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I wish the empty mountain does not know who sent the letter, whether it is an enemy or a friend, but she believes that the content of the letter is completely true. There is no reason, based on her instincts, and the understanding of the Eight Emperors over the past few months.

She smashed the letter into a ball, and she already had a decision in her heart. Calling Xiaoyu, who is close to the body, cautiously asks: "Go back to Beijing tonight, you follow me, dare?"

Xiaoyu sighed and asked the sentence: "Miss is really true? Liu Yanniang has not lost her sorrow. Are we going too far now? Are you coming back to send Liu Yuniang's last trip?"

"No need to send it." The heart of Zhukongshan also cooled down. "As a biological mother, she never thought about it for me before I was alive. I don't need my daughter to see me after I die. It is enough to wish family and Liu family. I don’t have many of them. Besides, the big lady and father want to marry me, how can I let them be at their mercy."

Xiaoyu also heard about this matter. She only sighs that her own lady is really bad. She spreads such a mother and spreads such a father and aunt. If she does not leave, she will only be wronged if she stays at the house. So she nodded. "Xiaoyu listened to Miss, and the young lady went to where Xiaoyu went. But what about the two hoes around Missy? Are they still carrying them?"

I wish the empty mountain shake your head: "Don't care, the two gimmicks, now even if I say that they will come back to Beijing together, they are also unwilling to return. This matter must be kept secret, not let anyone know, once known, We can't go." She looked at Xiaoyu and felt that she had been servant for many years. This girl should not betray herself. But everything has a chance, she can't believe anyone in this palace. Then I thought about it and said something with a threatening nature--"Xiaoyu, you have to understand that I am going to Beijing with you for the sake of hello. If we don't go, I have to marry under the arrangement of the big lady. People go, and you as my personal body, you must also marry me along with you. You think about how the people they arrange may be reliable, once they marry, they may also be subject to what kind of torture. I am not good, where can you go?"

Upon hearing this, Xiaoyu squatted down and quickly said: "Xiaoyu has been waiting for the young lady since she was a child. In this house, Miss is the only relative of Xiaoyu. Wherever you go, Xiaoyu goes there. This life is not betrayed. Miss."

I wish the empty mountain nodded in satisfaction, did not say more, only went out and made a few confession with the shackles of the Sheng Wangfu. Then there is a bit of confusion about why she is so anxious to go, I wish the empty mountain to take the eight emperors to press her: "Cousin said let me come back and see, and then go back as soon as possible, this palace can not hold my feet, this It is the original words of my cousin."

After listening to this, I didn’t ask more questions. After all, the Eight Emperors had already passed before, and I must bring Zhukongshan back to Beijing. There are still some things in the capital that need to be done in the empty mountain. He is so easy to get such an assistant, and he has to use his value to get rid of it. She should give orders to the empty mountain, and quietly leave the government to prepare for the night travel.

With the help of this gimmick, I wished that the flight of the empty mountain was very smooth. I fled without wishing to know the family and Liujiadu, and went out of the city overnight.

At the same time, Forgot Sichuan also left that night, riding a fast horse, and chose a short-distance return to Beijing.

The next day, when I wished my family to find that Zhukongshan ran away and wanted to chase, I could not catch up. The big lady was so angry that she wished her empty moon to link the escape of Zhukong Mountain with her disappearance of her Achuan in the past few days. There was a faint sense of ignorance.

One night after four days, I forgot to return to Beijing and successfully entered the Royal Palace. When Huang Quan saw her coming back, she was very happy. She asked Dong to ask about the West. The two did not mention the matter immediately with Feng Yuxi. In the middle of the night, the two masters either slept soundly sweetly, or they were "noisy" and they were just a happy one. They were a head, but they didn't dare to bother at this time.

But Feng Yu, who is in the house, has already heard the movement in the courtyard. She stunned Xuantian, and proposed: "Forget the river back, or... I will ask her about the situation in the state of Pengzhou. ?"

Xuan Tianming’s “action” is still going on. There is no such thing as stopping the topic because of this topic. Not only did it stop, but even reminded her wife to say: “You have to concentrate on this time, how can you still have your mind? Going to listen to the movements in the yard? I want to come, but I don’t work hard enough for the husband to have the energy to think about it. It seems that the husband has to work harder."

When he said that he did it, he did add strength. Feng Yuyu was swaying under his leadership and never dared to mention the matter of forgetting Sichuan.

I wish the empty mountain to Beijing two days later than the forgetting Sichuan. Although it is also anxious to catch up, I can't sleep in the carriage, but in the end, the carriage does not have a single foot. However, it was also into the capital. In this early morning, when the gate of the capital city opened, I wished that Kongshan could not tell what it was like. I said that I was relieved and I didn’t have to worry about the family’s pursuit. I’m going back to Beijing. I’m going to face the anti-eyes of the Eight Emperors. Her heart is looking forward to being nervous and not annoying, if Liu’s Nothing happens, how wonderful everything should be. She has done so much hard work, and seeing the good days at her fingertips, she has lost all her efforts in this section. She hates Liu, but she can't change anything. The mistake has been made. She is now a piece of chess in the hands of the Eight Emperors. In this case, why should she listen to it?

A sneer from the corner of Zhu Kongshan's lips opened, and I saw the little jade in my heart was secretly surprised. I only think that my own lady has been more thoughtful than ever before, but she is thinking about what she is thinking about, and she is afraid of her and she is worried. This feeling is really bad.

Back to the royal palace, the Eight Emperors Xuantian Mo has already gone to the early morning, I wish the empty mountain did not stay in the government. After changing the clothes, I went straight to the north with two hoes.

These days, when she left, the good things in the north of the city are still going on. There are people in the palace of the royal family, and other ladies of the official family will occasionally come over. But after all, goodness has been held for so long, and those delicate lady ladies can't report every day. I wish they could still do it when they were empty. When she left Beijing, they also assigned the family to take over.

However, I wish the empty mountain is now back, to the north of the station, the news will soon be returned to the house by the descendants of each family. Not two hours, the ladies who haven’t seen it for many days have come over again, but there’s no more stars in the past, but one with a look of insight, and some even bluntly ask. Dao: "Mr. Zhu, I wish the things on the house is true? Your mother-in-law really confessed to the housekeeper and was met by your father?"

Zhu Kongshan felt that this sentence went straight to her heart, but she could not defeat her. She always remembered what her purpose was to return to Beijing. She twisted her head and said to the prince of Sheng Wangfu: "You go to the temple to see it. Let's leave for so long, I don't know if there is any need for repair. My **** has just come from Pengzhou, not yet. Familiar with here, you will take a trip for me!"

This girl followed the wishing mountain, and there was no such thing as running and running for her. I didn’t feel it at the moment. I turned my head and went to the temple. Until she went far, I wished that there was a further reaction at the end of the empty mountain. It was said to the lady who had just spoken and ran against her: "If I remember correctly, your family lord is just a principal of the six rituals. It has been said that the principal of the Ministry of Rites is a very small family. It is used for a good job on weekdays. To make a big deal, he is still too far away. Even if he is far away, there is no need to pull him."

That lady’s glance, what is the meaning of the reaction after half a day’s reaction, is it that it is not good for the Eight Emperors to abandon her family? And are not ready to pull their home? So what did she do with these so-called good deeds?

Some other ladies also heard some doorways and followed the question: "What do you mean by this?"

I wished the empty mountain to look at the lady, and then think about it, saying: "I am a niece of the five members of the Ministry of Foreign Affairs? Oh, really, the Eight Emperors also said that your father is not knowing what to do, always thinking about it. I can go up two levels by the influence of the Eight Emperors, but I don’t want to measure myself a few pounds. The half-legged grasshopper also wants to go up? It’s a joke.”

People are stupid, looking at the empty mountain, a pair of "this person is not evil." The Xuezhu Mountain they know is not like this. It is gentle and gentle, and it is modest to everyone. Even if it is tempered by Li and Yu Wang in the palace, it is also from the tolerance, never seen her. So full of suffocating look.

People looked at the empty mountain in a hurry, only for a moment, they saw her face faintly modest and smiled and said to them: "It doesn't matter, no matter what the Eight Emperors say, I will treat you all. It is the same as before. The husbands are all elders, the ladies are all sisters, and they will not be affected by the influence of the Eight Emperors." Everything seems to have not happened, as if the previous words were not from her mouth.

Some people think about one more layer. They only think that the previous words are the meaning of wishing to talk about the Eight Emperors. It is not the meaning of Zhukongshan himself. I wish the empty mountain is the same as before. It is the eight emperors.

People looked at each other a few times and exchanged a few eyes. Some people smiled and said, "Thank you, Miss Zhu, reminding us that our family was so unbearable in the hearts of the Eight Emperors."

I wish the empty mountain waved again and again, and looked anxiously. "No, don't misunderstand. It's not that the family of all of you can't enter the eyes of the Eight Emperors. There are still some eight emperors who don't have blunt words. I want to come... Have a chance to be fancy!"

"That means that most people, the eight emperors are not waiting to see." People also understand, "The rest is nothing but straightforward, but the meaning is just the same. No wonder our father followed. The eight emperors have been so long, but the actual benefits have not been harvested. The original eight emperors did not look at them at all. We do not have such a small official."

"Oh, you really misunderstood." Zhukongshan still explained: "No, it doesn't say that you use it at all, at least it is still useful now, for example, to make a porridge. The Eight Emperors said earlier, if only rely on Sheng Wangfu, the cost can be too big, there are you to help, but to ease the burden of Sheng Wangfu."

"Now useful? When you run out, you have to throw it aside!" People all heard the meaning of this, and they were so angry that their necks were thick and thick, and the husbands simply turned their faces on the spot--"What kind of porridge? Didn't you hear it? People just use our money to block their own holes. In fact, we are in the hearts of others, nothing!"

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