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Zhukongshan lived in Shengwangfu. The officials of the eight emperor party heard the news and immediately acted. Every family sent out, either a lady or a lady or a lady, Miss, and a glimpse. Go to the Royal Palace to visit.

Although the case of Liu Huai’s family was eliminated, the former officials took a temporary wait-and-see attitude for the Eight Emperors. But the men’s business is a matter for men, and they cannot always be so stiff. Nowadays, there is such an opportunity. They can finally send their own women from the backyard while they are watching. They will explore the reality and the second is to leave more room for themselves. A cousin couldn't have come to Beijing for no reason, and he lived in the palace. He heard that he had already entered the palace to meet two noble masters. This is intriguing.

The women are coming to the door, this is the result of the thoughts of the empty mountain and Xuantian ink. Even Xuantian ink was originally the idea of ​​playing, using the back house, let those officials add more confidence to him. There is no serious hostess in the royal palace, but to talk about communication, the former is one side, the strength of the women in the backyard can not be underestimated, and occasionally there is a wind blowing on the pillow, there may be a hesitation towards him. The people will be determined. Therefore, he made this cousin into Beijing. One of them was to use this cousin to make a good reputation for the people's livelihood. He also hoped that he would give him a link in the women's pile.

I wish the empty mountain to do these things very well, but all the people who came to the door all smiled and smiled, regardless of whether the other party is the master of the house with a prostitute, or the side room with a prostitute, she is treated equally, even the best cloud in the royal palace. The tea was taken out to treat the guests, but it was quite a bit of a mystery to say to the people: "This tea was originally used by the ink cousin study. I secretly took out some of them. You must help me. Keep it secret!"

This is not the case between women. With a common secret, it can be a good friend. Although this is not a secret, and people also know that Zhukongshan is just saying this. But it is such a casual word that it is easy to bring back the friendship between girls. So everyone quickly heated up, and together with the good-tempered temper, the people are beautiful and beautiful, not so good-looking but very comfortable to watch, which is even more without a sense of distance, and will not cause jealousy.

Eight emperors Xuantian ink looked at these women from strangers to restraints, and then from restraint to familiarity, everything came so fast and so natural, and could not help but be more satisfied with this cousin.

Waiting for the women to send the house, Xuantian Mo invited the empty mountain to use the dinner, and took the initiative to say: "The idea of ​​getting you to the capital is the mother's side, but the king has also been to the state of Pengzhou in these years. I have a lot of attention. I know that you are a sensible and knowing book. Now you are in Beijing. I believe you should understand what to do."

I wish the empty mountain quickly put down the tableware and nodded: "Ink cousin assured, these things have been told to me, the empty mountain has no other skills, but the people gather this thing is still much more done. The people are the same. Regardless of whether the city of Pyeongju or the capital is good, as long as they can make good things that will really benefit them and benefit them, they will appreciate themselves. Even if there are more mistakes in the past, it is just a good thing to do, and the hearts of the people are It’s long, and the empty mountains don’t believe they won’t be affected.”

Xuantian ink nodded. "You just want to take your own ideas. You need to take the money directly from the account. The king has already greeted the account and they will cooperate fully."

"The empty mountains are all recorded." Zhu Kongshan took down the matter of Xuantian Mo, and looked up and stopped.

Xuantian ink frowned: "If you have anything to say, let's stand in one place. The king doesn't like to have something to hide. The two hoes around you know what is going on, and now they are also Not here, if you have anything, just say it." Xuantian Mo eats never likes the next person standing on the side, especially the **** that comes from outside, even if he can't enter his eyes, even if the two hoes are He is not a man of such fascination.

Listening to him, I wish you no more hesitation when you want to empty the mountain. When you even said: "It’s all about the head of the city of Ouzhou. I don’t want these locks to disturb the cousin, but I’m always in my heart. I am not at ease, after all, my mother is still in the house, so..."

"This king understands." After waiting for the empty mountain, Xuantian ink took the initiative to pick it up. He now understands that he wants to draw people's hearts and can't blindly swear that he is the prince of the emperor, and he can't blindly buy it with gold and silver. At the crucial moment, he still has to rely on other aspects of favor. "These are all small things." He waved his hand. "Ming Japan will be in the name of Sheng Wangfu, and go to Pengzhou to send something to the aunt, to see, the sister of Gongzhong, who Dare to bully."

With the words of Xuantian Mo, I wished that the empty mountain was finally put down, and even after the thank you, the two began to eat quietly.

At the same time, there was news from the head of Yuwangfu that was passed to Feng Yu's ear. It was the class who walked and said to her: "The surname is in the Shengwangfu. It will be a few days. It will be a few days in Beijing. The officials in the house sent their sons and daughters to the door and talked with each other very much. In addition, the surname of Zhu also went to Fengfu, and sent a lot of things to Fengfen, but did not stay for too long and was sent by Fengfen. Come out."

Upon listening to this, Huang Quan interjected: "Is this not the idea of ​​wooing Fengfen?"

Feng Yuxi did not take it for granted. She knew too much about Fengfen. "The heart of the girl is taller than the sky. I really don't have to wait until I wish that... I wish you something?"

Forgetting Sichuan reminded her: "I wish the empty mountain."

"Oh, I wish you empty mountain. And see how she toss it! There are countermeasures under the policy... Oh, no, she is not, how can she be on it!" Someone said by himself, made a few The next person is crying and laughing. However, it is easy to say. For a person who suddenly appears, there should be some defenses. The class has been paying attention to the movements of Shengwangfu in recent days. From time to time, it will report to Feng Yu.

The next day, I arrived at the day when Feng Yu went to the medical hall. The medical hall is closely next to the Guozijian, and the students are very good. Many students who originally studied at the Guozijian have signed up, and many folk doctors and medical interest enthusiasts have come. After provoking a detailed investigation into the ancestors of the eight generations, 50 people were admitted to school. There were men and women, and men and women were taught in the same room. It was also a precedent for the Dashun School.

In this regard, some people feel awkward, and the outside is even more ulterior motives to deduct the hat of "injury", the result is all blocked by Yao Nan's words - "Is there any opinion? After comments, etc. You are sick, the man is looking for a male doctor, the woman is looking for a female doctor, and I will wait until I can't find it. The doctors in the palace are all male, including the gynecological saints. If they are all according to your meaning, is it too medical? Don't you live?"

People are blocked from talking, but they are still not twisted in their hearts, but Feng Yuxi does not care about this. Everything in her hundred cottages does not belong to this era, and the concept should not be bound by this era. She came to the school today, and the first lesson for the students was to teach them: in front of medicine, regardless of gender.

However, all the students accepted by the Baicaotang can be enrolled through the selection of layers. Although the age is uneven, the hearts of the people are very neat. Everyone regards Feng Yu and Yao Xian as idols. What people say is that they all write on the books as a famous saying. What Feng Yuxi said is nothing, no one has any opinions. Although men and women are in the same room, there are no unpleasant things to happen to everyone.

After class, Yao Nan said to Feng Yuxi: "When I came to the school today, I saw the cousin of the Eight Emperors on the street. I didn't recognize it at first. When I heard the people talking about it, I knew that person. I saw her. Going north of the city, I don’t know what she is going to do with a lady at the end."

In the capital, the east is rich in the west and the south is in the north. Most of the children living in the east are merchants and have money; most of them live in the west are powerful and powerful; in the south, they are where the troupe of the Hualou Pavilion is located, and the north is the poorest people. There are also places where people are called slums.

In fact, whether it is Kyoto or other state governments, it is made up of all kinds of people. It is normal to have rich and poor. This is normal, not like the two gimmicks brought by Zhukong Mountain. People are rich and oily.

Yao Nan’s words made Feng Yu’s thoughts turn around again, and he remembered that Xuantian Ming said that, when Miss Zhu Jia was a female bodhisattva in Pengzhou, she wished that the reputation of the government was mostly maintained outside. Therefore, the reputation of the six-country official residence in Zhujia District is better than that of Pengzhou. Now, Miss Zhu Jia went to the north of the city... She smiled and said: "If you wish the empty mountain to play this idea, don't worry about what it is, at least the people can get some benefits."

Yao Nan stunned and quickly reacted, but he was somewhat worried. "The meaning of my sister is that the lady who is wishing to do good deeds for the Eight Emperors and replenish the lost reputation? Will we have any influence?"

Feng Yuqi shook his head: "No, some reputations are broken or broken. It is not by one person's strength that they can win back. Besides, I wish my family is a family, and the Eight Emperors are eight emperors, since I wish you a good deed. "There is benefit to be a good family." She thought about it again, half turned and said to Forget Chuan: "Tomorrow, you will go to Canton State for a trip, first ask the head of the herb to inquire about the situation, best. I can put in a person and always pay attention to the movement of the family."

Forgetting Sichuan nodded, "Miss assured, the slaves understand."

In the north of the city, the temple was broken, and the empty mountain with A-Aru stopped at the entrance of the temple. The door of this ruined temple is gone, the window papers are too bad to cover the wind, and the wind at the end of the autumn is cool and fierce, and the air is blowing in, and there is a mess in the scraping.

A ring wrinkled and looked still, still incomprehensible: "There is still such a place in Beijing? Is it the capital in the end?"

I wish the empty mountain calmly said: "Is there a number of people in the capital, the palace has been in, how do you suspect this kind of thing? Let's go! Let's go in. This is nothing, the slums of Pangzhou are worse than here, you have not I have been walking around, I have been used to it. I remember that what I am doing now is confessed to the Eighth Highness and the Yuangui. You should know what you can say and say nothing. It doesn't matter if you have a bad heart, but if you break down the things of His Highness, then I can't keep you."

When she finished, she took a step forward and moved forward.

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