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Feng Yu's words also led to Dashun's screaming laughter, and even the vice-presidents of Bixiu would quickly get rid of internal injuries. Isn't it, he is a burly figure, but this is a short, but it is not too much to say like his grandson. It’s a pity that he didn’t even have a daughter-in-law. His sons were not born, and where were the grandchildren.

He wanted to laugh and didn't dare to laugh. He was really uncomfortable. He had to turn his head and coughed, but he got the Bixiu screaming again. He turned back and licked him and gave him a straight. He fell to the ground, and then he listened to Bi Xiudao: "Go, call the little general of the general." After that, he bowed his head and squatted at his feet. "Going to move a few bricks, the general will give the next head." Those people play a good show!"

The deputy will not know what it is, but when he talks about that little girl, he is bright. He also saw that little girl, but it is really like the head of the Daeang County of Ji’an! It is not too much to say that it is exactly the same. The general will bring the little scorpion at this time... Is it necessary to add some blockage to the Dashun people? After all, even if you are not alone, you can look at that face, and Dashun will not feel good in the heart. This pair will think about the special hobbies of General Bixiu in some aspects, can not help but smile, and quickly climbed up to call people.

However, Bi Xiu turned back and laughed at the bottom: "Since the Ji'an County Lord refused to go to your husband's house, the general would do this for your husband for a while!"

He said that the man was too confused, he replaced? Has he replaced it? No one knows what Bixiu said, but Feng Yuxi guessed one or two. She frowned and whispered to Xuan Tian: "But to toss Fuya?"

Xuan Tianxiao is cold and cold: "The estimate is that."

"Is the general who got the fantasies?" Feng Yuxi felt funny. "Is there a bug in his mind? The man and the man don't say how to think about the enemy, and they will ponder some ideas all the time. That is Is it naive to let us drop a piece of meat?

Xuantian Ming also feels childish, but he is not heard of Bixiu. He is not a ridiculous guy. If he wants to be humiliated, it would be disgusting to get someone who looks exactly the same as Feng Yu. He discussed with his wife: "Do you still attack the city directly? See him doing that play?"

Feng Yuxi shook his head and refused: "No, no, we can't always blow up the city. Although the ammunition is sufficient, the wall city has been destroyed and it has to be repaired. This month, Pingcheng is so far away from Lanzhou. It is difficult to transport blue bricks here. Big things are not worthwhile."

Xuan Tian Ming spreads his hand: "You said that you don't want to blow it up. After a while, you have been blocked by the groundhog. Don't blame the king for not reminding you."

Feng Yu nodded. "Do not worry, the **** person should not live anymore, not only the groundhog damn, Fu Ya's life should be over. The two new graves next to the green state in the eastern suburbs of Shaping City are waiting to use her. The blood went to pay homage! Today is just right, I sent it to the door." Her eyes stunned, Fu Ya, you have lived for so long, you should always pay for what you have done.

In a short time, there was movement on the wall of Yuepingcheng. This time, there were really soldiers who had bricks under the feet of Bixiu, and there was not enough padding, so that Bixiu stood on the brick and the body could be found. Half a bit. However, Bixiu did not have the sense of security before. The reason why he dared to go to the wall, more than half of the reason is to look at his own short, as long as a neck, you can use this wall to save your life. Now suddenly it has become higher, so that his goal is to increase, a country general, fearful.

However, if you think about the upcoming good show, his mood will be refreshed. Dashun has always added to him. Today, he has to find some people who are not happy for Dashun. Is the Ji’an County Lord not married? Very good, this cave room, let him do it for her in this way!

After a short time, Fu Ya was brought to the wall. The woman didn't know where she was getting a red dress. It was a match with Feng Yu's set, and Bixiu was very satisfied.

For Fu Ya, this is the second time for the upper wall. The first time was in the northern boundary. She was caught by Duanmu Anguo and was sent to a high wall. There was a shadow in that time, standing again in such a high place, her legs were trembling. Can Bixiu manage her, she does not tremble, seeing people, and I will see it in front of me, waiting for Fuya to ask him what he is doing, people have been pushed to the edge of the city wall, half body Explored.

Fu Ya was so scared that he closed his eyes and felt that if Bixiu used some strength, he would be pushed down. But she was not reconciled, and she endured fear and asked: "General, what is this to do?"

Bixiu smirked, "Don't worry, little lady, you will know it later!" After that, he shouted at the opposite Dashun army: "Open your eyes and look at your Ji'an County, The bride of your nine princes is now in the hands of the general!" While talking about Fu Ya’s face, he squeezed a hand on the top and said: "It’s really watery, this face is elastic. Full, do you want to touch the general with this general?"

After he said this, Fu Ya understood the intention of Bixiu, and his heart chilled. The shame that had not been seen for a long time also hit the top. In the end, she was not too slutty. In the end, it was the situation that forced me to go from Bixiu, but she did not expect that the joke that made him imagine himself as Feng Yu’s jealousy became the day that Bixiu took himself to vent. Export. Fu Ya was unwilling, and the body twisted a few times and tried to struggle. Where can I screw it over? The hands of the martial arts people, like the iron tongs, buckled her on the wall, leaving her with no mercy.

This scene was also clearly seen by the Dashun officers. Although everyone knows that it is not the real Ji’an County owner, their county owners are riding on the camels alongside the Nine Emperors before the army! But the woman's red dress, and the face that is exactly the same as the county owner, is still shaking the eyes of the soldiers. Knowing that it is not, but also feels very unsightly.

Bi Xiu’s image is like seeing Dashun’s thoughts in his heart. He couldn’t help but laugh and cover it. He listened to him loudly: “Ji’an County Lord, this general is here tonight, just under the eyes of the soldiers of the Three Armies. The candle in the cave room is good?" After asking, I didn't wait for the other party to answer the question, but I broke the clothes of Fu Ya. The red dress was pulled into one piece and could not be covered. Fu Ya closed his eyes in humiliation, tears fell down the wall, but could not afford half sympathy. She knows that this is what she deserves.

Bixiu was a beast. Just under the eyes of this public, just under the high wall, she shed her own robes and pulled off her trousers. She grabbed her hair and pressed her on the wall. In a very humiliating position, she married her. Fu Ya cried silently, and a thought came up in her head. The class around Feng Yuzhen was watching her. Seeing that she is so humiliated, will the class be distressed? That is her hero. How much she hopes her hero can save her once again. As long as she can save her from this wall, she will not fight anything from now on. Nothing is robbed!

It is a pity that the class has seen it, but there is no idea of ​​trying to save her. That is Feng Wei's dark guard, a hair is pulled out and it is all toward Feng Yu, how can I save the self-accepted Fu Ya. Not only will it not be saved, but instead I feel that Fu Ya’s fall is really alive now. If you don’t care, you don’t love yourself, and you don’t know who you are, you don’t deserve to live in this world.

Bixiu's animal behavior led to the cheers of the ancient army, but the Dashun army was a hateful tooth. He Gan went to the side of Feng Yu and discussed with her: "The master, the next gun can kill the general, do you want to do it?"

Feng Yu licked his lips and chuckled. "Do you want to do it? Of course you have to do it, but it's not you moving, but I came by myself." Her voice fell and she suddenly raised her hand. The desert eagle, already in her hand, even aimed at it. None of them, just shot it out.

That Bi’s correction was tossed up, and the whole brain was full of the main house of the Ji’an County in Dashun’s main house. The illusion of stunned the mind, and did not pay attention to the movements of the opposing enemy. Of course, even if he noticed it, the speed of the bullet is not like the bow and arrow, but also allows him to hide. This gun is played out, and even if he sees it clearly, there is nowhere to escape.

As a result, the Dashun soldiers saw their own county owner picking up the head casually, but when they heard the sound, they opened a hole in the brain of Bixiu.

In the past few months, the officers of the Amazing Group have also practiced the shooting method very accurately, but they are not allowed to go to Feng Yuyu’s free-spirited realm. A shot in the middle of the eyebrows, even his own people took a breath. He Gan admire the authentic: "The master, good shots."

Looking at the Bixiu, as the **** hole passed through the eyebrows, the whole child began to feel like being settled. Then he swayed twice and suddenly fell back. And that Fu Ya, at the moment when Bi Xiu fell down, under the sudden force of the other party before dying, pushed down the wall.

Everyone has witnessed the whole process of Fu Ya's fall, but no one has risen half of pity. Everyone knows that the fake county owner of Lanzhou is well known. Dashun people hate her for too late, even in the process of her falling down, there are still people applauding.

Fu Ya heard the good voice of Dashun's head, but his heart raised an endless expectation. She still remembers that in the northern boundary, she was pushed under the wall, but just before her landing, there was a man like a hero who descended from the sky, and she was firmly in her arms. That person, at a glance, entered the heart, even if she is now ruined, she still misses that embrace.

Her heart is thinking that the class will definitely appear, and there is such a hope in her heart, and the process of falling down is not so terrible. Even hope to hurry up to the end, at the last moment, her hero will appear, save her in the fire, and bring her to reborn.

But I don't know, Dashunjun, Xuantian Ming is pointing at her and her daughter-in-law, saying, "You said that the woman is still thinking about someone who can save her?"

Feng Yu looked at the class with a funny smile and raised an eyebrow: "Would you like to save?"

The class walked and shook his head. "In this world, only the phoenix can be reborn, and the phoenix is ​​only the master."

Yes, the lord of the Phoenix, there is only one under the heavens, Fu Ya, does not match.

With a muffled sound, Fu Ya headed down into the sand outside the city of Yueping, and after a few twitching of the body, there was no sound.

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