Kaguya’s figure flashed in the air, like a frightening dragon, flying between countless vines, his expression was calm, and even a smile appeared at the corner of his mouth.

“Isn’t it a little too casual for you to use ninjutsu like this,” Kaguya smiled lightly, “Do you think such ninjutsu can stop me?” ”

“Yes?” The corners of Uchiha’s mouth turned up, revealing a slight sneer, “You’ll know next.” ”

The trees in the forest suddenly produced buds one after another, and then bloomed one after another, from which a cloud of pink floated out, filling the air, which is exactly the pollen that can make people weak and even faint. Kaguya, who was in the sea of flowers, had no place to escape at all, and the pollen had spread to her location.

Kaguya’s face changed, his crystal clear eyes gradually became confused, and his body became paralyzed, shaky, and finally fell to the ground without strength.

“Little girl, there is still a lot you need to learn,” a mocking smile appeared on Uchiha’s face, “Since you have firewood, let’s get a little tinder.” ”

Uchiha’s fingers quickly froze, like phantoms one after another.

“Fire Escape, Fire Lost”

An extremely hot red flame erupted from Uchiha’s mouth, like a torrent, shooting lightning towards the forest below.

With a “boom”, the flames sprayed onto the tree, igniting the tree, and the flames spread rapidly, and in the blink of an eye it was a sea of fire, full of scorching heat and the smell of burning.

“No, we’re going to help her,” unexpectedly, it was no one else who made this suggestion, it was Thunder Kage, “She can’t be Uchiha’s opponent.” ”

“Hmm.” Tsunade on the side also nodded, “We can’t let this girl be willful, we must defeat Uchiha as soon as possible.” ”

“Then let’s go,” Tsuchikage stood up and snorted, “Although I don’t like this little girl, I can’t ignore it.” ”

When they turned and walked in the direction of the battle, wanting to help, a figure stood in front of them, blocking their way.

“You can’t go.” In front of them was the double ponytailed blonde little loli black, she said with a serious face.

“Why?” I Ai Luo clasped his arms and said in a deep voice, “If you are not mistaken, you should have a close relationship with Kaguya, is she in danger now and will not be rescued?” ”

“You’re wrong,” Kuro Lori said with watery eyes, “Uchiha will not be a match for Mother-sama, please don’t disturb Mother-sama.” ”

“Excuse me?”

The five Hokage looked at each other, they would never have thought that this little girl in front of them would say such a thing. Now that the battle situation is in full view, Kaguya is already in an extremely dangerous situation, he is not Uchiha’s opponent at all, and it is only a matter of time before he is defeated.

“You can’t stop here!” Lei Ying said with a dark face, “This is war, not a child’s game.” ”

“If you insist on disturbing your mother,” the little ponytailed blonde loli’s eyes shot a cold light, “then don’t blame me for teaching you a lesson.” ”

It’s just that her current weak appearance is not a little deterrent at all, but it looks very cute.

While they were arguing, the situation changed again.

With a deafening loud bang, the earth shook the mountains and the sky collapsed, the sand and dust were filled with smoke.

“What?!” When Uchiha removed his dust-blocking arm from his face, he was shocked by the scene under his eyes.

The forest originally created by the advent of the Mudun Flower Tree Realm has completely disappeared, as if it has been erased from the ground, leaving only a circular pit with a diameter of thousands of meters and a depth of tens of meters, which looks as if it has been hit by a meteorite.

It is the effect that Kaguya creates with repulsion, which is similar to the Super Shinra Tenzheng. Originally, Kaguya didn’t want to make it so big, but after all, the first time I used it, I used it hard.

“Aren’t you already…” Uchiha looked stunned.

“Did you say pollen?” Kaguya blinked his clear eyes and smiled slightly, “Sorry, I’m not allergic to pollen. ”

Even if Uchiha was stupid, he knew that Kaguya was playing him, and he suddenly became angry, and his eyes shot a terrifying light. The ground trembled, and a huge tree grew from under the ground, and a figure slowly appeared on the trunk, peeled off, and became a person, there were dozens of them, each of which had the appearance of a Uchiha spot.

This is exactly the art of Mu Dun Mu Dun Multiple Wood Doppelganger.

“Little girl, you’ve angered me,” Uchiha said in a deep voice, the essence in his eyes flashing, “I want to teach you a good lesson.” ”

“Teach me a lesson?” Kaguya raised his eyebrows and said with a smile, “I’m sorry, you’re not my dad, you’re not qualified yet.” ”

“Yes?” Uchiha said mockingly, “You’ll find out soon.” ”

As soon as the words fell, Uchiha’s wooden doppelganger “swished” towards Kaguya, like a phantom, and on the way to running, purple flames suddenly ignited on his body, and the flames became bigger and bigger, and finally formed purple giants.

These purple giants are actually Susanoo.

A group of purple giants rushed towards Kaguya, like a small mountain, stepping on the ground and shaking the mountain, quite powerful, if it is an ordinary person, it is estimated that he has been scared to pee his pants.

Although the purple giants are huge, this does not hinder their movement at all, on the contrary, they are surprisingly agile, and in the blink of an eye they have arrived in front of Kaguya.

“If you beg for mercy now, I may leave you with a small life,” Uchiha said as he glared at Kaguya, “Beautiful women in general are stupid, I hope you are not such a person.” ”

“Although I was praised by you like this,” a shallow smile appeared at the corner of Kaguya’s mouth, “but I don’t feel happy at all!” ”

“Come out! Lava Behemoth! ”

Author’s group: **Please continue to be author-kun, thank you very much!

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