Several ninjas held kunai in their hands and rushed straight towards Kaguya, and when they approached, they jumped up, and the kunai-shuriken in their hands shot out one after another, like a heavenly girl scattering flowers, overwhelmingly towards Kaguya.

They are not so stupid and go directly to hand-to-hand combat, but first test it with a bitter shuriken.


The Kumu shuriken shot in front of Kaguya, as if blocked by an invisible cover, emitting a sound of gold and iron, and fell down one after another.

When the ninja saw this situation, instead of flinching, he was ecstatic. In their opinion, the silver-haired girl did not fight back, which further confirmed that the silver-haired girl’s body was seriously injured, so she would be so passive defense.

The ninja several people glanced at each other, their eyes showed excitement, and they rushed up with their hands in their hands, and stabbed the silver-haired girl who was still holding her head and gasping softly.

“Go and die!”

They also know that only fairy arts and physical attacks will have an effect on Kaguya, and they don’t have fairy arts, so they can only use physical attacks. In the eyes of the ninjas, they have won the battle, and the hundreds of millions of bounties are like probing into their pockets, and they are even thinking about how to spend the bounty after they get it.

But the ideal is beautiful, the reality is cruel, and most of the people who take risks because of greed have no good end.

Suddenly, Kaguya stood up straight, a chill flashed in his beautiful eyes, and a terrifying momentum swept out. The ninja who launched the attack was immediately taken aback, like falling into an ice cave, and a trace of fear flashed in his heart. They already regretted it at this time, regretted why they took this risk, wouldn’t it be good to run away directly?

It is a pity that there are no regret pills in the world.

Kaguya raised his condensed arm, aimed his palm at the attacking ninja, and a powerful repulsive force burst out, like a strong storm swept out.

The ninjas’ chests were sunken, as if they were hit hard, a mouthful of scarlet blood splattered out of their mouths, and they were violently shot into the air like cannonballs, and fell heavily to the ground like a kite with a broken line, and they slid for a distance of more than ten meters before stopping, and a shocking gou trench more than ten meters long was cut on the ground.

A person who fell to the ground, blood kept gushing from his mouth, his eyes were full of fear and regret, he didn’t want to die yet, his body struggled and squirmed to get up, but his internal organs had been shattered, and his injuries had returned to heaven, even if Tsunade came, he couldn’t save him.

Finally, he tilted his head, kicked his legs, and swallowed.

At this point, the people who sneaked up on the army just now were all destroyed!

“It seems that she was not injured.” Watching the battle from a distance, I Lai Luo clasped his arms with his hands and his face very solemn.

Just now, they had discovered Kaguya’s strangeness, and although they didn’t know exactly what happened to her, it was a good thing for them, and even they had planned to defeat her in one fell swoop when she was weak.

But now it doesn’t seem like that’s the case.

“No, something must have happened to her,” the fourth generation of Lei Ying’s eyes flashed coldly, and said in a deep voice, “If it were usual, she wouldn’t let the other party approach.” And now, she only counterattacked in front of the other party, which shows that her strength has been greatly weakened. ”

I came to Luo and looked in the direction pointed by the fourth generation of Lei Ying, Kaguya was kneeling on the ground at this time, holding his head tightly with his hands, his face showed a painful look, his mouth moaned softly, and beads of crystal sweat fell down and fell to the ground tickingly.

“Don’t hesitate any longer!” The fourth generation of Lei Ying clenched his fists and shouted fiercely, “Now is the best chance, if she recovers, there will be no chance!” ”

“Well, it makes sense, you can’t let that little girl act recklessly,” Tsuchikage also stood up and said with a solemn expression.

“I don’t think we can jump to conclusions yet,” Terumi, who had been silent since just now, suddenly spoke, “I think Kaguya must have happened to him, that’s why he did such a thing, I don’t think it was her intention, we shouldn’t directly list her as an enemy.” ”

“Well,” Tsunade on the side also nodded and said in approval, “I also know this little girl, her temperament is not bad, she should not be the kind of person who loves to kill.” ”

“Do you want her to kill wantonly?” The fourth generation of Lei Ying’s eyes were shining, and he shouted loudly.

“I didn’t mean that,” Terumi said quietly as she shook her head slightly, “I wanted to try another method.” ”

“Another way?” I Iroh turned his head and wondered.

“I’m sure Kaguya must have been controlled by someone to do something like this,” Terumi’s long eyelashes fluttered slightly, “My method is to try to awaken her original consciousness, so…”

“Nope!” The fourth generation of Lei Ying interrupted, “This is too slow, now she is in a weak state, if you don’t seize this opportunity, you may not have it in the future.” ”

“It wasn’t her intention to do this, and if you kill her like that, isn’t that a mistake?” Terumi frowned slightly and defended.

“Manslaughter? Wasn’t the person she killed on the battlefield wrongly killed? The fourth generation of Lei Ying snorted and shouted loudly. Could it be that more people will die because of her? ”

“Then do you have to decide the fate of others so casually?” Terumi’s chest rose and fell rapidly, and she didn’t mean to back down at all.

“Shui Ying, I remember that you are very familiar with that little girl, right?” The fourth generation of Lei Ying snorted, “Are you doing this to shield her?” ”

“I know her,” Terumi said loudly as she reached out and touched her chest, “but I don’t think there’s anything wrong with me doing this, and I won’t let you hurt her casually!” ”

“Hmph, I already knew you would do this,” the fourth generation of Thunder Shadow snorted, a cold light flashed in his eyes, and clenched his fists, “In that case, I will kill you first.” ”

As soon as the words fell, a powerful Chakra erupted from the body of the fourth generation of Thunder Shadow, and if there was a substantial thunder attribute Chakra crackling on his body, exuding a powerful momentum.

As soon as Lei Ying stepped on his feet, the ground suddenly cracked, and the rock instantly turned into powder, and he rushed straight towards Terumi like a white lightning. Before the person arrived, the wave of qi brought by the ultra-high speed has already rushed to the face.

There was no slightest nervousness on Terumei’s face, her eyes froze, a cold light flashed, her fingers quickly froze, and her cheeks puffed out slightly.

Since the defeat in the battle with Lei Ying a few years ago, Terumi has been working hard to cultivate, and her strength has soared. Not only that, but she also found a lot of means to restrain Thunder Shadow, and now she is completely confident that she can defeat Thunder Shadow.

But just as she was about to perform ninjutsu, a figure suddenly appeared behind her, carrying a fierce wind towards her back. Terumi’s pupils shrank, and she immediately gave up the ninjutsu that had not yet been completed in her hand, and turned around to resist, but it was already too late.


Terumi was hit the back of the head, and suddenly felt that the sky was spinning, and his consciousness gradually began to drift. She turned her head reluctantly and said softly: “Unexpectedly, it was you…” But before she finished speaking, her eyes turned black and she passed out.

Author: Everyone remember to rest early, not early ^_^, in addition, weak please support, thank you!

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