Dimensional Eroders

Chapter 95: Attacking "Dio·Not Lazy"!

   While practicing assiduously in Bailang, and distracted to train three justice friends; Dior on the other side is also concentrating on forming his dark army.

   After realizing that his ‘vampire’ talent could bring the dead back to life, the evil Dior saw a smooth path.

   The natural sciences in the nineteenth century have risen in an all-round way, and even modern firearms have appeared, and their power is by no means bad. But the overall level still stayed on the eve of World War I, or even lower.

   Dior frantically recruited his subordinates in the past few days, attacked young girls from the good family, caused a large number of homicides, and broke out with the police in London many times, and even tried guns several times. Weapons that are a deadly threat to mankind can only act as interference and hindrance to vampires. With dozens of bullets in his body, he can quickly heal as long as he breathes.

   was born in this era of ignorance and illiteracy, Dior’s three views are different from those of later generations. He is the product of the alternation of the old and the new era. Although he has received higher education, he also grew up listening to the "Knight Story" since he was a child. Many traditional ideas have long been ingrained and influenced him.

   And my own experience also proved that the ‘strong’ of the flesh completely exploded firearms!

   For the ‘undead’, substantive power is everything! Since you can revive the'dead,' why not form the most gorgeous lineup of the'Knights of the Dead' in history? Everyone is a strong man who has experienced many battles and possesses powerful combat skills, not an incompetent woman who holds a gun!

   So he not only sent Wen Fugui to dig graves, but also recruited and controlled a large number of gangsters on Ghoul Street, spreading around London, investigating and tracing the famous heroes in history, trying to open coffins and pick up corpses.

   His rampant behavior also shocked the official forces.

  At the same time, the four of Bailang are developing wretchedly...


"Master, King Arthur and his Knights of the Round Table are a fictitious lie. Our hands have stolen several burial grounds related to legends and found nothing. They are all deceptive." Jack the Ripper knocked on the door and lowered. Said nervously.

   "Trash! What about Charlie the Lionheart?" Dior asked again.

"Dead Knights" are actually not difficult to gather together. He has dug up a lot and piled them up in the cellar with potatoes; but he desperately needs a famous "top card" to inject souls into the "Dead Legion" and create a veritable one. 'Gorgeous Tiantuan'!

   That's why Dior can't wait to dig out the ancient corpse.

   The most ideal state is of course to reproduce the legend of the "Twelve Knights of the Round Table", with Dior as the mainstay, dominating England, and unifying the world! This is also the reason why the income of the main tasks of the White Waves has been rising.

   If it weren't for him to choke fate indiscriminately. Dior also made two small salted fish for him, hurriedly completed the first round of tasks for new employees, and then returned happily.

   Now, after being madly educated by him, Dior has changed his mind and rushed to ‘King Arthur’ as soon as he shot his hand. B is incredibly high. If time is not limited, London and the European continent face each other across the sea, Dior even wants to launch a Victorian version of the Holy Grail War, pulling out Alexander, the French village girl, and the tyrant Nero all, fulfilling Lang brother's fate dream. Let him feel the shock brought by the real French village girl who never takes a bath!

   Therefore, every time Dior creates a ‘British corpse’, Bailang’s ‘revenue’ increases a little bit.

   Fortunately, Dior is not invincible. Every time an undead is resurrected, he consumes a lot of blood essence. Moreover, the strength of the "dead knight" after the resurrection is different. The more start-up funds injected, the stronger the strength.

   So instead of resurrecting the knight madly, he won by quality. In recent days, Dior’s crazy continuous crimes have attracted the attention of the authorities, and even sent a small number of troops to encircle and suppress, and had to temporarily withdraw from London and dormant in the surrounding countryside.

   At this moment, Dior’s current ‘home’ contains a large number of corpses with a small name and is on standby, waiting for his activation.


   Hearing the host’s question, Jack hurriedly responded: "Lion Heart King... Lion Heart King is probably going to disappoint you, my lord!"

   "What's wrong?" Dior was a little angry.

The originally ignorant Ripper, in the past week, has also added a lot of historical knowledge. When talking about the gold, he said: "Before Richard died, he asked his subordinates to cut off his head after he died, and then took out his heart. The three corpses were buried separately. Our people succeeded in snatching the heart and the head..."

   Dior breathed a sigh of relief when he heard this, as he continued to recover the king, he also summed up a lot of tips.

   "A head is enough!"

"But for nearly 700 years, Charlie has only one clean skull left! We even snatched more great knights under the Lionheart King, but without exception, they have all turned into bones!" Jack hung down. Head, dare not go to see Dior.

   "Damn it!" Dior smashed the wine glass on the table with a punch, and blood spilled all over the floor.

   After all, this is not a Holy Grail War. You can summon the heroic spirit with the holy relic. The supernatural power of this world still respects objective facts. He needs a well-preserved corpse to use his ability to resuscitate the dead and create a zombie-like ‘zombie’, but he can’t make flesh and bones.

   "Can't the old strong man be resurrected? Then go to dig the grave for nearly a hundred years!" Dior scolded.



   Another day later, Wen Fugui, who was on his way to England, took a fully enclosed carriage and found the door.

   His whole body exudes a rotten stench, and his body is wrapped in a heavy felt blanket to block the sun: "Park the carriage there and carry the goods to the room. Someone will pay you."

   The coachman stared at him in disgust, looking at the money, and moving the big wooden boxes of unknown origin that exuded mud and strange smells into the house one by one. In the end, when the payment was settled, the corpse who wandered in the house and did not dare to go out rushed up...

Listening to the screams coming from downstairs~www.NovelMTL.com~ Wen Fugui, holding a wooden box in his hand, happily knocked on the door and respectfully said: "Great master, I successfully brought back what you wanted. And make his own way, and prepare a gift for you."

   Compared with BT's Ripper, Wen Fugui, a businessman, knows how to figure out people's hearts. After seeing Dior's extraordinary methods, he gradually realized the plan of the new boss, so in addition to archaeology, he kept spending money to inquire about and purchase local famous corpses, but he really picked up a leak.

"what gift?"

"I brought you the head of a demon king. He was marinated as a salted fish by the enemy, and he did not rot for hundreds of years! I thought you might be interested, so I made my own decision and bought it." Wen Fugui Submitted quickly.

   Dior was surprised after watching it. It was originally a means of humiliation by the enemy, but he didn't expect it to be preserved. This made him feel ‘natural’s magic and work’!

   "You did a great job, now, take me to see the harvest this time, and welcome the arrival of another companion!"

   Compared to those historical corpses, Dior is more interested in "Frankenstein". What if there is anything more powerful than the powerful ‘knight’ in history? In addition to himself, there is only one who has gathered countless powerful bodies, the ultimate ‘Frankenstein-Black Knight’!


   One day later, Bai Lang put down the information from Wen Fugui, with a strange expression on his face.

"So Dior, in order to create'Frankenstein-Stitched Black Knight', specially resurrected the author of this novel'Mary Shelley'? What does she know about'Frankenstein' as a book writer? Obviously the best should be resurrected. The surgeon is right! He sucked too much blood and got a cerebral thrombosis?"


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