DNF Meets Harry Potter

Chapter 252 Hypocrisy

The news that Hermione was hospitalized and no one was allowed to visit quickly spread throughout Hogwarts at this juncture.

The young wizards were buzzing about her hospitalization, and since she was a Muggle-born student, it was taken for granted that she had been attacked. Although this matter has been silent for more than a month, everyone still has not let down their vigilance. No, there was an uproar about Hermione's matter as soon as it was exposed.

Harry's current reputation in people's hearts was bad enough, but now it's even worse. Now everyone only dares to look at him from a distance, and then discuss in private, for fear that if he is not happy, the next target of the attack will be on himself, manipulating the monsters in the secret room to suck up his vitality .

This forced Professor McGonagall to stand up and explain the real situation to everyone. At first, everyone didn't believe it, and they all thought that Professor McGonagall suppressed it in order not to cause panic in the college again. But after this farce was propagated by the Myrtle gossip, coupled with Professor McGonagall's official explanation, everyone had to start to believe it.

So when the little wizards passed by the school hospital, they always craned their necks, hoping to see if Miss Know-it-all had turned into a catgirl because of practicing Transfiguration.


Hagrid finally became the villain, faster than Carl expected, because after suffering for more than a month, Tom finally couldn't bear it and launched another terrorist attack.

This time the victim was Justin Finch, a Muggle-born Gryffindor. He was found fainted in the bathroom, just like what happened to the two little witches before, they were all under the powerful black magic, and their vitality was plundered.

After the third attack, the Ministry of Magic or Cornelius Fudge finally couldn't sit still. Dear Mr. Minister, every day when he goes to work, he can receive hundreds of yelling letters, all of which are blaming him for his incompetence.

Moreover, these Howling letters were carefully disguised and designed by angry parents to look exactly like ordinary letters. Fudge suffered a disaster, so he had to send a few Aurors to open the letters.

On this day, when Karl and Nayali were walking hand in hand and going to the auditorium to enjoy dinner, they suddenly found that something was wrong. There was no one in the corridor, and it was meal time!

The level of magic of the two of them has been greatly recognized by Dumbledore, and they don't have to abide by the new school rules of the extraordinary period like other little wizards. The gates of the castle cannot be left, and this year's Quidditch match was even canceled for this reason.

When they finally walked outside the auditorium, they found that everyone was crowding outside the huge oak door and it was extremely noisy. The little wizards were all discussing something.

Carl took Nayali's hand and quickly squeezed into the crowd, glanced at Alex who was watching the fun outside, and asked in a low voice, "Something seems wrong, what happened?"

"I don't know. When I was about to go in, I saw Minister Fudge and a group of Aurors rushing into the auditorium." Alex said in a low voice, "I heard that they seem to be looking for Hagrid~..."


Niari's eyes widened suddenly. She had a good relationship with Hagrid, and even went to play with him often. Fudge brought a lot of Aurors into Hogwarts, it must be the bad guys! She hastily grabbed Carl's hand and was about to squeeze inside.

The two struggled to push away the crowded crowd, and managed to squeeze into the auditorium.

On the long tables of the four colleges, all the little wizards were staring at the guest seats. Everyone has different expressions, some people look very shocked, they are idiots who only saw the first floor; Watching quietly as usual, they are the ones who have learned some truths through the fog...

The chubby Fudge stood opposite Dumbledore at the guest table, with some fine sweat oozing from his forehead. Beside him was a pudgy, contrived old woman in a pink sweater with big waves.

It was Dolores Umbridge, known as the Pink Toad!

Seeing that his boss was tired, Umbridge quickly took out a pink handkerchief from his pocket and wiped it gently for him, with a flattering smile on his face.

"I'm sorry, Hagrid~... Please forgive us for coming uninvited~..." Fudge took off his top hat, with a fake smile on his face, "But we had to come!

In just two months, three nasty attacks occurred at Hogwarts. Three little wizards are now lying on the hospital bed like a vegetative state, and they don't know when they will wake up...

This is really too much, the Ministry of Magic must take action to protect the safety of little wizards in this critical period! "

"I don't, Professor~, please believe me..." Hagrid's thick legs were trembling constantly, and he looked at Dumbledore with the last hope in his two small eyes like black beetles, "You know I didn't open the Chamber of Secrets, Professor Dumbledore, please~..."

Hagrid's eyes were welling with tears, and if there was anything he was afraid of other than what had happened to his cuties, it was probably Azkaban.

Fifty years ago, because of Tom Riddle's report, Hagrid, who was only fourteen or fifteen years old, was forced into Azkaban by the Aurors and stayed there for a long time, until Dumbledore made great efforts to escape Fish him out. Later, he was directly expelled from Hogwarts because of this incident, and even his wand was broken and banned from using magic forever...

He was also expelled. Compared with Newt, his experience was too miserable. He was only in the third grade at the time, and he stayed in that hellish place for so long, facing the group of damned dementors all day long. The shadow area has long been enlarged by an unknown amount!

"Connelly~... I hope you can think again. Hagrid will never do that kind of outrageous thing. You should know that my trust in him has never been reserved... "

Dumbledore stood with his hands down, persuading him very sincerely.

"Yes, Albus, I trust you too, after all, you have helped me so much unconditionally before, and you have been the headmaster of Hogwarts for so many years, so you have this weight.

But you have to know that the Ministry of Magic is not the only one that has the final say. Whether it is the parents of the victims or the children who hope to study safely in Hogwarts, there must be an explanation for this matter~... "

Fudge had a fake sad smile on his face, but his eyes were fixed on Hagrid...

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