Dimensional Eroders

Chapter 165: Old driver centrifugal arm! Breaking the ground and restoring the fire, water and wind.

Before long, the two who left tied a stunned werewolf with five flowers, brought it back to the cave and placed it on the ground.


   Bai Lang acted without hesitation, and held the bloodthirsty who had pierced the captain's seven or eight holes and reported his ‘give up’ revenge, and held it in his hand again. At the same time, he put an empty blood collection bottle that looked like a "test tube" into the handle, and then turned on the "blood drawing mode" to pierce the werewolf's heart together.


   In severe pain, the unconscious werewolf opened his eyes sharply and was about to howl.


In the next second, Bai Lang's right hand clenched the screwdriver and did not move, while his left hand pressed vigorously, clenched the wolf's beak with a'bang', and skillfully pressed the werewolf's head directly into the ground, making it impossible to scream and make a sound. Side arm strength.


   At this moment, the tied werewolf is struggling, but the white waves are obviously more terrifying. He touched his heart with one hand, and his palm burst into red light, which was a sign of the initiation of the'blood therapy'; while the other hand pressed his head to death, pressing the opponent.


   This technique of extracting essence and blood from the heart by using the'power of blood therapy' has already been tempered and tried countless times in the'virtual reality training ground' provided by the paradise. He has rich experience and specializes in various humanoid intelligent creatures!


   In the end, the werewolf moved from violently squirming, to trembling slightly, to motionless. Except for the half-awake captain, the other four were nervous and afraid to speak out. I sighed in my heart: This?? is medical skills?


   Pull out the bloodthirsty, Bai Lang takes out the ‘blood collection bottle’ from the handle. This tube of blood is the ‘essence blood’ extracted from the werewolf’s body by ‘blood therapy’. But because it is not his own blood, blood transfusion therapy cannot be directly performed.


   What he needs to do is to further process it...


  Lv2 Blood Therapy Profound meaning: The old driver's centrifugal arm!




In the next moment, Bailang held the bottle tightly with one hand, the transparent glass wall was covered by red awns, and then he began to repeatedly shake the test tube with great speed, his arm swinging greatly, turning into a afterimage, and his movements were standard and rigid. There are even some ghosts.


  This type of profound meaning tests skill, patience, strength, and precision the most. It is required to perform 999 "human centrifuge swings" within 10 minutes to precipitate the essence in the blood.


   On average, a vigorous shake is performed at least every 0.6 seconds, which is a test of physical fitness. Once the rhythm is chaotic, this ‘essential blood’ will be completely scrapped.


   Not only that, his ‘blood therapy energy’ also needs to be output at a constant rate for a full 10 minutes, mixed with the werewolf’s essence and blood a little bit, causing a mysterious ‘supernatural reaction’. It is equivalent to exchanging energy for ownership of blood.


   Seven minutes later, the old witch doctor with super fast hand cramped his hands and stopped the'old driver's centrifugal arm'. At this time, the werewolf's blood had been greatly improved, and there was obvious stratification.


   The ‘dark red and black’ substance deposited in the bottom layer is the most essential part of this werewolf’s body. After absorbing a large amount of blood therapy energy, it possesses highly active and fusion properties.


   Bailang carefully extracted this part, and then took away 2/3, and put it into another test tube with his own ‘pure human blood’ as the substrate.


   This ‘pure blood’ is very proud, condensing its own blood bar and vitality, in the blood therapy world, I am afraid that no one is more pure than the blood of Bailang!


  Because of the Bapo lineage, the blood of Bailang can always be the purest ‘human blood’ without any deviation. In the blood therapy system, ‘pure blood’ is regarded as a white paper like normal saline, a pure and flawless universal substrate, and injection into any patient’s body will not cause a ‘rejection reaction’.


On the contrary, when other'blood healing witch doctors' grow up, they will inevitably deal with all kinds of super creatures. If they can't stand the temptation, they will inhale some dragon blood and the blood of the old gods into their bodies to gain strength and longevity. Also lost the pride of mankind. Your own blood becomes more efficient, and there are greater limitations.


At this moment, Bailang uses'pure human blood' as the carrier, and injects 2/3 of the'werewolf essence' into it. After mixing and shaking, this is a miracle that can live human lives and has antibodies against the werewolf virus. Things'!


However, this is not over yet. He quickly took out a few painkilling pills, a handful of green burning blood crystals, and refreshing stimulants, all crushed into powder, and blended into this'white wave plasma'. , Continue to shake well.




The greatest thing about blood transfusion therapy is that it can consume its own blood and vitality, merge and absorb the original ordinary medicine into the'plasma', temporarily transform and absorb it, and turn it into a potion with a'special effect', which lasts for 1 hour. .


In other words, in response to the captain’s illness, Bailang consumes a lot of physical energy, mental energy, blood, and life. Through a series of complicated rituals such as the old driver's centrifugal arm, he created a witch doctor plasma that can only be stored for one hour. '.


   This is something that an ordinary nanny can't do!


   This thing has completely departed from medical common sense, and it is worthy of the blue quality ‘blood therapy’!


   Although it seems to be a tribal witch doctor-style sorcery, at the moment, Bai Lang speaks the truth. It is also the fancy bloodletting theory of ancient Greece, involving the four elements of earth, fire, water and wind. The human body is chaotic, and a screwdriver can open up the world and reshape the earth, fire, water and wind.


   Followed by the emerging blood transfusion theory in the Western medical community at the beginning of the Industrial Revolution... What? You say I am witchcraft? If I am just pure witchcraft, how can I use ‘Western medicine’? After using ‘sedatives, stimulants’, of course I was divided into the branch of the modern medical system!


   This is clearly the master of the collection! How do you mortals understand the profound and true meaning of medicine? The end of science is magic, the end of medicine... is blood therapy!




   Finally, he filled this ‘werewolf antibody-white waves burning plasma’ into the bloodthirsty. The old witch doctor pierced the captain’s heart together and injected the whole ‘plasma’ into it, and then a miracle happened.


   About five minutes or so, the special plasma flowed through the captain's body. He quickly woke up and restrained the restless ‘werewolf virus’ in his body. He even got a reminder from Paradise to strengthen the prerequisites for opening the ‘werewolf lineage’.


   This is no longer a simple treatment of illness and saving lives, and even helped him complete 1/3 of the steps of ‘blood strengthening’. Not only is it no longer weak, but under the multiple effects of stimulants, analgesics, and burning blood, it becomes stronger than ever.


   "Is this the power of'Blood Therapy'? Thank you, Altland, I will never forget this kindness!" The captain said with heartfelt gratitude.


At this time, Bailang bandaged the left hand of the cut wrist. He lost too much blood and looked pale and didn't appreciate it: "The ugly thing is ahead. I will help you only out of my own principles of life. My soul does not allow me to abandon it. The patient’s botched behavior, and I also need a group of companions to protect me in order to return to the camp smoothly. You have harmed me, and I will not save you in vain. Let’s exchange it with the “faction contribution”..."


   "No problem! We did not do the right thing this time." The captain nodded his head and was even more grateful.


Seeing that there is still a big bowl of blood (own) around him, Bai Lang muttered: "It can't be wasted." Then he looked at the other four people and said, "You guys come over, let's intensively treat it. This'werewolf essence' except In addition to being a special antibody, it is also an excellent buff material."




   The original intention of the "Old Driver's Centrifugal Arm" was to fight against all kinds of coquettish nurses.


Those auxiliary nurses often master a variety of buffing spells in addition to a single-handed'healing technique', and provide various buff enhancements for the team. The squeezed'blood healing old witch doctor' has no room for survival, and in the end, bad money will win good money. Let the blood therapy completely decline and disappear.


In order not to be compared to the past by the "Holy Light Nurses", the stubborn blood therapy old witch doctors also tried to hunt different beasts on the spot, collect the freshest heart blood, precipitate the blood essence through the centrifugal arm, and then inject it into itself. In the'Blood', a new random buff is superimposed on the basis of the original healing blood recovery.


   These gain buffs are related to the quality of the prey and the on-the-spot performance of the centrifugal arm.


Bailang drips the remaining 1/3 of the werewolf essence into this bowl of blood. By adding pills, burning blood, candies, and a bag of instant coffee, and then chanting in his mouth, stirring constantly, he finally obtains a bowl of'black Almost' thick plasma.


   He used the ‘Bloodthirsty’ to absorb, glowing red in his palms, piercing the hearts of his teammates one by one, and initiated the ‘blood transfusion therapy’.


  Although...the situation is urgent and the disinfection process is omitted, this is after all the blue ability of Lv2, which can no longer be understood by ‘pure realistic medicine’, so there are no side effects from injecting the heart, probably?


   Therefore, the contractors have hypnotized themselves, acquiescing to Lang's actions, and soon felt alive and well. UU reading www. uukanshu.com's injuries healed quickly, and even returned to the top, with different speed, strength, and agility gains.


   While continuously performing blood therapy, the white waves that consumed blood and a large amount of vitality and physical energy were extremely weak at this moment. The shortcomings of blood therapy are also reflected...


   The nanny milks 5 teammates in a row, and the blue bars may be exhausted, but it will not be like this. On the other hand, Bailang released 10% of the blood in his body and performed a round of high-intensity ‘eccentric arms’, which was more exhausting than a fierce battle. And he didn't dare to recast it.




After    team fully recovered to its peak, it set off again at 4 in the morning.


The people who were favored by the white waves and inspired by his selfless actions no longer have the face to do things like falling into the rock. They take turns to send people to take care of and protect Brother Lang, and break through the siege all the way to kill the Quartet...Finally, after dawn, with a team in the battlefield area The friendly forces converged and arrived at the barracks smoothly.


   After being dizzy in Bailang and falling asleep, he fought hard last night to forget his life and death, but under the spread of the two teams, he completely sensationalized the ‘Contractor’s Circle’!


It has never been seen before, and it is very different from the "Blue Strip Nanny", specializing in all kinds of difficult and complicated diseases, and even activating the "Blood Strip Daddy System" that opens the "blood line strengthening preconditions". It is also the first time for the Paradise Contractor. Well known.


   This night, Bai Lang not only washed away the suspicion, but also set off his own sign, truly shaping and establishing the personal image of the ‘old military doctor’.







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