direction guided by the map. Finally, when you arrive at the agreed exit teleportation hall, you can meet up with others, but this process may take a long time.

The surrounding labyrinth corridors are sometimes cold and hard, sometimes exuding a strange beauty - runes snake through the walls, the corridors seem endless, and every corner brings new and unknown sights.

The entire floor structure will randomly change regularly, but one thing will not change, which is the location of the entrance teleportation hall and the exit teleportation hall.

After a period of walking alone.

Lan Qi's eyes were attracted by a light in front of him, and he could see the bright and warm light in the room.

He walked in that direction, and the coordinates were clearly the warden's office on the fifth floor shown on the map. There was no dark blue magic light and shadow in the entire circle around it, which was consistent with the safe zone teleportation hall.

Before joining the team, if you can first find the warden on the negative fifth floor and get the customs clearance permission, it is also a must.

Now it seems that the best person in the team to complete this job is himself.

Lan Qi stood in front of the office and knocked gently on the closed door.

He wasn't sure if the warden was in the office right now.

But the lights inside were on, so it was likely that the warden was in the office or not far away.

The sound of knocking on the door echoed softly inside and outside the quiet office, and soon dissipated in the silent space.

There was no response for several seconds.

"come in."

Until Lan Qi hesitated to leave, a cold female voice came from the door.

Lan Qi, who was about to leave, pressed the door handle.

When you push the door open, you will see a neat and orderly office, which looks warm and comfortable.

Lan Qi's eyes quickly noticed the only person in the room - a female knight wearing light armor sitting on a chair next to the desk.

The female knight's posture is upright, even when she is sitting, she still exudes a dignified and elegant temperament.

She seemed to have finished her work this morning. She had just bandaged the wounds on her body and put on her armor. There were still several unwrapped rolls of bandages and a half-empty bottle of potion scattered on the table.

Even so, you can still see the faint color of blood leaching out from the white bandage on her body.

It seems that there are no prison guards with healing functions to treat her.

The female knight looked up, her eyes showing both exhaustion and cold determination.

Even after returning from the arduous battle with her own phantom, her eyes remained alert.

Her slightly impatient gaze fell on the beloved poet.

Before the new trainee prison guard could speak.

"When you finish cleaning up the phantoms, I will naturally give you an evaluation."

The warden knight's voice was cold and powerful, and she answered the question before the other party asked it.

She spoke concisely and to the point, her eyes leaving the face of the beloved poet, as if she had finished examining an outsider.

"Thank you, Miss Warden Melissa."

The voice of the great poet expressed gentle thanks.

He had seen her name "Melissa" engraved on the warden's nameplate.

Although the other party was a little indifferent, the warden was a pragmatic type and had no intention of making things difficult for them. He was already the most talkative person I met in Helrom Prison.

Just as the poet of great love was about to end the conversation and turn around to leave.


Warden Melissa suddenly spoke.

The great love poet looks back.

He didn’t understand why Warden Melissa stopped him.

Melissa was silent for a moment, then slowly raised her eyes and looked directly at the poet of great love again.

"Where are your companions? Did you get separated from them all when you came to this level?"

Melissa's attitude was still full of distance, sitting where she was, looking at the poet of great love.

"I'm going to meet them in the exit teleportation hall."

The poet of great love replied.

"You have no fighting ability. You will die easily if you are alone. If the phantoms of other prison guards accidentally bump into you, they may attack you. I will help you clear the way and send you to the exit transfer hall."

As Warden Melissa spoke, she stood up tiredly and walked out of the office.

"Is there really nothing wrong with your body?"

Lan Qi felt that the warden had just experienced a life-and-death battle, and the fire of life was crumbling.

"It doesn't matter. I've already cleared away this layer of my own phantom. It's more than enough to deal with other people's phantoms."

Warden Melissa walked to the door, said without any emotion in her voice, and then walked out of the warden's office.

"...That would be troublesome."

Lan Qi thanked.

Although the warden should have won, it was obviously a tragic victory. She just moved briefly, and the blood marks on the white bandage on her body began to deepen, as if she barely managed to survive.

It's hard to imagine what kind of martial arts idiot would fight his own phantom to the death on this level every day.

In the Great Demon Clan Trial [Hopeless Extermination Battle], generally only the craziest and most powerful Demon Clan warrior idiots would choose to fight to the death here and experience themselves.

The condition for obtaining the [Mark of Hopelessness] is to push your fighting spirit to the extreme, face an eighth-level phantom that is stronger than yourself, and defeat it on your own.

Only by completing the ultimate sublimation in battle and surpassing the original self can it be possible to fight to the death and defeat the extreme phantom that is far stronger than oneself.

The three seventh-level wardens in Helrom's inner circle are all rare talents in the Protos Empire. When they were appointed to important positions, they probably also found a training ground that was most suitable for them.

The Great Love Poet followed Warden Melissa and also left the office.

Now he felt more and more that the warden on the fifth floor was unexpectedly reliable.

Although he appears to be an indifferent person, he actually cares a lot about the trainee prison guards.

Originally, Ranchi was ready to continue working as a doctor in Hellrom Prison, but now it seems that the warden Melissa is very mentally healthy and completely different from the warden Miss Selena on the fourth floor. Just the same, there is no need to talk to him at all.

Lan Qi has always responded to requests, but he will not help without asking.

Hyperion was worried for a long time after she woke up from her dream on the fourth floor without seeing the warden, fearing that Lan Qi would deceive the warden and the goddess would deduct their merits.

Hyperion can definitely rest assured this time.

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