Disaster Artist

Chapter 1168:

Unlike "Savage", after the premiere, "Outstanding Citizen" won the audience's collective standing and applause for up to six minutes.

The audience was frantic.

More than one or two viewers said that this work is somewhat similar to Lu Qian's "Tourist", although it is not exactly the same, but the creative inspiration is very close.

This work focuses on a writer, and goes a step further, that is, it focuses on art creators, and makes bitter and bitter self-screaming about the arrogance and arrogance of these art creators. Premium version.

Those feelings of superiority, in essence, are nothing more than a kind of self-reward and narcissism.

"Tourists" aimed at the middle class and launched a full-scale shooting, while "prominent citizens" aimed their guns at art creators with full firepower.

Obviously, the Golden Book Awards will not like such a work, but the film festival likes it very much, very, very, very much.

This is the best proof that the score of the program has exploded. With a score of 3.5 points, "Outstanding Citizen" has officially surpassed "Arrival" and reached the highest score in the program.

This black humorous comedy movie is hailed as the biggest surprise of the year.

crazy! The media is completely insane!

"Nocturnal Animals" appeared under such a background—

The Blue Summer Film Festival was unexpectedly popular, with excellent films one after another, expectations in all aspects were rising, and Blue Summer regained its vitality after a long absence.

At the same time, people can't help but wonder whether the second half of the film festival can continue to be exciting, or in other words, Li Shikuan put all the highlights in the front?

the reason is simple.

Because of the overall rise of the Seca Film Festival, a large number of journalists and audiences have been lost. If a choice must be made, people often choose Seca.

In order to avoid embarrassment, even the underpants were lost. In the past three years, the filming of the Blue Summer Film Festival has been seriously "top-heavy". Miserable, this is also a kind of self-protection for geckos to cut off their tails.

So what about this year?

Of course, before the opening of the film festival, Li Shikuan assured that there will be no top-heavy situation this year, and that the whole process of the film festival will be balanced.

The most direct move, Lu Qian was arranged on the eighth day, demonstrating Li Shikuan's determination.

But the question is, Lu Qian, okay?

Up to now, people still have a hesitant attitude towards "City of Falling Stars". Assuming that Lu Qian is just a smoke bomb, Li Shikuan put Lu Qian on the eighth day to attract the media and audience to stay and compete with Seka for traffic popularity. But the work is not worth mentioning?

This is also a possibility.

In a blink of an eye, the Blue Summer Film Festival is already halfway through—

The splendor and brilliance of the first half far exceeded expectations, but it made the media and the audience uneasy. The familiarity of the past three years came back to their hearts. So, should they continue to stay in Lanxia? Is there really no need to switch to Seca in advance?


"Nocturnal Animals" did it.

Program 3.0 points.

This is the sixth show so far whose score has reached the three-point threshold; moreover, it is also the work that all 11 media of the second show after watching the premiere gave a score after watching the premiere.

It directly proved Chu Chengbai's appeal.

In all aspects, we will meet new highs in an all-round way.

First of all, Kang Rui.

After "Arrival", Kang Rui once again appeared in the main competition unit, and once again conquered the audience with her unparalleled performance. This powerful actress who has been nominated for the Golden Book Award four times but has never been able to win the award has become the best actress of this year's Blue Summer Film. The strongest contender after the festival.

Kang Rui, or Ouyang Nalian? Or... other dark horses?

The hot discussion couldn't be stopped at all, and the enthusiasm on the social network was soaring into the sky, even more excited than the audience at Lan Xia's scene, it was simply frothy.

Second, "Nocturnal Animals" itself.

There is no doubt that Chu Chengbai's aesthetics has once again been brought into full play, and it is definitely a pure enjoyment to sit in front of the big screen and enjoy it.

The movie captures the emotions in the emotional relationship, and continues the advantages of being "single". The impact of those details has a strong immersive effect, so that after watching the movie, the brain still cannot calm down, and the bubbling thoughts continue to roar. Great stamina.

Those audiences who were lucky enough to watch the movie for the first time in Lanxia couldn't wait to express their excitement and excitement. Although no one chanted the "Golden Kite Award", the audience who liked "Single" still continued to like "Nocturnal Animals" ", they all thought that Chu Chengbai was a genius director.

Finally, Lu Qian.

In fact, Lu Qian has nothing to do with movies, but Lu Qian's surprise landing on the red carpet caused a storm on the social network.

At the same time, Chu Chengbai, a top fashion designer, has his own traffic and contacts from all walks of life, attracting all eyes.

After coming and going, the traffic frenzy of "Nocturnal Animals" suppressed the demeanor of "Outstanding Citizen" and "Arrival", and became the first hot style of this year's Blue Summer.

Full discussion!

Of course, it can be seen from the score numbers of the show catalog that the shortcomings mentioned by Lu Qian still affect the perception. This is a work that further magnifies both the advantages and disadvantages of Chu Chengbai, which also prevents the film's score from exceeding Other competitors just reached the three-point threshold.

Despite this, Chu Chengbai's aesthetics still managed to impress countless audiences.

After being "single", Chu Chengbai once again conquered Lan Xia.

buzz buzz.

buzz buzz.

Frenzy, constantly.

Before the opening of this year's Blue Summer Film Festival, people were looking forward to it. After all, Li Shikuan made a series of movements, and it was not easy to ignore.

However, after actually entering the film festival, the turmoil outside the venue is still lively, but people's attention has been unknowingly attracted by the work itself.

Judging from the ratings of the show catalogue, there has not been any top blockbuster with a score of four or more this year, but this is normal. It is difficult for the works of the film festival to win unanimous fanaticism. Excellent works are common, and the "four points" situation, even if it occurs, is not normal—

Imagine that a work of art at a film festival wins the admiration of all professionals. Is this not fake or public relations?

From Anqiao to Wei Hai to Lan Xia, those works that created miracles in the ratings of the show magazines often failed to win the highest award. This is the direct proof.

As far as the current situation is concerned, there are six works with more than three points in the main competition section of the Lanxia Film Festival, and four other works with more than three points in the non-main competition unit. Before entering the final third of the sprint stage, the film festival has already It's quite a feat to set the tone for a collection of masterpieces.

The last time the works of the Lanxia Film Festival were able to win such an excellent evaluation, it should be traced back to ten years ago. Lanxia, ​​who has been weak for many years, finally felt proud.

However, this is still not the end, the final ending is the most difficult part—

Because the Seca Film Festival is approaching, even across an ocean, you can still feel that the oppression of Seca is approaching step by step.

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