DNF Meets Harry Potter

Chapter 299 Coach, I want to learn this!

"I don't think you want to make things worse. The dementors just scared a lot of little wizards to tears. You said that none of them sent a letter of report to Minister Fudge. What will happen to you two on duty? what will happen?

So~..., I think you guys should understand what I mean~..."

Carl said with a smile, since he opened his mouth, it has been an overwhelming advantage.

The two Aurors looked at the smiling Karl, their faces were as ugly as if they saw the devil himself. They were so aggressive that they were planning to ask the teacher for their crimes, but now they were being manipulated by someone.

The two of them scolded those two dead dementors at the same time as if they were in the same heart. When they had just received this mission to recruit them in Azkaban, they both had a special warning. Get over these things whose brains have been gnawed by Death Eaters, let them be restrained, and never attack the students on the train no matter what!

But in a blink of an eye, their warnings were completely forgotten by the dementors like the wind on their ears, and they just liked it, so they didn't care about it.

No, something went wrong~... Even if those idiots attacked an ordinary little Muggle-born wizard, it would be fine, and a little intimidation would be enough to settle it. But he preferred to offend the boy who survived the catastrophe, and his two companions are almost sure to eat them now!

Carl was right, if the dementors attacked Harry Potter because of their dereliction of duty, the headlines on the front page of the Daily Prophet would definitely not be able to escape tomorrow, and what awaited them would only be the boss's angry roar and endless Endless howler letters.

Losing their jobs is considered the lightest end, and it is more likely that they will actually receive a summons to Azkaban.

"It's a good skill to jump and counter-kill an immortal!"

After watching the two ashamed Aurors turn around and leave quickly, Lupine couldn't help admiring deep in his heart. He really didn't expect Karl's godly operation. He originally thought he would explain it to the two Aurors.

Now it seems that this guy really doesn't want to suffer at all.

After watching Carl's fairy operation, Lu Ping suddenly realized that the workplace is a bit stressful while thinking about it. Not only is there a high probability that this class will be rushed to the street with people leading the class, but on the other hand, the students don't seem to be fuel-efficient.

As expected of the seeded contestants who sent away the first two Defense Against the Dark Arts professors, there was indeed something. Thinking of the tragic end of the two seniors, Lupine felt a headache. He didn't know how long he could hide his werewolf identity from Karl~...

But if we look at it according to this situation, I am afraid that it will be discovered within two or three months at most. Not to mention the fact that there might be an old bat in Hogwarts deliberately trying to trouble him.


"Two poor ghosts! The whole body is only worth this little money~ These two hundred gold Galleons are not enough for my usual monthly expenses..."

Carl pouted, poured out all the Galleons in the two purses and put them on the cushion, and got a rough idea with a glance.

However, when he was counting the money, he didn't notice the twitching corners of Lupine's mouth. Is this what big dogs do? Without hesitation, he, Lupine, could guarantee that if the two hundred Galleons fell into his hands, he would be able to live on it for several years.

Poor Professor Lupine~... If Naiyali heard his heartfelt voice, she would definitely mourn for him in her heart. Although she also knew that the situation of the professors of Defense Against the Dark Arts was generally difficult, but this was too difficult~......

Just when Carl was about to put the money away, Lupine couldn't help but look at him: "Did you use dimensional magic just now?"

"Huh? Professor Lupine, do you know dimensional magic?"

Carl blinked, surprise evident on his face.

"I once saw a record of this kind of magic from an ancient magic book. It is said that a powerful dimensional magician existed in the era of the Big Four thousands of years ago. The majestic dimensional magic almost tore the sky , all enemies were distorted and annihilated in his miraculous domain~...

It’s just that he didn’t pass on this magic, otherwise Hogwarts might have an extra elective or compulsory course in Dimensions~…”

Lupine smiled and explained to him.

However, Karl couldn't help but fell into deep thought when he heard this. Logically speaking, there is only him as a dimension walker in this world, and according to the picture described by Lupine, it is clearly caused by the dimension and space-time magnetic field that has been cultivated to an extremely deep level. powerful destruction.

So~, what's going on here?

"The power of time?"

Glancing at Carl who was lost in thought, Lupine turned his attention back to Harry: "How are you feeling, Harry?"

"I feel much better, thank you professor. In addition, the bottle of "Little World Instrument" tastes much better than the potion in the school hospital."

Harry responded very politely, and then turned his eyes to Carl instantly, his eyes were full of fire.

At the beginning, Carl said that he could easily fight a group of dementors, and he was a little skeptical. After all, when he first met him, he was reluctant to fight a Quirrell. But after seeing a bunch of dementors almost being shot into a sieve by the particle storm just now, he was convinced. What he wants most at this moment is not the spell to defeat Sirius, but the spell for Cal to defeat the dementors.

"Karl~...can you~, can you...teach me how to defeat the dementors? Like just now~..."

Harry, who had recovered, seemed to hesitate for a long time, and finally made a sound as soft as a mosquito humming.

"I'm afraid it's a bit difficult. You're missing a very important thing. So dimensional magic is too dangerous for you. If you don't pay attention, it will cause irreversible consequences~..."

Karl opened his eyes, then pointed to his heart, and said with some difficulty. He has a deep understanding of the dangers of dimensional magic and time-space meditation. The exploration of different-dimensional creatures in the devil world has always been one of the long-standing topics of magicians.

However, due to the lack of protective measures against the power of different dimensions, the research of the magicians has always been futile, and even out-of-control bleeding incidents often occur.

In order to have the power to resist different dimensions, some magicians chose to integrate all the power of darkness into the different dimensions, leaving nothing behind.

And because the Eye of Darkness has a continuous source of magic power that can replenish the body with magic power in time, a strange balance has been created that allows them to survive.

And this almost crazy behavior finally allowed them to successfully enter the gate of the world of different dimensions. They are called people who walk between dimensions, that is, dimension walkers.

Therefore, if you want to learn dimensional magic and at the same time ensure that you are not swallowed by darkness, the minimum threshold is... to have the eye of darkness that replaces the heart!

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