"Hey~~~ Sister Kotori, that is to say, Xingjun actually brought you Hengdao's love?" After hearing Wuhe Qinli's story about her own experience, Sheming Maruwen wrote a post on Wenhua. Recorded above, while asking Wuhe Qinli.

"Actually, it's not a cross-dagger, right? After all, Shidou has always regarded me as his younger sister." After hearing the question of Shoto Maruwen, Wuhe Kotori wanted to complain, but he still looked at everyone's attention. For the sake of the family, he answered Sheming Maruwen.

"Oh~~~ The great demon king Xingjun forcibly robbed sister Qinli from her lover..." After hearing Wuhe Qinli's words, Sheming Wanwen muttered and wrote .

"Wenwen! What are you writing indiscriminately!" After hearing what Sheming Wanwen whispered in his mouth, Wuhe Qinli became alert to what Sheming Wanwen was writing, and came to Sheming Wanwen's side, He directly grabbed the Wenhua post in the hands of Sheming Maru Wen. After seeing what was written on Wenhua's post, Wuhe Qinli couldn't help shouting at Sheming Maruwen.

I saw a page full of things about Li Xing, but there was a big gap between what Sheming Wanwen wrote and the actual situation. What "I deceived Tobiichi Origami through deception", "I snatched Cailin through tough means", "I stole Wuhe Kotori's love from her lover with a knife", "Tough persecution is honest and upright." of journalists are committed to him”…

"Sister Kotori, I'm an honest and upright reporter--Sheming Maruwen is also! How could I write indiscriminately? If you talk like this, you will be responsible for any deviations at that time!" Hearing Wuheqin After Li's words, Sheming Maruwen raised his chest and said to Wuhe Qinli.

"Isn't this just a nonsense? What's the matter with this 'not even letting go of young women'? Why didn't I know Beatrice had a relationship with my dear? More than a hundred years old, not a young girl!" After hearing what Sheming Wanwen said, Wuhe Qinli picked up the Wenhua post, pointed to a record on it, and asked Sheming Wanwen.

"Well... I used a certain amount of artistic processing, yes, this is artistic processing!" After hearing Wuhe Qinli's question, Sheming Maruwen said unnaturally after looking around.

"Art processing? Are you not a reporter? Shouldn't your reporting be based on facts? What is the situation with artistic processing?" After hearing the answer from Sheming Maru, Wuhe Qinli directly pierced through the shooting. lies.

"That...you see, the news now is the same, there is nothing new, if it goes on like this, I am afraid that everyone will not read it, so I thought, after the news is artistically processed, everyone Would you like to watch it?" After hearing Wuhe Qinli's words, Sheming Wenwan continued to talk nonsense.

"You are called novels, not news!" After hearing Sheming Wenwan's nonsense, Wuhe Qinli directly interrupted Sheming Wenwan's words and said to Shemingwan Wen.

"Sister Kotori, you can't doubt my professional ethics as a reporter!" After hearing Wuhe Qinli's words, Sheming Maruwen shouted at Wuhe Qinli.

"Oh? Do you still have professional ethics?" After hearing Sheming Maruwen's shout, a smile appeared on Wuhe Qinli's face, looking at Sheming Maruwen and said.

"Of course! Although my news has a certain artistic processing, my news is all real!" After hearing Wuhe Qinli's words, Sheming Maruwen raised his chest and said proudly. .

"So that means this piece of news is also true?" After hearing the words of Sheming Maruwen, Wuhe Qinli pointed to a record on Wenhua's post and said to Sheming Maruwen.

"Of course it's true! This is my morality as a reporter!" After hearing Wuhe Qinli's question, Sheming Maru Wen and Ben didn't take a closer look and said directly to Wuhe Qinli.

The smile on Wuhe Qinri's face became even more obvious after hearing the answer from Shemei Maruwen. I saw Wuhe Qinli holding the Wenhua post of Sheming Wanwen, came to Yakumo Zi who was watching the fun, and handed the Wenhua post in his hand to Yakumo Zi.

"Sister Zi, you heard it too, Wenwen said this record is true." After handing the Wenhua post in his hand to Yayunzi, Wuhe Qinli pointed to a record on the Wenhua post, Said to Yakumo Zi.

"Shooting, life, pills, text!!!" Following Wuhe Qinli's instructions, Yakumo Zi saw that record, and after reading it, Yakumo Zi had a gloomy face and pointed at each word. Sheming Maruwen shouted, and then she gave Sheming Maruwen to the gap. Just after Sheming Maruwen was caught in the gap, Yakumo Zi also disappeared in place, thinking that she was going to teach Sheming Maruwen a lesson.

With the disappearance of Yakumozi, the flower post in Yakumozi's hand also fell to the ground, and it was written in beautiful handwriting: An old woman and sage who doesn't know how old she is, and because she loves the Great Demon King, And the reverse post entered the harem of the Great Demon King... I think Yakumo Zi should be too angry and forgot to deal with this post. After seeing the Wenhua Post on the ground, Wuhe Qinli stepped forward and picked it up, "This is a good handle." Looking at the various records on the Wenhua Post, Wuhe Qinli found think.

"Sister Kuangsan, let's go shopping." After picking up the post on the ground, Wuhe Kotori ran to Tokisaki Kuangsan and said to Tokisaki Kuangsan.

Because Kurumi and Tokisaki are from the same world, and the two are of the same race (elves), the relationship between Kotori Gokawa and Kurumi Tokisaki is very good. Of course, Miku Yukiya and Tobiichi Origami, who are also from the dating world, also have a good relationship with Tokisaki Kurumi. Corresponding to this small group, the relationship between the great sin witches such as Emilia and Satila, who are also from the zero world, is very good.

It seems that although the relationship between the girls is very good, in Li Xing's harem, small groups are inevitably separated. The small groups in the dating world and the blood-devouring world are headed by Tokisaki Kurumi, the small group in the world from scratch is headed by Emilia, and the others, such as Asuna and Asada from the world of Sword Art Online, Yono Yukinoshita and Laura Stuart, who were summoned before, were always with Cailin. The three-legged situation has been formed. Of course, this has to eliminate Icarus. In Icarus' eyes, only Li Xing is the one who needs to be concerned.

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