Alexia asked, helping him pour tea while asking. Julia opened her mouth to say something, but in the end she didn't speak.

"I'm studying recently. To be honest, the rituals I've been exposed to have become a bit difficult. Then, dealing with various emergencies, oh, Alexia, you absolutely can't predict what I will encounter this week. !"

   He explained in detail about the **** son's umbilical cord and [Alien Frenzy], and of course also mentioned the worrying old elf.

   Alexia fell into deep thought after hearing the "Umbilical Cord of the Son of God". After Jenkins finished speaking, he said softly:

"If that is really the umbilical cord of the Son of God, I think Nolan will be in trouble again. I saw some hidden history on the second floor of the tower. The past is not without the Son of God born in the material world. I think the one that gave you the umbilical cord People are right. The umbilical cord is a bridge, and the umbilical cord is a bond. By relying on a complete umbilical cord of the Son of God, mortals can do many things that are close to miracles."

   "For example?"

   "Summon angels."

   Alexia said positively.

   Since there are demons and elves in this world, it is understandable that there are angels. Jenkins has known for a long time that there are angels around God. This can be known from religious stories and church murals and oil paintings. It's just that angels rarely appear in the material world. After all, once a higher level of power is required to intervene, the church generally communicates directly with God. If God responds, he will personally descend on the earth. There are not many opportunities for angels to appear on the scene.

   The most recent record of the arrival of an angel appeared at the beginning of this era. Because of the tsunami, an ancient city in the sea exposed the sea level, and the ancient evil being sealed in it and its mermaid-like dependents reappeared in the world.

   The righteous **** in charge of the ocean [Storm Lord] came directly and sealed the evil thing again with the three angels.

   As for the more distant past, although the record of angels descending to the earth is rare, it is not uncommon. But Jenkins never knew that the umbilical cord of the Son of God can summon angels. This is indeed very interesting knowledge.

"Relying on the umbilical cord of the Son of God can communicate the power of God, but it is obviously impossible to summon a great **** with just a umbilical cord. However, as long as the gods agree and rely on specific ritual cooperation, the angels on the side of the gods can indeed transfer the body Summon to the material world. This is a very dangerous behavior. If it is an angel of a good god, it's okay to say, but the angels of evil gods are usually some strange beings no less than crooks, at least for mortals, they are unmatched of."

   "Then [Alien Frenzy] has something to do with Angel Summoning?"

   Jenkins asked again.

"It’s hard to say that every angel of a **** is summoned by a different method. But what is certain is that the deity to which the umbilical cord belongs can be different from the camp of the summoned angels. Therefore, in theory, as long as the complete umbilical cord and ritual are in hand, Nolan’s cultists can summon angels at any time."

   "That's it..."

   Jenkins has temporarily understood what the cult group [The Whip of the Dead] is going to do. Although the angel summoning the evil **** is only a guess, this possibility is very big.

According to the information he received, the complete umbilical cord was divided into four sections. Due to A-05-1-4490 [Lucky Doom], three of them fell outside and were kept in the hands of [Dead's Whip] , Has now been obtained by Jenkins, and one of the three sections that ran outside was also obtained before the anticlimactic horror.

   "Then I put a part of the umbilical cord to Run far away from Nolan, does it mean that even if the cultists really want to summon angels, it is impossible to do it?"

   Jenkins asked cautiously.

"No, the incomplete umbilical cord of the Son of God also contains power, but it is incomplete. According to the knowledge I have obtained from the second floor of the tower and those ancient legends, the incomplete umbilical cord should also be able to summon angels, but the angels who descended because of it. The power is not complete."

   Alexia said so, and then added:

   "This is just my guess, not necessarily accurate."

Chapter 1087 Chapter One thousand and sixty-nine Excuses and cloak fragments

  Although Alexia thinks that the speculation about the arrival of angels is not necessarily true, Jenkins subconsciously feels that this is the truth.

   "Anyway, at least it should be no problem to remove the umbilical cord from Nolan. I think of a way to get it over."

   said, his figure disappeared on the sofa. The cat that was lying on Jenkins's lap fell down. But fortunately, the sofa is very soft, it did not hurt.


   But chocolate is still dissatisfied.

   Jenkins usually transports items between Nolan and Luen, relying on the help of Protoss Rakul. But this time when something as unsafe as the umbilical cord of the Son of God was involved, he first went to the star realm to consult the Protoss. The Protoss standing in the majestic sea of ​​stars quickly gave a reply:

"I can help you transport that half of the umbilical cord through the astral realm, but the astral realm does not have the thick space barriers of the material world. Once the umbilical cord appears in the astral realm, it is likely to attract the attention of the divine power of the same origin. Are you ready? "

   Protoss asked.

   Jenkins shook his head quickly after thinking about it for a second. He didn't want to be noticed by any evil gods now.

   "Then let it go, leave it in Nolan, maybe I can backtrack the rest through the umbilical cord in my hand."

   He said so, and softly thanked the Xingling, but he was stopped by the Xingling unexpectedly.

   "God, I want to ask you a question presumptuously."

"Please speak."

   "How does the power of death and life merge into one?"

   This is an interesting question. It seems that Protoss at least knows what happened today. But Jenkins couldn't explain how he merged death and life together. He was just imitating the power of the holy sword, which was not difficult.

   For his familiarity with life force, Jenkins has always suspected that this is the cause of this body; for the manipulation of death, it is most likely that Jenkins "dead".

   "I just imitated the power of this sword, it's not difficult."

   Jenkins chose to tell the truth and summoned the holy sword to beckon the Protoss to take a look. After obtaining Jenkins's consent, she waved her hand to let the Holy Bone Sword float stably in front of her, and the transparent silver-blue eyes observed from top to bottom.

   "To be honest, although this sword combines two diametrically opposed powers, it is not as good as your mortal body."

   Rakul said slowly, adding before Jenkins responded.

"I think this is probably your talent, which is amazing. God, all your actions in the material world will affect the destiny and future direction of the world. At the same time, the destiny of the future has already appeared by your side. Please. Look into the future, it will help you."

   Jenkins looked at the Protoss questioningly, not quite understanding the meaning of these words. Of course he also wants to look at the future, but it is a pity that his divination course has not yet been introduced.

When    returned to Luen, she regretted to tell the girls that the umbilical cord could not be moved long distances, which disappointed Dolores who was about to open her eyes.

   But at least Jenkins was able to show them the photo, and Alexia looked thoughtful at the dark thing soaked in water.

   When chatting, I talked about the incident of kicking the female body this afternoon. Jenkins described his situation when facing the corpse to everyone, and finally remembered the most important thing:

"When the demigod of the Church of Death and the End came to the alley, we basically controlled the situation. The gentleman kindly checked my body briefly, and I took the opportunity to ask him. It’s about A-12-4-6701, [Reaper’s Cloak Fragment]."

   "Doesn't this seem too obtrusive?"

  Dolores asked curiously. She heard Jenkins talk about his plan to explore the origin of the death god.

"Of course not directly. I said at the time that when I was in front of the female corpse, I got some weird information. It seems that the corpse plague from the skeleton sword, through A-12-4-6701 [Reaper Cloak Fragment] You can get a cure."

   Jenkins smiled, then picked up the cat eager to try next to the saucer and put it on his lap.

"This is not a lie. When I used the Bone Sword this afternoon, I realized that it not only inherited the devouring characteristics of the Skeleton Sword, but also inherited part of the knowledge. But probably because it was too severely penetrated by the life force , The information is very messy, I have to sort through it carefully to find what I want. Therefore, I can actually provide a solution to the corpse plague."

   "Then Mr. Demigod, did you agree to lend you the fragments of the cloak?"

  Dolores asked again.

"Of course, he agreed. But I can only touch the cloak in the Church of the Sages. After all, everyone knows the dangers of the tricks. Even Miss Bevana would not agree with me to take the tricks home. "

   Jenkins said so and turned to look out the window. Entering the second half of March, even Ruen gradually escaped from winter. Now the snow on the street has almost melted, and the original silver roof has gradually revealed its original color.

   It’s just that the temperature is still very low, but at least the short spring is really coming.

   The incident of the "robbers" breaking into the manor last Friday night caused a huge sensation and panic in Ruen. At that time, there were more than 30 noble girls in the manor. If any one of them is harmed, the political influence on the Kingdom of Hampawo will be immeasurable.

   Only a few people know that the incident is actually a small epitome of the chaos in the royal family, but no one had expected Dolores’ sister to be so bold before that.

   "Sister Salina has been banned by her father. I washed away her memories of using the power of the gifter. I think the punishment against her has just begun."

   Dolores said with a smile, not feeling sorry for her sister.

   "It's just that my father also asked me, who is the man who rescued me..."

   looked at Jenkins with beautiful eyes, and Jenkins looked at her generously. In the end, it was Dolores who blushed and looked away.

"My father didn't know who Mr. William was, he just heard the rescued girls mentioned you. My father warned me not to talk to people of unknown origin, and not to hire untrustworthy mercenaries. Oh, he really got caught. I lied."

   "Then how did you answer?"

   Alexia asked while peeling oranges. It is very rare to see oranges this season.

   "I said that he is a trustworthy person, I trust him very much, I can even..."

Chapter 1088 Chapter One Thousand and Seventh Chapter Alexia's Progress


   Julia coughed at a very suitable point, and Dolores stopped her words subconsciously. Jenkins was very thankful that the maid had done this. He had a hunch that if Dolores were to finish her words, everyone would be very embarrassed.

   Of course, the Three Queens were a little unhappy, but when she saw her teacher's stern gaze, she lowered her head timidly and pretended that nothing happened.

   The fiery heart of the girl is full of yearning for love. Although Dolores may not fully understand love, this does not prevent her from doing some "daring" things.

   Sixteen is the age of innocence. Even though Dolores is sometimes overly mature psychologically, she is just a young girl. It is understandable for Jenkins to act recklessly.


   The cat thinks Jenkins is guilty.

   Dolores is busy with the formation of a new department recently. It happened that Jenkins needed to write a plan for the church bank, so he delegated the matter to Dolores.

   She looked very happy, and Jenkins was relieved now. He was worried that such troublesome things would make Dolores feel annoyed.

   After the party, as usual, he returned to Nolan first, and then went to Luen again after twenty minutes. This time Alexia left the royal palace very quickly. She was already sitting on the softest armchair in front of the fireplace in the living room of her residence.

   "Are you really sure that you want to touch the fragment of the cloak? We all understand that it is not just a trick, but it is also very likely to dominate."

   Jenkins just showed up when he heard Alexia say this.

   "Please don't worry, I will be measured. And that is in the church after all, Miss Bevanna may be by my side, even if I want to do something, I can't do it."

"That's good......"

   said, he jumped off his own chair, and then sat down next to Jenkins on the sofa. Alexia is not very tall. When the two met in the hospital for the first time, Jenkins even mistakenly thought she was an underage girl.

   "I feel like you are thinking about something..."

   "It's a rude thing."

   Jenkins finished the second half of the sentence for her, and then stretched out his hand and took Alexia's hand. The latter blushed and took the initiative to sit closer.

"I have my own measures. Although Nolan's affairs are sometimes complicated and troublesome, there have been no unexpected things. But you, Alexia, you found what you wanted on the second floor of the tower. ?"

   "No, I knew that the information could not be so easily obtained by me."

   Alexia whispered, tilted her head slightly and leaned on Jenkins's shoulder. The fire of the fireplace made the shadows of the two people merge together and projected on the wall of the opposite wall. The fire swayed, and the shadow swayed slightly.

   was silent for a while, and Alexia said again:

   "It is expected that I did not see the information I wanted, but it is not without other gains. Jenkins, I don't think I need to wait for ten years. I will be promoted to a demigod before the end of this year."

   "Huh? Demigod? Didn't you already..."

   Jenkins stopped in the middle of speaking, realizing that although he had regarded Alexia as a demigod a long time ago. But before leaving Nolan, she only saw the path of the demigod when the two exchanged power, and when the blue cube was formed, she only took the first step.

"are you sure?"

   Jenkins is very happy for his friends.

   "Yes, you found the right way for me, and now I have taken the first step on this road."

   reached out his hand, and the azure blue cube flying with mathematical symbols and ancient runes appeared in Alexia's hand. It spins slowly on the palm of the palm, and compared to the last time I saw it, the cube has become more solid and more luxurious.

"Demi god......"

   Jenkins whispered the word softly, and after hesitating for a while, he talked about the insurer that was not mentioned earlier. He didn't want to ask whether he should cooperate with an insurer, but to tell the two paths he knew.

   He had long understood that Alexia didn't want to be an ordinary demigod, and that the short girl was no less ambitious than him.

   "Bearing the sins of the world? Sin coins?"

   Although Alexia knows the sin coin, she really doesn't know the meaning of the sin coin. She looks surprised, but she is still very attractive.

   "Is this the hope for mortals to become gods? This is too..."

   She couldn't find a suitable adjective, so she didn't say it any more. Jenkins understood what she meant. Although the second path was difficult, the process was clear. It's just that Jenkins still doesn't understand why those crooks with problematic heads and anti-human tendencies can become gods.

   He knew that Alexia would not choose this second path. The short girl had a clear goal, at least she would never give up easily until the direction she chose failed.

   The two talked for a while, and Jenkins decided to leave after seeing the time. But before leaving, Alexia invited Jenkins to come to Run for a party this Saturday night. She now lacks a male partner.

   "I can come, huh? What kind of dance is that? I remember that you and I don't like such social occasions very much."

   Jenkins did not refuse. Since Hathaway and Britney can get his care, so can Alexia.

   "Dolores arranged for her to form a new department in the kingdom, so it is necessary to let members of her faction meet. Although this is boring, it is indeed correct."

   "No problem, I will come on time."

   He smiled and agreed, then turned into a light spot and disappeared into the air.

   (Chocolate is running...)

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