Dimension Forum

Chapter 60: Arrive in the country

[Li Yuan, you wait! I'll let you see me right away, you must not guess what I have learned recently! ] Naruto sent a private letter to Guan Liyuan with great interest.

Hehe, I guess it is "psychic art"!

Combining Naruto's tone, Guan Liyuan has already guessed that he should have encountered Zilai, and he is about to learn the "psychic technique" he has used, so he has a "I super diao" tone ...

[Okay, then I'm waiting for your surprise. ] Guan Liyuan didn't have the trouble to expose him.

A few days ago, Naruto also sent a private letter saying what he was doing in the written test ...

It is said that if you use the forum's private message function to cheat, even Seniyi Bixi is absolutely blind, but unfortunately, the question in it is not even Li Guanyuan!

As for the last question ...

Sure enough, in that case, if there are people who can discuss, they will instinctively feel dependent!

Even Naruto came to discuss with Guan Liyuan and asked him if he should abstain at this time.

Originally, Guan Liyuan used the name of psychological analysis to demonstrate that this question must be fraudulent, but before sending the private message, he deleted the answer and only responded to Naruto: [When you are at a loss, think about yourself as a ninja The origin of it! 】

【How do I feel this is the signature file of “Eight Killing God of Food”? 】

(The actual source of this sentence is from the Chinese masters, and A Fei advised the young masters. The original word was "Cook" ... As for not knowing who the "Eight Killing God of Food" is? I highly recommend Dongdong's old book. "Eating Halberds" ~!)

This test by Ji Yixi was a test of Naruto's will, and Guan Liyuan was unwilling to destroy it.

The final result was, of course, that he passed the exam safely. In the test of the heaven and earth scrolls later, Naruto also personally wrote Guan Liyuan to leave a "testament" ...

Although Naruto didn't say anything specific, Guan Liyuan guessed that most of them encountered Dashe Wan!

Before waiting for Naruto to learn "psychic arts", Guan Liyuan and Bai had already reached the northern part of the kingdom of Fu, and the Fuze Group was relieved. The two men and one dog (nine Lamas:?) And the three gods of plague finally left .

And it's pretty credible. Apart from riding a sailboat, there is no other rude behavior. When encountering pirate ninjas in the waters of the land of the land of thunder and iron, they also helped ...

After eight days, starting from the small island of the border of the water country, all the way north, bypassing the country of thunder and iron, and finally reaching the northern coastline of the country of the country of the north of the continent, at this time Guan Liyuan's time axis limit Time has also passed by half.

呼 "Hello, it's really cold, isn't there such a cold place in the country of water and the country of wave? Isn't it white, you ... uh, it's okay." Guan Liyuan ended the topic awkwardly.

I originally wanted to care about Bai, but thinking that Bai is particularly sensitive in this regard, you might think that Guan Liyuan is sexist, and more importantly ... Bai's blood succession limit is Bingyu! Doesn't make sense cold?

As for the nine lamas, Guan Liyuan was directly ignored.

Lao Jiu Lama is in a good mood now. Today is in the state of four tails. On the way to the five tails ...

The Nine Lamas in the state of four tails already have the strength of the elite to endure, and the explosive power and endurance are stronger than those of the elite. Guan Liyuan speculates that in this state, the number of tails and the power it possesses should be accepted by Naruto. The proportion of the tail beast Chakra, when the tail is condensed.

The naruto in the four-tailed state can fight back and forth with the sealed big snake pill in both hands, and he will also be seriously injured when he is holding him as far as possible without hurting his psychology and trying to subdue him ...

However, it can only enjoy it for less than two days. In order to prevent the contract and seal from becoming invalid, Guan Liyuan will resumption before it reaches the six tails, and then count back to the first tail.

"Is it really okay for us to sway from the north of 这么 Country, and cross all the way to the south?" Bai expressed some doubts.

In the ninja world, ninjas of different forces passing by the territory of other ninja forces are relatively sensitive actions. Especially the white status is not given by the slash, or the rebellion wanted by Wuyin Village, and Guan Liyuan belongs to the black family ...

"Rest assured, Yinyin Village was originally autistic, and now it should be in a gap period when the new leader has not succeeded and the old leader is dead. There will be no effort to take care of him." Guan Liyuan was very confident.

Bian Bai was a little puzzled. Guan Liyuan did not perform as well as she had experience in many aspects, but how could she know the situation of Huangyin Village just after she disembarked?

You have to know the country of the country and the country of the country, but one south and one north across the continent, so Bai Xian did n’t know much about the village of Yinyin ...

But I don't know if the village of Yinyin is closed.

Because on the ship before, many sailors of the Fuze Group also said that in the country of Qiong, there was little sense of the village of Yinyin. Most of the domestic tasks were outsourced to Muye Village, and some of them were living in bamboo in the south of the country. Contracted by a family ...

At this time, the bamboo takers are at war with Caoyin Village, which is located in the southwest of Cao Country, and intends to seek the country!

"Since the Yinyin Village is so weak, why did the bamboo-takers want to go to the grassy village of the country of grass? Is it in order to repay the kindness of the task given to them?" Bai asked with some confusion.

Tong Guan Liyuan felt that Bai's idea was a bit naive, and the expectations of the bamboo-eating family were too high!

"No, as far as I know, the entrance to the Yinyin Village is covered by a giant waterfall, and ... it's not very weak, it has a strong unconventional power!" Guan Liyuan said.

也不 He is not afraid to be sure that everything in the world of Naruto is the same as the "plot" he knows, but generally because it can't be wrong.

In other words, the current Yinyin Village should be the only small Ninja village with human power outside of the five big Ninja villages, and there is also a "water of heroes" that can increase the number of chakras. Yincun, if it is weak, it is definitely wronged ...

At the beginning of the first generation of Naruto, you should not have caught all the tail beasts. For example, a tail-guard crane in Sandy Village was originally owned by the sand ninjas. The first-generation Fengying also used the opportunity to allocate tail beasts, asking for territory and Other resources.

Wuyin Village is a small Ninja village with human strength. In the early days of the Ninja Village system, the performance of Huangyin Village was extremely fierce, because the Five Shadows Meeting excluded the Yinyin Village, and even dispatched the elite to the ninja horns, assassination The original Naruto known as the "God of Ninjutsu"!

Of course, Jiaodu failed unquestionably, and facing the punishment in the village, Jiaodu's grievance broke out, stole the village's secret law, and killed many high-level villagers ...

As for the "Hero of the Water" in the village of Yinyin, it has the effect of increasing Chakra, but at the cost of eroding life. After using the "water of the hero" to expand wildly and even capture the tail beast, the ninja of the village of Yinyin They gradually discovered the negative effect of the "Water of Heroes", so they sealed it, and the entire village was isolated from the world. Instead, they took the responsibility of guarding the "Water of Heroes" seal.

This is also the fundamental pattern of the village of Yinyin, from the original "zhangya dance claws" to the current "no harm to humans and animals".

The seven-tailed celebrity handed down by the crickets was often not in the village in order not to provoke people.

And now is the time when the old leader took the "Water of Heroes" due to the rebellion incident, not long after the death of the old leader. UU reading books www.uukanshu.com

The old leader ’s son is still staying in the village of Koba as a proton. According to the plot in the OVA, the new leader will be sent back by Kakashiban after the Zhongni test and before Sasuke defected ...

Therefore take the bamboo family, would rather choose to capture the country of grass as the land of the four wars, rather than hard-core Gangyin Village, in fact, it is a very wise decision!

However, it is only relatively wise. In the memories of Xiang Phosphor in the animation, before being recruited by Dashe Wan, the northern fortress of Cao Yin Village was completely taken down by the bamboo takers, but three years later, during the period of the Eagle team, Xiang Phosphor Meet the Ninja in Cao Yin Village again ...

Tong Guan Liyuan suspected that Caoyin Village might have asked for help after the defeat, and he had reminded Huomen the previous day. If the situation was too bad, the leaves might send troops.

Although the next-day family has a good relationship with the bamboo-taken family, don't look at the former boasting that they are the strongest family of Konoha. In fact, they are "soft" very much, at best they discourage Konoha's high-level pursuit.

Judging from the ninja in Cao Yin Village and taking the China-Ninja Examination of the League of Woods, although the guy in Cao Yin Village seems to Guan Liyuan to be completely morally degraded, it belongs to the **** younger brother of Wood Ye ...

The situation in the next two days also proved Guan Liyuan's speculation. There was nothing to hinder along the way. Two people and one dog (nine Lamas:?) Ran across the entire territory of the country.

Although in order to save time, when the nine lamas were used as foot strength, the other party severely refused to ride Bai on it, but Guan Liyuan put forward the suggestion that "I hold Bai and ride you again, I will not count her riding" Later, I went to the area where the Zhutou tribe lived in the southwest ...

Will Bai be shy?

Just kidding, even if she replaced Guan Liyuan with her, she wouldn't show any change in appearance!

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