Dimensional Chat Room

Chapter 301 Linglong's End

Chapter 301 Linglong's End

It's spring again, and there are white lights in the gaps between the gloomy dark clouds. Golden light beams shot straight down from it, dividing the dark space.

"This year's cherry blossoms seem to be blooming more vigorously than in the past." Yuyuko said, holding on to the wooden door on the edge. She kept looking at the sky and the falling cherry blossoms.

There are no bright pink flowers in the rainstorm, only dancing. Praising the short life.

"It's really a monster." Murasaki Yakumo said: "Death is terrifying, but this Saigyou monster takes human lives because it is so beautiful, making the living immersed in dreams and die peacefully."

"Yes. It's really..." Her eyes were fixed on the sky, her voice was a little ethereal, "Can't monsters and humans live together?"

"Maybe, who knows if you haven't tried it yet?" Yakumo Zi was noncommittal.

Monsters are born based on human beings' fear. Human beings will instinctively resist because of fear. This contradiction has been irreconcilable since ancient times. In other words, this is more like a 'natural phenomenon' and there is no way to fight it. Of course, there are rare exceptions. But individual differences cannot be used to measure the whole.

"Compared to this, this time next year will be your 18th birthday." Yakumo Zi smiled and said, "I will come to find you then."

"Ah, are you going to drink again?"

"It's not 'you', it's 'us', it's 'we'." Yakumo Purple emphasized.

"Yeah." Youyouzi smiled.

If at this time, Murasaki Yakumo, known as the sage of monsters, looked at Yuyuko even for a moment, would he be able to detect the complicated emotions hidden in her eyes?

Expectation, remembrance, regret, confusion, pain, yearning...

If you know, can youkai understand what kind of mood the human in front of you is smiling at you all the time?

However, without if, Yakumo Zi left.

Monsters live very long and are slow to the passage of time.

I have been coming here continuously for one year and two years. In my past career, it has never been repeated with such high frequency.

Unknowingly, this human girl has become the only one the monster can confide in.

It's incredible.

It's only been two years, but it's only a moment.

But there is a kind of warmth lingering in my heart.

In the past years, which have been so long that my memory has been blurred, I have never felt like this before.

Yakumo Murasaki, who has been alone since birth, naturally cannot understand the warmth in her heart.

I only know that when I am with this human being named Yuyuko Saigyouji, I can forget about the complicated world, and my heart seems to be soothed and becomes peaceful.

The long-term loneliness gave Yakumo Murasaki the name of a sage, who could easily make humans forget and make monsters respect and fear him.

But the more so, once the lonely heart opens the door to others, its feelings will flow out with extremely rapid force like a torrent.

It's just this that Yakumo Purple is not aware of now.

Now Yakumo Purple only knows that human beings are very fragile creatures.

She put aside all her responsibilities as a monster sage and began to visit the beautiful mountains and rivers, looking for experts in order to seek the method of immortality.

According to rumors, there was a great Onmyoji in Heian Capital who was proficient in the method of reincarnation, but after some exposure, he created the shikigami system.

According to rumors, there are real immortals on the western continent, but they were not found. However, they accidentally saw "Baopuzi" and discovered the Nine Secrets.

Rumor has it...

Yakumo Purple traveled to many places, hoping to find the most suitable way to live forever for Yuyuko.

She didn't know why she did this, but it would be nice to give her this gift on her 18th birthday.

So, the monster has been looking for...

The screen changes again.

On the crazy night of the purple moon, the lights disappeared wordlessly, and the night sank into darkness.

This place has turned into Hades.

There, a cherry blossom bloomed.

The petals reflected countless deaths, were dyed pale, and fell to the ground and turned into ink.

Very beautiful.

A dazzling scene.

After blooming with such extreme beauty, it will usher in an eternal end.

Under the cherry blossom tree, lay the body of a girl whose life had passed away.

Looking at the girl who looked like a cherry blossom, Yakumo Purple's blood seemed to have stopped circulating, and she stayed where she was, almost ready to collapse.

She silently hugged the girl's body, and the warmth continued to flow from the body surface.

Yuyuko opened her last eyes, looked at Yakumo Murasaki, and smiled, her eyes moistened as she smiled.

"...I'm sorry, I couldn't drink together..."

Like cherry blossoms dancing, the hand that lost strength fell downwards.

Yakumo Purple just silently held the girl's body.

A few years later, with a plain hand holding a brush, he wrote in a book:

"The daughter of Fujimi, when the Saigyou Demon is in full bloom, leaves the realm of Youming, her soul will rest in the white jade tower, sealing the flower of Saigyou Demon, and using it as a barrier. If possible, I hope she will not suffer pain again and will forget reincarnation forever. Reincarnation..."


"...Yu...Yu, Yu!"

As if a distant voice was calling, Ye You's consciousness gradually returned.

"Yu! You finally woke up!"

Ye You slowly opened his eyes, and a beautiful anxious face appeared in his field of vision.


Ye You's head is still a little confused.

What just happened, was that... Yakumo Murasaki's memory?

Before he could think about it carefully, the sound of sizzling fire and fierce fighting came to his ears, which instantly calmed Ye You down.

Then I looked around and found that I was surrounded.

A total of more than a dozen humanoid monsters about two people tall appeared, with green-faced fangs and red-faced fangs, with protruding eyes and double horns. They also held a mace as tall as a person in their hands. Covered with bone spurs.

Is this... a ghost?

Qing Ji surrounded and protected her side with blue flames, but ghosts were still trying to break through the flame circle and invade.

Ye You can be sure of the current situation. This is the fantasy town of a thousand years ago.

There was no order in Gensokyo at that time.

As for whether what you see in front of you is real or false? What would happen if I died here?

We will consider this issue later. We must deal with these ghosts first.

And the other side.

Yakumo Purple slowly walked to the tree with cherry blossoms in full bloom, where there was a girl sitting quietly on the mat.

"You're here, Zi." Youyouzi smiled.

"Well, here we come." Yakumo Zi looked at her quietly, the corners of her mouth slightly curved.

A thousand years later, it still feels like yesterday.

"You said you wanted to give me a gift? What is that?"

"Sorry, I forgot."

Yakumo Murasaki sat down. There was a small low table between the two of them. She took out a pair of sake, wine from a thousand years ago.

"Come and have a drink, and you won't come home until you're drunk."

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