Dimensional Chat Room

Chapter 227 Quietly changing trajectory

Chapter 227 Quietly changing trajectory

When he got up the next day, Ye You continued to devote himself to the cause of analyzing source codes. Dimensional travel was really fascinating.

read more, walk more. By rolling around in various dimensions, you can accumulate great knowledge that no one can match.

When I got tired of parsing, I continued to study the "Second Handbook of Refining the Formation". The second handbook was several levels more difficult than the first handbook, but in the end there were traces to follow and roots to follow. As long as we could sort out the vast and complicated details in it, The rules and organization are all you need to sort out one by one, just like a coder, arranging the words one by one to form an article.

Hakurei Shrine.

Reimu's life has undergone earth-shaking changes. Although in the eyes of others he just added a few more dishes to the dinner table and drank wine in the back of the shrine in his spare time, for Reimu, this was enough to move him. To cry life.

In the past, the witch lived a simple life, not because she liked a simple life, but because she was poor.

Reimu used to wear miko clothes every day, not because he was not interested in other beautiful clothes, but because he was poor.

But even so, Reimu, who had been living a leisurely life, didn't want to take the initiative to change anything. Hakurei's miko has always been like this, so leisurely that it feels like time has stood still.

But if someone gave her a sum of money for incense, it would be another matter.

Now that I have received a huge sum of 100,000 yuan, I can finally enjoy it.

The red and white shrine maiden is in a perfect mood.

Lingmeng took a sip of green tea and took a sip of the tea that had rarely appeared before. A feeling of happiness emerged spontaneously.

"Joining the chat room seemed like a good decision."

Now Reimu Hakurei, even if Marisa steals her drink, the miko doesn't care that much.

District 11, Ashford Academy.

Lelouch got the data transmitted by Kira. He did not let the data appear in the world, but put it in the 'folder' in the chat room. ‘Specified upload’ If you designate the object as yourself, it is equivalent to having an extra mobile space to carry around. The chat room cannot be observed by others, which is the safest approach.

However, before the receipt of the ‘previous item’ is confirmed, the ‘next’ item cannot be specified for transmission. If you want to ‘specify upload’ as a portable space, it is very practical.

"When the folder in the upload space is occupied, not only can you not use the designated upload, but others can't transfer items... This is indeed quite troublesome."

Lelouch held his chin in thought, "But now that we have the information on 'Phase Shift Armor' and 'Small-sized Electromagnetic Weapon', there is no need for item transmission for the time being. This information must be preserved."

In Lelouch's hands, there is super powerful technology from another world.

In this way, we finally have the means to fight against Britannia.

Let the world be corrected.

Absolutely, with minimal sacrifice, tragic events can be avoided, and the same mistakes cannot be made again.

With renewed determination, Lelouch straightened up and walked forward.

Aincrad, Level 46.

Celestial setting: sunny.

This is the Ant Valley, which is about thirty meters long. On the cliffs on both sides, there are nests with several holes.

After Bai Bai took off the radiation device and spawned monsters at all costs, the speed of the Raiders suddenly increased like a rocket launch.

The other strategy group has long existed in name only, and now almost all high-level players have gathered under the name of the Akatsuki Car.

——As long as you can clear the game early, does it make any difference whether you are a closed beta player or not?

The strength of the Akatsuki members made ordinary players realize how ridiculous their hostility was.

If the other person is just a little stronger, then you can be dissatisfied; if the other person is much stronger, you can also be jealous; but if the gap is not in the same dimension at all, then you can only respect.

Heathcliff, the leader of the Knights of the Blood Alliance. In the game, he looks like he is in his forties, and his rigid and serious face gives off a very smart and capable feeling. His true identity is the foundation of NERvGear and the designer of the SAO game, and he is also the culprit of this death game.

He holds the sacred sword and walks side by side with Blank. After all, in the same strategy group, Akatsuki will occasionally act with other team members, so the candidate decided today is blank. Rather, it was always Ye You and Asuna.

"Players like you should not only use system assistance to complete sword skills, but there should be more decisive factors." He asked Kong Kong.

Kayaba Akihiko is not only the producer of Aincrad, but also a participant. He wants to lead players to the top as the 'strongest gamer'. Then after conquering a hundred floors, he announced, "I am the final boss." The strongest player is the final level, how dramatic it is.

But now, due to the blank space, it seems difficult to obtain the title of ‘strongest player’. No, even neet-hime in Akatsuki's car seems unable to defeat her.

He had used his GM authority to investigate the Akatsuki Car, but because of the Great Moe God, all Kayaba Akihiko saw was false information that had been prepared for him.

But if you are not the ‘strongest player’, wouldn’t it be a lot less shocking and fun when the results are finally announced?

Just when Kayaba Akihiko was thinking this, the boy in front of him said faint words.

"Because it's very simple." Kong smiled at him, "The rules are clear and the purpose is clear. All you have to do is take action."


Sora's words made Heathcliff stunned for a while, and then he burst into laughter, as if he had met a close friend,

"Hahahaha, so that's it, so that's it? If you move towards the goal in your heart, you will be invincible - haha, it's a fairy tale-like reason."

Sora stopped and looked at Heathcliff, who was still laughing. His laughter is very bold, and he probably doesn't laugh much at ordinary times, so once he lets it go, it's very surprising.

After Heathcliff calmed down, Sora continued: "I can't say the target or anything, but we, brother and sister, are better at it."

"Are you good at it..." The leader of the Blood Alliance Knights smiled noncommittally.

"Besides," Sora ignored his attitude and just said, "You should also have your own goals."

"..." The pair of eyes looking directly at him made Heathcliff feel like he was being seen through, and he fell silent.

"I think having goals is a very good thing. And being able to achieve your goals regardless of everything is also very enviable."

"You..." Heathcliff stared at Sora, but before the words came out, the other person's words calmed his heaving heart.

"At the very least, this place is much more interesting than this crappy game in reality."

What, it turned out to be just a guy escaping reality.

But it must be painful to have such a powerful skill and live in a boring world.

Kayaba Akihiko could understand this pain, so he had this death game.

He suddenly felt that he might be able to chat with this person very well.

Sora thought the same way.

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