Kaguya was bathed in a soft white light, white light like substance, like smooth silk, wisps lingering around her body. Kaguya was like soaking in a warm hot spring, and her body was very refreshing, as if every hair on her body was open, giving her a lazy feeling.

But this feeling lasted for long, and when it was dark in front of her eyes, Kaguya opened her eyes again and found that the white light that had lingered around her just now had disappeared, and she had come to a strange place.

As far as the eye can see, there is a large green forest, with no end in sight, and everywhere you see are large trees with lush leaves, shading the sky. The sunlight shone through the gaps in the leaves, forming blossoming spots on the ground, bringing a bit of warmth to the gloomy forest.

Kaguya tapped her toes, jumped like a sharp arrow, and in an instant penetrated the dense layers of leaves, floating into the air, she fell lightly and stood above the canopy. In the breeze, the clothes flew upside down, and the silver-white hair swayed in the wind.

The sun is shining, the blue sky is like washing white clouds, in addition to the lush forest, there is a lake in the distance, the surface of the lake is clear and clear, reflecting the blue sky and white clouds, the breeze blows, and the water and sky are wrinkled.

This beautiful scenery is like a beautiful picture, beautiful and pleasant.

It’s just that Kaguya gradually frowned, although the scenery in front of her was beautiful, it gave her a sense of discord, feeling that the scene in front of her was unnatural and incongruous.

It’s like home decoration, putting all the good things and valuable things in, not only does not give people a comfortable feeling, but it is very awkward.

Suddenly, Kaguya’s expression moved, and she finally knew why she had such a sense of discord. That is, the forests, lakes, meadows, etc. in front of you, although very luxuriant, do not give people a feeling of vitality, but feel lifeless.

The breeze blows, and there is no sound in the forest except the rustling of leaves. If it is an ordinary forest, in addition to the sound of wind and leaves, there must be other sounds, such as the sound of insects or chirping birds.

But here, there is nothing, although the outside is as gentle as a spring breeze, but in the eyes reflected in Kaguya, there is a little shuddering.

These – all fake!

“Very good, I didn’t expect that not long after you came, you already found out.”


Kaguya suddenly turned around, his eyes suddenly widened, and he stared at a towering tree in the distance for a moment. Her heart tightened, because she didn’t notice that someone was there just now, because of the sound, she found out. This was something she had never encountered after her strength soared.

“Don’t be nervous, I’m not malicious.”

At this moment, from behind the towering tree, a figure turned out, and Kaguya was slightly stunned after seeing it.

In front of him was a royal sister beauty, with short shoulder-length hair in front, but long hair that hung down her waist in the back, like silk, soft and shiny. Surprisingly, she has a pair of animal ears on her head, a bit like fox ears, and she is very cute.

She has mountain-like eyebrows, bright and godly eyes, a straight nose, and plump and shiny lips, looking very charming|. She may not be as beautiful as Kaguya, but she is very moving, especially the breath of a mature woman, which is even more mouthwatering|

And the bottom is even more |bloody, she is wearing very little, it can be said that it is too little to be less, and her body is a fluffy little coat, which can only cover a small part, revealing a large area of pink |. The same is true below, revealing large areas of white skin and slender legs.

Strangely, she wore little, but she had a white furry scarf around her neck, which felt very obtrusive. And Kaguya noticed that there seemed to be a tail behind her, but when she looked again, it disappeared, was it blindness?

Although the beauty in front of her is very moving, Kaguya is no longer a fledgling hairy boy, and the people she knows, such as Zhao Meiyu, are no less than her, and they have slept together, so naturally they will not be confused by her.

“Oh, I thought you would be eliminated, but I didn’t expect to complete the task, it’s really surprising,” this royal sister’s big watery eyes opened slightly, and the | of her mouth opened slightly, seemingly a little surprised, and then chuckled, “It’s worthy of being the chosen person, it’s very good.” ”

“Who the hell are you?” Kaguya’s brows frowned slightly, and his eyes looked at her brightly.

“Don’t be in such a hurry.” The corner of the royal sister’s mouth hooked, revealing a confused smile |.

But Kaguya was not moved in the slightest, she was new to the scene, and she was secretly wary of this uninvited person who could not see the depth. This is also a habit that Kaguya developed before, in this world is full of dangers, if you still hang your child, it is to find your own death.

“What a boring person,” Imperial Sister touched a soft nail, but did not seem angry, and said with a smile on her face, “My name is Lan, and you can call me Lan in the future.” ”

“Blue?” Kaguya was stunned, this was such a strange name, she had never seen anyone use color as a name.

“I know you, your name is Kaguya, right,” Lan smiled brightly and walked up to Kaguya and grabbed her hand, “Let’s go, come with me.” ”

“So fast!”

Kaguya’s pupils shrank, just now Lan’s speed was very fast, so fast that she could only see a shadow with super pupil power, and before she could react, she had already caught her hand.

If she were an enemy…

Kaguya’s heart tightened.

However, it seems that Lan does not seem to have malicious intentions towards her, and seems to be very happy, the corners of her mouth hooked up are very beautiful, and the happy look is even Kaguya is infected.

I just don’t know why, Kaguya always thinks that her |charming and mature appearance is pretend, or it is not her nature.

Kaguya’s wrist was grabbed by Blue, and she broke free a few times, only feeling like iron tongs, she couldn’t break free at all, and she had to give up this unrealistic idea.

On the other hand, Kaguya was also curious about where she wanted to take her. Is it like in many stories that take the protagonist to a wonderful place, such as a beautiful wonderland on earth or a majestic castle?

However, it turns out that Kaguya thinks too much, and the place where Blue Ribbon she goes is neither some earthly wonderland nor a majestic castle, but a dilapidated log cabin.

That’s right, a run-down log cabin!

I saw that this log cabin was very old, there were mottled marks on the wooden boards, and even leaked wind in a few places, the wooden boards seemed to be put together horizontally, the nails were even more crooked, and there were green creepers crawling on the top of the house, which was simply miserable.

The corner of Kaguya’s mouth twitched, it is estimated that this wooden house is not even as good as what she built when she was a child, right?

At this moment, a gentle and pleasant voice sounded in her ears.

“Fried tofu, do you eat it? It’s delicious. ”

Author: Guess who she is?

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