DNF Meets Harry Potter

Chapter 207: An Alternative Doomsday Messenger, New Moon

After talking about a lot of precautions, Professor McGonagall finally stood up and got down to business.

She took out her wand and tapped on the blank blackboard lightly, lines of beautiful chalk characters began to emerge gradually on it, and then she began to patiently explain the mystery of this magic to Carl...

The doors and windows of the huge transfiguration classroom are closed at the moment, and there are only the two of them. Carl sits down and takes out a notebook to write and draw on it from time to time, listening to every detail...

The specific application of the Animagus is not as Carl imagined, as long as the transfiguration technique is superb, it also needs to be assisted by potions and weather, and these two conditions are indispensable.

Professor McGonagall took out a transparent glass bottle from her emerald green wizard robe, and there were a few green leaves in it that looked like they had just been plucked.

"Just a question here, do you know what kind of plant this is? I think Professor Sprout should have talked about this plant..."

Professor McGonagall used the floating spell to control the glass bottle and slowly flew in front of Carl, and the boy immediately grabbed it with his right hand.

Karl opened the glass bottle, tentatively picked up a leaf and looked at it, and quickly determined what kind of plant it was, a leaf.

"This is~, a Mandrake? But isn't the effect of the Mandrake used to cure the petrification spell?"

Carl put the leaves back into the bottle and tightened the cap, his little face was full of doubts. Professor McGonagall showed him the Mandrake. He wouldn't foolishly think that this thing had nothing to do with Animagus, but he had never heard of this aspect, so he was a little surprised for a while.

"That's right, this is exactly the leaf of the Mandrake! The Healing Petrification Curse is only its superficial function, and the deep-level function is the specific application of the Animagus.

Except for it, no potion material can replace its effect. The reason why it is not popularized in herbal medicine classes is entirely because Animagus is too dangerous..."

Professor McGonagall smiled lightly and explained the reason perfectly.

Next, she began to describe the specific operation method.

Animagus is worthy of its supreme glory of transfiguration, and a lot of details are so detailed that Karl can't help but feel his scalp tingle. The first step made him a little unbearable, because Professor McGonagall made it clear that the mandrake leaves must be kept in his mouth for a whole month.

At no point can the leaves be swallowed or taken out of the mouth, if the leaves leave the mouth the whole process has to start all over again.

This process reminded Karl of the most disgusting monster in the guide of wisdom - New Moon, the messenger of doom, who would drag adventurers back in time as long as he couldn't drop. He is full of blood, you are full of blood, and then caught in an endless time loop, unable to escape...

Dormammu, let's make a deal.jpg...


Hearing what Professor McGonagall said, Karl's face became ugly, and he kept a leaf in his mouth for a month. What should he do when he eats? Sometimes the throat does not listen to the control of the brain and has its own ideas.

Dimension walker is iron, rice is steel! How uncomfortable it is!

Professor McGonagall also noticed Carl's face at this moment, and couldn't help but chuckle, thinking that James and the others had the same reaction at the beginning. Although Carl was much calmer than them, he probably couldn't bear it now.

"It's not over yet, this is just the first step! Next, configuring potions will be extremely difficult!

Take out the leaves when the moon is full, fill a crystal phial with saliva, soak the leaves in it, and let it receive the pure moonlight!

Attention! The next point I want to say is extremely important! "

Professor McGonagall interrupted Carl, who was taking notes, and said somewhat harshly.

"If it's cloudy the night you take the mandrake leaf out of your mouth, that means you'll have to find a new mandrake leaf to put in your mouth and start over!"

The corners of Karl's eyes twitched slightly when he heard these words, and he couldn't help but sigh with emotion, I'm so hard!

"The next steps are also extremely cumbersome. You need to add a strand of your hair and a silver teaspoon of dew to the crystal vial illuminated by the moonlight. The dew must be collected from a place where there has been no sunlight or human contact for seven days. Also the hardest step. Then add a chrysalis of a hawkmoth.

After completing all the previous steps, the last step is much easier, you just need to wait quietly. Just keep this mixture in a quiet, dark place and don't look at it or disturb it until the next thunderstorm!

At that time, if the potion you take out turns completely blood-red like blood, it means that all the steps you have done are correct, and it also marks that you are not far from success. Drink the potion to start the first Animagus transformation..."

After fully understanding the prerequisites of Animagus, Karl finally realized why there are so few Animagus, and the workload is outrageous!

"Professor McGonagall, is it necessary to make this potion? Is there any other way?" Carl couldn't help asking, he really didn't want to spend so much time and energy to complete this prerequisite. Wdnmd, it wasn't that complicated when he became a dimensional walker full-time from an ordinary male magician.

And it is even more outrageous that there must be a thunderstorm. It is late autumn now, where can he find a stormy night with thunder and lightning?

"Concocting potions is not the only way. There are other shortcuts..."

Professor McGonagall smiled knowingly, and the question Karl asked was also expected by her, after all, she came here like this back then. Back then, it took her more than half a year from the first time she came into contact with the preparation of the potion. Either the mandrake leaves were accidentally swallowed, or other accidents caused her to start all over again...

"What shortcut?!"

Carl suddenly became excited.

"One power down ten times! As long as you have the level of Professor Dumbledore in Transfiguration, I can teach you another shortcut to quickly complete the Animagus transformation. But..."

Professor McGonagall looked at Carl and replied with a half-smile.

The boy's originally joyful face suddenly turned into a bitter face, saying this is tantamount to not saying it. If he could have Dumbledore's level now, he would have flown to the sky to stand shoulder to shoulder with the sun...

Seeing the sad look on Carl's face, Professor McGonagall waved his wand lightly in the air. The silver-white brilliance circulated in the air, transforming into three silver cats. They bounced out from the tip of the wand, and it was strange that they all had glasses-like patterns around their eyes...

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