Dimensional Restaurant in Marvel

Chapter 152 Go to Hell's Kitchen to Make Money

Fragrant, with a hint of spicy smell.


Frank couldn't help swallowing, and the cries of gluttons sounded in his stomach.

Pick up the wooden fork on the porcelain plate, pick up a piece of roasted meat that is burnt and buttery, and put it into the mouth.

Once chewed, it is tender, crispy, fresh, salty, and spicy, and it will dance in the mouth in an instant. After chewing twice, the delicious taste reaches the tip of the tongue.

Four chews, five chews... Frank couldn't control his desire to chew, he kept chewing on the barbecue in the air, the endless taste feasts, and the endless deliciousness made him addicted.


The wooden fork hit the porcelain plate, Frank came back to his senses, looked at the empty porcelain plate with only red chili oil left, and exhaled a spicy breath.

"Siha, why is the swollen rice dumpling finished soon?"

Frank pressed his red lips, hissed and said inarticulately.

"...Hooo hot—!"

After a moment of silence, Frank suddenly yelled, and fanned his mouth vigorously with his hands to relieve the burning sensation in his mouth.

Previously, the extreme enjoyment brought by delicious food made him ignore the spicy feeling in his mouth, but now, the pleasure brought by the food has faded, and the hotness accumulated in his mouth for a long time suddenly came like a volcano erupting menacingly.

water! water! water!

The breeze from the palm of his hand couldn't relieve the hot feeling in his mouth at all, and Frank's eyes wandered in search of water resources.

Suddenly, the moving eyes stopped, and a pair of red eyes stared fiercely at the beer mug exuding a cold breath.

There are many crystal clear water droplets hanging on the wall of the cup. Inside the cup, there is light yellow like amber wine, surrounded by a cold atmosphere.


Frank swallowed hard, grabbed the handle of the beer glass suddenly, picked up the glass and poured it into his mouth.

tons tons...

"That brother is really heroic!"

Jiraiya looked at Frank with amazement in his eyes, then turned his gaze away later, glanced at the small wine glass in his hand, and curled his lips in disgust.

I am majestic without distinction, the whole world is full of invincible Sannin white-haired boy toad messenger, a handsome man who can shut up even crying children, and the toad fairy of Mt. Miaomu, how can he use such a stingy wine glass! !

Go big, go big!

Hearing what Jiraiya said, Thor, who drank a bottle of fine wine in one go, followed Jiraiya's line of sight, and saw Frank swallowing beer, his eyes suddenly lit up.

"A warrior!"

Although Thor's brain is not good, he has been on the battlefield for hundreds of years, and he can feel the temperament of Frank's fighting on the battlefield, and his affection immediately increases.

Later, he noticed Frank's heroic gesture of drinking, and his favorability rose again.

This is a warrior (drinking buddy) worth making! ! !

"Although I don't drink, I can see that his drinking posture is really heroic."

Garp bit the bone-in meat, tore off a large piece in one bite, and chewed heavily.

"At least better than Jiraiya, holding a thumb-sized wine glass, sipping in small sips, not at all arrogant."

Damn, none of my business? !

Ji Lai also had a depressed face, looking at the small wine glass in his hand with even more distaste.

Just as he was about to yell at the waiter to change his glass, Thor made a move.

He stood up from his seat and strode towards Frank, who drank a full draft of beer in one gulp.

"Friend, would you like to drink with us? My treat."

Thor looked at Frank, who was holding the handle of the wine glass tightly with one hand, and supported the table with the other, and extended an invitation.

Frank raised his head with a blushing face, stared at Thor with red pupils, and said a word lightly, "Okay!"

A pint of beer can't completely relieve the burning sensation in his mouth. Some people offer free drinks, why not go.

After speaking, Frank walked directly towards Thor's table, picked up a bottle of wine on the table, and blew directly on the bottle.

The heroic attitude once again made Thor feel good, he is a good drinking buddy!

A smile appeared on Thor's face, he sat down in his seat, picked up the bottle and started drinking with Frank.

On the side, Peter Quill secretly breathed a sigh of relief, and the heavy pressure suddenly dissipated invisible.

With this brother at the top, I shouldn't have to get drunk and pass out today.


Two or three hours later, the half-drunk Peter Quill helped the drunk Thor back to Asgard.

Frank, who smelled of alcohol, also walked out of the restaurant and came to the streets of Bleecker Street.

The cold wind blowing in the early morning made Frank wake up a little bit, raised his head, and looked in the direction of Hell's Kitchen with his hazy eyes.

"Go exercise and wake up the bar." Frank spit out a strong breath of alcohol, "By the way, earn some food and drink money."

"...to verify my current strength again."

Emotional instability after drunk, will release depressed emotions, and is very easy to get excited. In addition, Frank is an ordinary person. After eating restaurant food, the sense of power expansion is more obvious, and the excitement is even higher.

Jumped twice on the spot, kicked the ground suddenly after landing, and the whole person shot out like a sharp arrow off the string.

"The speed is quite fast! And this is not my limit..."

Frank looked at the scene of rapidly retreating on both sides, his tone became more excited, and his voice became more and more high-pitched.

And with Frank's excitement, his speed increased again, and he ran towards Hell's Kitchen at a faster speed.

The series of actions of flying over the eaves and walls are extremely easy for Frank, so it didn't take much time for Frank to reach Hell's Kitchen.

Standing on the roof of a three-story building, Frank hiccupped, looking at a two-story building directly in front of him.

There was no light on the second floor, and it was pitch black. The gaps around the small iron door on the first floor revealed a trace of light. In front of the door stood a tattooed head, nose ring and face.

"What gangster? Forgot the name? Forget it, it doesn't matter, I'll practice with you today."

Frank said drunkenly, and then took a leap of faith, jumped down the stairs, and landed directly on the tattooed man smoking a cigarette, and sent the tattooed man to hell with a blow of Mount Tai.

Frank got up staggeringly, opened the door staggeringly and walked into the house, looking at many gangsters with blurred vision.

"The punishment begins."

"Where is the drunk..."

A tattooed man stood up, drew out his pistol and walked towards Frank while talking, but before he could finish speaking, Frank's shaking body trembled suddenly.


With a muffled sound, the tattooed man was directly punched by Frank and hit the wall of the house behind him, then slowly slid down and collapsed on the ground.

"Damn! How dare you do it!"

"Copy guy, fuck him!"

The rest roared angrily, picked up their guns and shot at Frank.

"Bang bang bang..."

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