Dimensional Restaurant in Marvel

Chapter 175 Aizen: Change too fast, don't react quickly

Aizen cut off the head of the fleeing Quincy neatly, picked up the fallen badge and threw it to the dazed Sparrow Minister Jiro.

Aizen's strength surpassed his imagination.

Aizan, who had watched the process of taking the swastika once, had an idea in his mind, so he stopped playing soy sauce, ignored the dazed Sparrow Minister Jiro, and rushed to the rest of the battlefield.

Among the many captains, Aizen's strength should be ranked second.

With his joining, the battle suddenly showed a one-sided trend, and all the Quinciants were killed in battle.

Seeing that the Reaper's side won, Mu Qiu didn't plan to watch the follow-up, patted his butt and got up, jumped off the tower, and went straight to the fifth team.

half a day later.

After dealing with the trivial matters after the war, Aizen returned to the office of the Fifth Division.

As soon as he entered the door, he heard a slightly familiar voice, "Did you get Beng Yu?"

"I got it, and I'm preparing to synthesize it." Lan Ran took out two glass beads that were almost the same.

Mu Qiu said, "Synthesize as soon as possible."

"Give me half a day." Aizan went to his laboratory.

Half a day later, Lan Ran came to Mu Qiu with the synthesized Bengyu.

After receiving Bengyu, Mu Qiu sensed Bengyu's consciousness, and suppressed it without saying a word.

After persuading Bengyu, Mu Qiu communicated with Bengyu and learned that if he wanted to become the god of death, because he didn't have the power of the god of death in his body, Bengyu said that it would take time to create something out of nothing.

Mu Qiu expressed his understanding, anyway, he was not in a hurry to use it, so he told Beng Yu to take it slowly.

Slow work produces meticulous work!

Mu Qiu, whose two goals have been solved, has no reason to stay in the world of corpses and souls.

So, Mu Qiu said, "Aizen, take me to Ichimaru Gin."

"Okay." Lan Ran pushed the glasses on the bridge of her nose without asking why.

The two came to the third team and found Ichimaru silver.

Seeing the two, Ichimaru Gin smiled and said, "Captain Aizen, what can you do with me?"

With a smile on his face, Lan Ran pointed to Mu Qiu beside him, "It's not me, he is looking for you."

"Oh!" Hearing this, Ichimaru Gin looked at Mu Qiu carefully, as if he wanted to see a flower in Mu Qiu.

Originally, he only thought of Mu Qiu as Lan Ran's follower, but unexpectedly he was the master.

Mu Qiu didn't mind Ichimaru Gin's scrutinizing gaze, took out Bengyu, and said straight to the point, "I think you're pleasing to the eye, so I'm going to help you once."

Seeing Bengyu, Ichimaru Gin's smile remained unchanged, and he raised his head slightly to look at Aizen, "Captain Aizen, what does he mean?"

As soon as the words came out, Ichimaru Gin touched the dagger at his waist.

If nothing else, he should have been exposed.

Aizen came to the door at this moment, probably wanting to get rid of him.

As for Mu Qiu, Ichimaru Yin had already regarded him as Aizen's toolman the moment he said those words just now.

It was me who was asking the question, look what Aizen is doing!

Mu Qiumu's face was very displeased.

And Lan Ran, who noticed Mu Qiu's expression, raised the corner of his mouth slightly, and said with a light smile, "What he meant was, Yin, you don't have to keep lurking by my side..."

Before the words were finished, Ichimaru Gin launched an attack, "Shoot him, sharp gun!"

The silver light went straight to Aizen's chest.

Aizen, who had been on guard for a long time, stepped aside in an instant.

Mu Qiu appeared at Lan Ran's previous position, raised his right hand, and aimed his palm at the tip of the stabbing knife.

"I can't let you make noise and attract other people."

When the tip of the knife is approaching, the space door opens instantly, and the extended blade sinks into the space door.

After the blade entered the space gate, Mu Qiu raised his palms together, and the space gate disappeared.


Ichimaru Gin's fox-like smile froze, and he turned to look at the window.

I saw Aizen standing in front of the window with a smile on his face.

Withdrawing his gaze, Ichimaru Gin sheathed the broken Zanpakutō.


Mu Qiu shot out a ray of light, which sank into Shimaru Yin's forehead.

To prevent Ichimaruyin from making any further troubles, Mu Qiu directly sent his self-introduction into his mind.

Ichimaru Gin, who had finished his self-introduction, stopped talking nonsense, opened his eyes that had been squinted for a long time, and stared at Mu Qiu for a while.

"Boss Mu,

Can I do it myself? "

"No." Mu Qiu resolutely refused.

What are you thinking, little brother, Bengyu is so easy to control?

Believe it or not, I'll give it to you, you don't know how to use it after studying for a long time.

"Let's go, get your business done early, so I can go home early."

The three went straight to the 10th Division and saw Matsumoto Rangiku, who was drunk.

Mu Qiu communicated with Bengyu's consciousness: "Fill in what she lacks, or beat you."

Collapse jade: (っ°Д°;) っ

Why are you like this? Can't you talk nicely?

Bengyu lit up for a moment, and a spot of light flew into Matsumoto Rangiku's chest.

That spot of light is really white... no, that chest is really bright... that groove... Forget it, I'll take it easy first.

Mu Qiu closed his glasses, took out a wooden door and handed it to Ichimaru Yin, "You are welcome to come as a guest when you are free."

When the words fell, Mu Qiu waved his palm, and the wooden door in the sky turned into a meteor shower, flying all over the place, and then Mu Qiu returned to the restaurant with Lan Ran.

In the restaurant at the moment, there were many diners, and when they saw Mu Qiu, they greeted each other, or nodded, or called "Boss Mu".

Mu Qiu responded with a smile, then walked out of the restaurant with Lan Ran and came to Bleecker Street.

Looking at the high-rise buildings in front of him, Aizen closed his eyes to feel it, and opened his eyes later, with excitement in his eyes.

It's not this world, it's really another world!

Mu Qiu didn't notice Lan Ran's expression, and walked forward on his own.

But after taking two steps, Aizen didn't keep up.

He couldn't help but stop, turned his head and shouted, "Aizen."

"Here we come." Aizen pushed the glasses frame.

"From today onwards, this is your room." Mu Qiu brought Lan Ran to a basement built a few days ago and said.

Aizen looked at the empty and clean basement, and nodded silently.

Mu Qiu continued, "In the future, your job will be to study ingredients from different worlds, and use existing ingredients to cultivate new and more delicious ingredients."

Aizen Soyousuke: "..."

"Of course, apart from researching ingredients, you can also do research that you like. I won't force you to only do research on cultivating new ingredients, so you don't have to worry."

Aizen opened his mouth, not knowing what to say, so he remained silent: "..."

"By the way, if you want to go to other worlds, you need to tell me, and you can go to other worlds only after I agree."

"You can't make trouble in other worlds. Those worlds you go to have customers in restaurants. I can tell if you have made trouble just by asking, so you can't hide it from me."

Aizen continued: "..."

After a pause, Mu Qiu spoke again, "What are your requirements for the research equipment? If you want equipment from the Soul World, I don't have it here. You need to go back and get the equipment yourself."

"I'll go back and get the instruments." Aizen Soyousuke walked out of the basement.

On the way, Aizen was a little dazed, and life was impermanent. One moment he was the captain of the Fifth Division who managed tens of thousands of people, and the next moment he traveled across different worlds to study ingredients.

It changed too fast, and he couldn't react in time.

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