Dimensional Traveller

Chapter 213 CCG's Response

That night, an emergency meeting was held in the CCG headquarters, and all investigators attended. However, despite saying so, it can be clearly seen that there are obviously a lot fewer investigators participating in the meeting, and there are still many empty seats in the venue.

"Okay, everyone is here. Today, our CCG has suffered the worst blow since its establishment!!! All investigators sent to District 20 to search for ghoul organizations, including the three special investigators, have already All lost contact!!! And according to the information held by our intelligence department, our colleagues have all died!!!” Seeing that the investigators who have been confirmed to have survived have arrived at the venue, as CCG The director and Xiu Jishi opened their mouths to all the investigators and told an unbelievable news.

"What?!!! This is impossible!!!" After hearing the information He Xiuji said, almost all the investigators present stood up and questioned. That's half of the CCG's power, and there are three special investigators among them. How could they all die in the line of duty in one day? This is absolutely impossible! !

In fact, not to mention the ordinary investigators below, even He Xiujishi didn't want to believe it when he first got the news. At that time, the first thing he and Xiu Jishi did was to ask the intelligence department to confirm the accuracy of this piece of news again and again. And after repeated confirmation by the intelligence department, He Xiujishi reluctantly believed the news. At this time, He Xiuji knew that the biggest crisis since the creation of CCG had arrived.

In the past years, CCG has not suffered huge losses. Although there are various interests entangled within CCG, in general, CCG has always been fighting on the front line of fighting against ghouls. . Since this is the case, the loss is naturally inevitable. However, this time the situation is different from the past! !

Before this, although the CCG had also suffered relatively serious losses, at most it was the death of one or two special or quasi-special investigators, and at most some grassroots investigators were added. However, this time, the entire CCG not only lost three special investigators in one day, but also lost nearly half of the ordinary investigators.

And among those ordinary investigators who lost, there are still several quasi-special investigators. If you look at it this way, the loss in one day is probably more serious than all the losses since the creation of CCG combined. However, this is not the most important point. The most important point is that all these losses were caused within one day! ! Looking at it this way, how much has the strength of the ghouls improved? ! !

Why did CCG never get such information before this? What shocked He Xiujishi even more was that when the intelligence department went to investigate the scene, they didn't even find a single ghoul's corpse, and all those lying on the ground were investigators! ! ! What is even more shocking is that the bodies of the three special investigators were found in the same place. That is to say, these three special investigators, who represent the highest combat power of the CCG, are actually working together against the enemy. Under the circumstances, he died in the line of duty! !

What does this mean? This shows that even if the four remaining special investigators of CCG join forces, they may not be able to defeat each other. Such a result is really too bad. Why did so many masters suddenly appear on the ghoul side? If it goes on like this, the situation will be really bad.

After much deliberation, he and Xiu Ji felt that this news could not be hidden anyway, so they should just make it public. However, before that, it is still necessary to communicate with the four surviving special investigators. So, He Xiuji sent someone to inform all the investigators to go to the CCG headquarters urgently,

At the same time, someone went to invite several special investigators.

"Aren't you joking? Director He Xiu. How is such a thing possible?" After hearing the information He Xiu Jishi said, these special investigators were obviously unwilling to believe it. Then, among several special investigators, the only female Anpu Qingzi stood up and said to He Xiujishi.

After hearing Kiyoko Anpu's words, the other special investigators also nodded, and then looked at Shujishi together. The meaning was obviously the same as that of Kiyoko Anpu. They didn't believe this matter. Explain it well.

"Unfortunately, Chief Anpu, Chief Haizaki, Chief Tanaka, and Chief Heipan, this news has been repeatedly confirmed by the intelligence department, and at the scene, the intelligence department has also found the bodies of the three chiefs who died in the line of duty, so, It's a pity, although we don't want to hear this news, but it is indeed true." After hearing Anpu Qingzi's words, He Xiujishi looked at the four who were staring at him, waiting for an explanation from him The special investigator said.

"This is actually true? Such news will cause a huge shock!!! Chief Hexiu, who is the prisoner? Do you have a clue now?" After hearing what He Xiuji said, Anpu Qingzi looked at He Xiuji when continued. Now that the news has been confirmed to be true, you have to believe it. In this case, finding the prisoner is the most important thing, otherwise, this matter is very likely to become the fuse of CCG's destruction.

After all, this news cannot be suppressed. If the outside world knows this news, they will definitely think this way: your CCG investigators can't even protect themselves, so how can you protect ordinary people? In this case, why do we ordinary people still support you CCG? In this case, it would be a disaster for CCG!

"Unfortunately, Anpu and others, our intelligence department did not find any traces of ghouls at the scene, as if the attackers appeared suddenly and then disappeared suddenly. Therefore, as for the criminals, we really don't I know who it is." He Xiu Jishi continued after hearing An Pu Qing Zi's words.

"Director Hexiu!! Is it true that the intelligence agencies are all vagrants!!! Such a big thing happened, and they have no useful news?!!! Such a big thing, absolutely can't be covered up , if this continues, our CCG will definitely lose the trust of the masses, and at that time, it will be a catastrophe for our CCG!!!" After hearing He Xiuji's words, the special investigator was very dissatisfied Haisaki Fukame stood up and said loudly to Shuji Toki.

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