Shashasha, Shashasha...

With two Exotic Beasts, Zhang Che moved towards the front of the mountain just after the single hundred meters, I heard a rustling sound in the bushes on the left side.

"Oh, good luck, just out of the Safe Zone, I met Exotic Beast."

Zhang Che has no feeling of fear. It is just the periphery of the Safe Zone. Under normal circumstances, it is impossible to have any Exotic Beast. Besides, I now have a Bronze, a Silver and two strengths. The Exotic Beast is completely fearless. Necessary.

However, in order to prevent it, Zhang Che still ordered the giant pig to block in front of him, and the stronger Fiery Scorpion is always on standby.

Soon, several dark red millipedes that were up to one meter long climbed out of the bushes, as if they smelled the flesh on Zhang Che and crawled straight toward him.

These millipedes have a cylindrical shape, and the dark red body has a path of a uniform yellow ring. When viewed in detail, the yellow ring is the connection point of each body of the millipede.

Watching these thousands of worms rush toward themselves, Zhang Che scalp felt numb, a layer of goose bumps on the body.

Especially these insects are really disgusting!

[Mutation Ukrainian Millipede]

Level : 1-Star (Level 6 )

Grade :Black Iron

Characteristics: The limbs of the body can secrete erosive odorous venom to hunt food and drive away enemies;

Weakness: Outer armor defense is insufficient, fear of Element attack

Potential :D Rank :25% chance breakthrough current Level, 2.5% chance breakthrough current Grade, next halving, 2 boost

Cultivating Directions :......

"Oh, you can still see the Exotic Beast's attribute!"

After brushing the Exotic Beast's information on the window, Zhang Che was a glimpse first, and then he couldn't help but overjoyed.

In this way, is it not possible to determine the strength of the unknown Exotic Beast in advance? With this feature, security has more than doubled!

Just between Zhang Che and the gods, the Mutation Ukrainian millipedes had already rushed to the front, and Zhang Che quickly shunned his body completely behind the giant pig.

Just kidding, these things can spray corrosive venom, which is really finished if you accidentally spray your face.

At the same time, the Fiery Scorpion, who received the Zhang Che command, greeted the terrifying insects, and the two big scorpions waved, just like a chariot.

The former insects were not afraid at all. Zhang Che only heard a "chi chi" sound, and they saw a misty venom on the insect's limbs, which rushed to the nearby Fiery Scorpion. Head full of faces.

Zhang Che immediately raised a heart.

Will Fiery Scorpion not be hurt by these venoms?

As it turns out, the Fiery Scorpion, which is a Silver grade, is still very powerful. The venom of the millipede on it is just a little discomfort, but it can't really hurt Fiery Scorpion.

However, attacked by these insects, Fiery Scorpion was also furious, waving a pair of big stalks and rushing to the front of a millipede.

"ka-cha !" "ka-cha !"

Two crunchy sounds, a millipede was smashed into three segments by Fiery Scorpion.

"This is a strong attack, and it really is the Silver Grade Exotic Beast!"

Zhang Che sees the excitement, so it seems that these seemingly fierce millipedes are just a piece of cake, waiting for Fiery Scorpion one after another to taste.

However, it has been broken into three, but also from the moving towards Fiery Scorpion. How is the millipede that sprays the venom? Sure enough, as described in the information I saw, the vitality is indeed very tenacious.

"Crush it!"

Zhang Che once again issued a new attack command to Fiery Scorpion.

Fiery Scorpion responded quickly, lifting up two huge scorpions immediately, moving towards the millipede's three-legged body is the stopped mammoth.

I only heard "cāchy" sound, the three-legged body of the millipede was like a crispy egg roll, and it was completely ruined by Fiery Scorpion.

"Hunting Mutation Uji Millipede, Obtained Soul Force-1 Point."

With the unrecognized corpse of the millipede as a flowing light dissipated, Zhang Che’s mind suddenly came with a strange notification. Along the flowing light, a little white light rushed toward him, and instantly fell into his. Between the eyebrows.

Zhang Che slammed his eyes a few times, and there is such an operation. How does it feel like playing a game? Is there a notification of the Experience Point?

I have to say that this Exotic-Beast World is full of mystery.

It’s a pity that the first Exotic Beast, who was hunted in his life, didn’t get the Exotic-Beast Card. However, there is still a full 6 only millipede here, and even if you are lucky, you can get an Exotic-Beast Card.

Next, the powerful Fiery Scorpion completely incarnates the demolition workers, wielding a pair of big claws, chasing a few millipedes, and “pā pā pā” keeps on, so that they are successively turned into a group of flowing light.

"Hunting Mutation Uji Millipede, Obtained Soul Force-1 Point."

"Hunting Mutation Uji Millipede, Obtained Soul Force-1 Point."

"Hunting Mutation Uji Millipede, Obtained Soul Force-1 Point."


The strange notification in my mind rang five times in a row, and Zhang Che once again got the 5 point Soul Force, which made him feel incredible that there was no Exotic-Beast Card.

Is it true that these Exotic Beast’s “loss rate” is so low? Or is it that his face is too dark and full of thick unlucky african tribal chief taste?

"pā pā pā ......"

Finally, the last millipede was also slammed by Fiery Scorpion, and the broken corpse was again turned into a flowing light.

However, this time the flow light no longer dissipated, but gathered together suddenly, instantly turning into an iron-gray card quietly falling to the ground.

"Hunting Mutation Uji Millipede, Obtained Soul Force-1 Point, and getting the Mutation Utica Millipede Exotic-Beast Card."

Zhang Che slammed his fist: I said, my luck is so bad!

He immediately ran out from behind the giant scorpion pig, picked up the iron-gray card on the ground, and grinned excitedly.

Although the strength of this Mutation Uji Millipede is too weak, but the first is the first Exotic-Beast Card, the commemorative significance is far greater than the actual meaning!

The eyes swept over the card and the card data was swiped again.

[Mutation Ukrainian Millipede]

Level : 1-Star (Level 6 )

Grade :Black Iron

Type :Original Combat-Body Type

Characteristics: The limbs of the body can secrete erosive odorous venom to hunt food and drive away enemies;

Weakness: Outer armor defense is insufficient, fear of Element attack

Potential :D Rank :25% chance breakthrough current Level, 2.5% chance breakthrough current Grade, next halving, 2 boost

Cultivating Directions :......

"Hey, Original Combat-Body Type, isn't that a venom?" But I'm very curious about what other Types of Exotic-Beast Card looks like."

Zhang Che couldn’t help but think through it.

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