Dimensional Chat Room

Chapter 279 Haruhi Suzumiya, arbitrary for eternity (Part 1)

Chapter 279 Haruhi Suzumiya, arbitrary for eternity (Part 1)


Ye You looked at the message from the cute god and was filled with doubts.

Is that Haruhi Suzumiya's club?

But it is still three years before Haruhi Suzumiya enters high school, which means that Haruhi Suzumiya will not create the 'SOS Club' until three years later.

Of course, time is meaningless to information bodies.

Three years ago or three years from now, it doesn't matter.

The information body can jump between "different time homotopes" at will, and can download future memories, thereby achieving the "same" memory on any time plane.

Confusion surged into his heart for a moment, and Ye You returned directly.

"Aozora: Big cute god, what's going on?"

But the news fell silent, and the only answer Ye You received was silence. Just like fifteen years ago, the cute god would not react no matter what.

"Aozora: Is something wrong?"

Ye You asked again.

Still no response, just like the other person left the computer while chatting.

But Nagato itself is an information body. A chat room that uses 'communication as a medium' is equivalent to being directly installed on Nagato's body, and there is no such thing as 'leaving'.

A bad premonition came to Ye You's heart.

SOS...what if it doesn't refer to the society, but to its own meaning?

Is this a distress signal to me?

But in her world, who can threaten the information body?


There is indeed—Zhou Fang Jiuyao, the humanoid terminal of the ‘Tiangai Realm’.

Their origin is not a ‘generalized belt universe’

As soon as Shu Fang Jiuyao appeared in the "Haruhi Suzumiya Series", he launched an information attack on Nagato Yuki, causing her to "overload" and fall into a "high fever" state. Therefore, Nagato activated the backup system - on the surface, she had The obliterated Asakura Ryoko was 'resurrected' again.

As long as Nagato Yuki malfunctions, Asakura Ryoko will reappear.

It can be seen from this that Zhou Fang Jiuyao is an opponent on the same level as Nagato Yuki.

Is it her? Zhou Fang Jiuyao, an alien girl who is even more inorganic than Nagato.

But at this point in time, the humanoid terminal of the 'Tiangai Realm' has not arrived on the earth. Even if it arrives on the blue planet, there is no reason to take action against Nagato.

But this is just Ye You's wishful thinking. It is impossible to determine whether the existence of the Sky Cap Realm can be classified as "life", and it is also difficult to understand the thinking principles and methods of action, and it is even difficult to distinguish whether there is a sense of self-discipline.

Ye You connected to the network of Nagato's world and contacted Yui.

"YUI: Dad, what's the matter?"

"Aozora: Can you decipher the program of the surveillance system?"

"YUI: Yeah."

Yui has restored her memories from the artificial intelligence period, allowing her to demonstrate powerful hacking skills. Ye You asked Yui to check the situation at Nagato's side, but Nagato Yuki did not have a camera at home, so he could not see Nagato's situation.

Then Ye You handed Zhou Fang Jiuyao's picture to Yui.

"Aozora: See if this person has appeared near Nagato's apartment in recent times."

Since it is a humanoid terminal, it will act in a human form and will not exist in a state that cannot be observed by humans.

After retrieving for a while.

"YUI: Not found. Dad."

Ye You asked Yui to check the camera in the corridor of Nagato's apartment. As of the recorded time, Nagato's room had never been opened. Therefore, useful information cannot be obtained.

Video communication requires the other party to click to confirm, which is of course not possible under the current situation.

what is going on?

Can I just go there myself?

By consuming a little dimensional value, you can shorten the cooling time for one day.

An accident seemed to have happened to Nagato, and Ye You couldn't sit idly by.

But if something unexpected happens to Nagato...can he handle it?

This thought was completely erased from Ye You's mind as soon as it flashed through his mind.

Because it is impossible to do nothing.

Ye You took out all the spell cards and consumed nearly fifty dimensional points at the same time. In this way, he could transfer twice in a row. If he encountered danger there, Ye You could leave directly with Nagato.

But... the directional transfer takes two seconds. If we are really in danger, I don't know if we can buy enough time.

However, random transfer does not require a countdown, as long as it is confirmed, it can be transferred instantly.

Maybe also as a fallback option.

And we can't take anyone there this time, because neither Patchouli nor Nanoha can match the existence that can put Nagato in danger. If you are alone, you can use dimensional transfer to escape safely.

Of course, there will be terrible enemies to encounter, just the worst guessing.

What exactly happened is still shrouded in mystery until the past. But since we are considering the problem, of course we must include the worst possibility.

Fortunately, Nagato, like Reimu, accepted Ye You by default when it came to dimension transfer.

After Ye You carefully made a detailed plan, he transferred dimensions and came to Nagato's side.

It was the living room with bare walls that I saw in the previous video, a low round table, and a book on it, which was "The Mystery of the Greek Coffin" that Ye You sent to her.

And a petite figure fell beside the table.

As if he suddenly fainted, Nagato threw himself on the ground, his legs still in the original position of kneeling.


Ye You stepped forward, held her back and neck, and picked up her upper body. Nagato is lighter than expected, giving the impression of being as soft as a bone. She closed her eyes at this moment, giving people a pitiful feeling.

Just when Ye You was thinking about the current situation, Nagato suddenly opened.

It was a pair of inorganic eyes that contained almost no emotion. He was clearly looking at Ye You, but there was no sense of focus, as if his attention was evenly distributed to every point.

"An...accident happened..."

Nagato opened his eyes, moved his lips, and made an extremely weak sound. If Ye You's senses weren't far beyond ordinary people's, he probably wouldn't be able to hear what she said.

Ye You just stared at her and waited for the next step.

"My... information connection... is... being... gradually severed."

Nagato's voice began to make slight electronic noise in Ye You's ears, as if there was some malfunction in the machine.

Information combination?

Ye You understands. The information body does not have the concept of life and death of organic organisms. Unbinding information is equivalent to the "cessation of life functions" of organic organisms to a certain extent. In "The Melancholy of Haruhi Suzumiya", Yuki Nagato uses authority to remove the information combination of her subordinate Ryoko Asakura, thus eliminating her concept of existence.

Nagato's lips buzzed and moved, and he continued to convey the message like a monk chanting sutras.

"Haruhi Suzumiya...Rhapsody of Bamboo Leaves...Signals...School...Mirai...My Drive... ......¥?ˉ"Spoon?" Dare?è“?…¥?éa?乸?é”?Where……”

Accompanied by the noise of a vibration frequency that humans cannot discern, Nagato Yuki stopped operating like a driver.

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