Dimensional Eroders

Chapter 120: World-class legend! The legacy of the 12 zodiac signs, perfect...

  Walking on the way to pursue Dior, Bailang received this message:

   [You indulge in Dior time and time again, and eventually raise the tiger, let him resurrect the notorious Scottish devil in history, William Wallace...]

   Bai Lang's expression stiffened. Didn't you imply that I did it? I don't remember this pot.

   [Your connivance and ignorance of Mary Shelley let her take away this beast; and release it after death, so that it loses the chains that bind itself...]

  咦...wait! Isn't this Jonathan's decision? What does it matter to me in Altland?

   [24 minutes ago, the magical nature of the beasts broke out and entered the palace of the Green Garden, XXXXXXXXX, leading to the early ending of the Victorian era. 】

  咝...! Bai Lang took a breath of air, looking terrible.

   [Two minutes ago, you slashed the Demon King and drew a rest for this glorious era! 】

   I suddenly feel so great.

  【You directly participated in and indirectly led to the ‘End of the Victorian Era’, which advanced from January 1901 to October 1888. Now count your participation in this event... Count the influence of Great Britain on the world in this era... Statistics...]

   Bailang, based on his world history with a passing score of 1 point, also knows that the ‘Britain’ of this era, like the ‘Datang’ of all nations, is a well-deserved core of the world. This melon is too big.

  【You participated in and created a'world-class event', which caused a deviation in the history of the planet. Your participation is insufficient, and you have gained 41.23% of the ‘world-class legendary degree’, +0.4 legendary degree. 】


   Bai Lang was shocked, he staggered under his feet, is this doing my bird thing? !

   Although this 0.4 ‘world-class legend’ is definitely a good thing for unknown reasons, he can accept it correctly, but the paradise cannot be innocent out of thin air! Saying that I seem to be the culprit?


   When Bailang picked up a huge fortune, thanks to the delay of "Time Terminator-William", he bought Dior a period of time and barely distanced himself. But she was uneasy, not knowing where to go?

   Going to the pier at this time, I am afraid it is too late. The enemy set up a net of heaven and earth and waited for it to be sent to the door by himself. Do you just continue to flee to the country in a panic, pretending to be a village girl, waiting for the opportunity?

   "I'm not willing to Dior!"

  How proud and conceited is the beautiful Miss Dior? Feeling wronged at this moment, I actually want to cry.

   Wen Fugui swallowed his saliva with a ‘grumbling’, secretly saying don’t look at indecent assault. He is also full of awe for Bailang, and has a bad premonition. To take a sentence from my hometown, it is, "Unloading the mill to kill the donkey, and the rabbit is cooking the dog to death."

   What the devil enjoys is the fun of chasing Dior and playing it between his palms. Once Dior was killed by him, was he still worthwhile? …No!

   Wen is not stupid, but rather treacherous. Although he lacks courage and courage, he also has unique specialties, that is, his unreasonable intelligence gathering ability and communicative ability.

   "Master Dior, I have a plan, I don't know if I should talk about it?"

  Dior looked at Wen Fugui disdainfully, and cursed: "What kind of bad idea do you trash have to harm me?!"

   While fleeing, Wen Fugui vowed to promise Dior:

"Master Dior, please believe me again! This time, I absolutely didn't lie or lie. I learned from reliable sources that the'Altland' came from a hunting agency called'Hesitating Sea' and was responsible for the investigation. He is just an ordinary demon hunter for all kinds of supernatural cases around the world. In this organization, there was a department called the "Zodiac". Each of the masters of the stars must be famous all over the world. The'Legendary Demon Hunter' surpasses Altland in all aspects. The Zodiac is better than indiscriminate. There may not be three'star masters' in each era, or even generations. The latest generation of'Legends' is positive. It's American's vampire hunter-Duck Neck Rahan Lin Ken!"

   "What? Are you kidding me? You thought I didn't know that Lincoln was the 16th generation of American?"

"No, I didn't lie to you, and what you said is not wrong. Who rules, the president must conflict with the demon hunter? Just like Altland, isn't he also a detective and part-time forensic doctor? He also revealed that he himself I want to be a suspense novelist."

   Wen Fugui asked back, what he said is so reasonable, Dior was speechless...

   "Where did you find it?"

"It's all what Altland said in the Josta family. I bought a few servants and overheard it. The assassination of Duckneck Rahan was a backlash planned by the dark forces. The'tomahawk' in his hand is also The sacred artifact inherited from the generation of "peanut stew" has once smashed a piece of Mexican stone ghost noodles and gained the power to restrain vampires."

   Wen Fugui solemnly relayed the trash talk about Jonathan and Wagen that Bailang flicked. In a more determined tone, the expression of ‘you must believe in me’ was said, making Dior unpredictable and unable to tell the truth from the fake for a while?

   "What do you want to do?" Dior asked with a glimmer of hope in his heart.

A cunning look flashed in Wen Fugui's eyes. He chose this tavern because he was close to the Thames: "Master Dior, I want to say. In England...it's London! There is such a strong man sleeping. If we will If he wakes up and transforms into a corpse, he will be able to defeat Altland. That is a legend!"


   "Westminster Abbey on the north bank of the Thames, the lord of the zodiac, the guardian of the Holy Grail, the head of the wandering sea, Lord Isaac Newton!"

   Dior heard this, and a fire burst out in his eyes: "Let's go!"

   She lifted the skirt that was in the way, with the snow-white gooseneck high, and ran along the path along the Thames River towards Westminster Abbey...


   Bai Lang followed all the way, and soon lost the mark left by Wen Fugui, and secretly cursed Bara for betraying herself. However, the traces left by the other party allowed him to successfully trace to the Thames.

   "Huh? Did you throw it into the river?" Looking at the muddy and filthy water of the third brother's mother river, the white waves dispelled the idea of ​​jumping. Based on his knowledge of Dior, even if she died, she would not be thrown into this kind of river.

   Soon, Bai Lang found traces of high heels stepping on the ground on the side of the road. This is the footprint of Dior and Wen Fugui!

  They are running away along the river, what's there? This direction... Is it the British Museum? Did Dior want to resurrect the pharaoh of ancient Egypt to fight against himself?

   The white waves looked along the direction of the Thames River, and then ran for a while, and it was Big Ben...Where is the chassis of the clock tower. But unfortunately this is a rippled world, not a holy grail world. The pharaohs are nothing more than ancient mummys. Even if you successfully resurrect them...what about language communication?

  Dior, you are too naive, has your IQ been absorbed by your chest? Do you know Egyptian, and you really think that Britain is the core of the universe, and the Egyptians who were a thousand years ago would have to learn it?

   The white waves tracked all the way, but in the end his footprints turned a corner when he was about to reach the'Lambeth Bridge' and headed for Westminster Abbey... He pressed his doubts in his heart and accelerated the pursuit.

  Sure enough, several night watchmen in the cathedral were killed, with symmetrical tooth marks on their necks.

   "Dior, you can't escape!"


   "Found it! Finally found it!"

   In the Jerusalem chapel, a few monks who have not yet cooled off are lying on the ground. Their cross and even their Lord have no restraint effect on Dior. Vampires in this world can enter and leave the church in an open manner, without fear of the so-called silverware and garlic.

   At this time, Dior had already used brute force to smash the sculpture of Lord Newton's tomb, and then applied a little bit of force to push open the closed coffin lid.

   And the white waves chasing the dead body all the way, also heard the sound of broken stone carvings in a certain hall, feeling bad in my heart, rushing in, and complaining: "What the **** is going on?"


Bai Lang rushed in, and Dior also opened the lid of the coffin and laughed wildly when he looked at Bai Lang: "Alterland, come one step later and see what this is? Newton, the lord of the zodiac of the hesitation sea... "

   Her crisp voice stopped abruptly, only to see a small wooden box placed in the huge sarcophagus.

   Bai Lang was also shocked, looking at Dior and Wen Fugui incredibly, have you taken it seriously for a long time? No, this is what I used to fool Jonathan, how could you possibly know?

   "Master, what's the matter? Why don't you act?" Wen Fugui urged anxiously, seeing Dior motionless.

   "Box...Box?" Dior said blankly, unable to accept this cruel blow. UU reading www. What about the corpse of uukanshu.com? What about Newton?

   "Ahem, Newton was cremated!" Bai Lang said weakly.

(Newton: "I knew that when I died, there would be countless people trying to overturn my coffin lid and get rid of the constraints of gravity. So I won't be buried! I will go beyond the coffin and get into the box so that you have no coffin to lift. , The sad soul is forever bound by gravity!")

"Do not!"

   Dior roared desperately, and smashed the box of ashes with a punch. And Bailang also took out his hand to grab, aiming at the Wen Fugui who once again backed his own.

   "Huh?" Feeling a pain in the knuckles, Dior's complexion changed slightly, and he raised his hand to sweep away the powder, and from the scattered ashes, pinched a red stone.

   It was a red crystal that exuded huge vitality, as if countless grievances screamed collectively in the ears.

   "What is that?" Bai Lang instantly turned his head, looked at Dior's slender jade hand, and gently pinched the gem, reflecting the breathtaking burgundy red!

   "Sage's Stone!"

Wen Fugui's eyes burst out with fanatic light. He has already regarded the set of Bailang's mouth as the truth, and immediately realized what Dior was in his hands. "This is the alchemy miracle created by Sir Newton in his later years, imitating the'Aizhe Redstone'. "The Sage's Stone of Creation, Dior, give it to me!"

   Wen Fugui jumped up frantically and rushed towards Dior, trying to **** the redstone.

  Although Dior has changed her body, she is still a vampire, kicking on the side with long legs, kicking Wen Fugui back, and throwing the "redstone" into his mouth.

   "Fuck! Groove! Isn't this true?"

   Bai Lang has an urge to puff his mouth at this moment! I call you hello! I told you to say hi. Are you hi now? Paradise brushed out the sage stone.

  ? ToBeContinued…Recommended ticket

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