DNF Meets Harry Potter

Chapter 367 Sirius: What are you doing recently?

In the Gryffindor common room at night.

"It's terrible! What should we do about the next game?" Harry looked at the wreckage of the broomstick on the table with a look of despair. He received this bad news as soon as he was discharged from the hospital, and indeed, misfortunes never come singly.

Both Ron and Hermione shook their heads resignedly, neither of them knew how to fix broomsticks. And they had already consulted Mrs. Huo Qi with hope, and the latter also very euphemistically said that the broom provided by the academy was actually good, so they should not worry about this issue any more.

"We're playing Hufflepuff next, let's ask Carl tomorrow, I haven't seen him take out that broom for a long time.

If he agrees, we will have time to think about it after the Ravenclaw game~..."

Hermione hesitated pinching the hem of her clothes, but still came up with a theme for Harry.

"That's the only way to go, I just hope that other Ravenclaws can understand him, after all, this is a game~..."

Harry scratched his head, and also said helplessly.

One night passed quickly, and the next morning, the sun still rose from the sky on time.

Carl walked into the auditorium unhurriedly with an ice cream in his mouth. All the little wizards looked at him a little strangely. Since December, England at a higher latitude has already entered the state of winter. They really can't understand Karl.

When he passed by the Gryffindor long table, he glanced curiously. Ron, Hermione, and Gryffindor team captain Wood, a dozen people gathered around Harry and were having a heated discussion. What.

Carl glanced at their heavy faces and knew it was not a good thing. When he was about to ask, Harry turned his head nervously and stopped him.

"Karl...can you~...can you wait a minute?"

"Of course! But looking at your faces, did something bad happen?"

As a third-year student at Hogwarts, Carl always thought of himself as a helpful and good boy, so he readily agreed to Harry's request.

A hint of hope was faintly revealed on Harry's face, and then he pulled the crowd out of a position, revealing the broom that was broken in two on the table and was full of storm erosion.

"Um~ Sorry, I may not be able to help with this. Although I know a lot of things, it doesn't include broom restoration.

There are specialties in the art field, you should go to Mrs. Hooch and ask her opinion. "

Karl cast his eyes on the broom on the table, and after glancing at the shocking section above, he shook his head helplessly and put forward his own opinion.

"If Mrs. Hooch could fix it, we wouldn't have to discuss it here."

Ron muttered, looking a little embarrassed.

"Then there's no other way, I have to replace it with a new one. If the old one doesn't go away, the new one won't come. Don't be sad~..." Carl raised his eyebrows, expressing that he felt very unfortunate about what happened to Harry.

"But~...the next match will start soon, and the time is running out!" Harry was so sad that he was about to cry.

Carl rested his chin in thought, and Wood's eyes looking at him at the moment were full of hope. Seeker's broom damage is fatal to a team, and their team's brooms are relatively poor. If Harry, the C position, still uses their old-fashioned sweeping series brooms, he will not be punished. The other three colleges rubbed against the ground.

"Sirius seems to be sending him a Firebolt recently, so that's it~"

Carl thought that it was the right time for Sirius to send charcoal in the snow in the original time and space, just in time for the storm, and after thinking about it in his mind, he said:

"Well then, I have a broom here, and its performance should be one of the best. If you haven't solved the problem before the competition, come to me!"

After finishing speaking, he lightly clasped his right hand, and a blur of light and shadow immediately flickered in his palm. When the light and shadow dissipated, a broom that was inscribed with ancient runes and exuded soft golden light appeared in his hand.

Wood's eyes straightened immediately. As a Quidditch lover, he had heard that Karl had such a broom of almost legendary quality a long time ago, but because he rarely showed it in front of other people, he never got what he wanted. Wishing to see you, I almost forgot about it as time went by.

"I haven't used it for a long time, so be careful when you use it." Carl said jokingly.

"Ah~? Hmm! I see!"

Harry was stunned for several seconds. The last time he saw Carl take out this broom seemed to be two years ago. Why did this thing feel more and more powerful after two years?

"Well, I suddenly remembered something else! Let's talk slowly!"

A flash of light suddenly flashed in Carl's eyes, he put away the Spirit of God again, went to the dining table, took some bread, stuffed one into his mouth, and left the auditorium in a hurry, Harry was taken aback for a while. He didn't know what was the most important thing, and it was able to make Carl, a foodie, give up the temptation of delicious food.

If he can make him give up one thing, then naturally only the one that makes him desire more can do it.

Such as Jin Gallon.

"Wow! Could it be that you plan to settle part of the bill first?"

Carl looked at the message from Sirius on the parchment, and couldn't stop his excitement. The above content is very brief, meaning nothing more than telling him to come to the Shrieking Shack quickly, he has a very important evil matter to discuss with him.

In Carl's eyes, nothing is more important than the lovely Jin Gallon. So he took it for granted that Sirius came to him this time because he planned to buy Harry the Firebolt and at the same time pay him part of the fee he should have according to the contract.

But he was destined to think too much.

Inside the screaming hut, the two of them watched face to face, and the quiet atmosphere suddenly became a little weird.

"What are you doing now?"

In the end, it was Sirius who broke the silence first.

"I can't remember how many times you are the first person who thinks that my height is not suitable for my age after seeing me, but there is no doubt that you are not the first, nor will you be the last.

So I have been using height-enhancing drugs recently, and the effect is quite obvious. I am two or three centimeters taller. I think you can recommend him to use it after you explain the misunderstanding to Harry in the future.

The only downside is that it's a bit harsh to put one by one in the sole of the shoe~..."

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