Somehow Mr. Mia seems angry.

After Gotagota on the last case, Belgrette was to return to the King's Capital ahead of schedule, but she was not told anything about it.

Moon and 5th of the Water Passover "Sukiya". Such a lunch break.

At lunch on the bench in the courtyard, which I felt was a long time ago, Mia was eating bread shabby like her parents' enemies.

To her like that, Lifeguard speaks out in horror.

"Dr. Mia."

"What is it!

"Please, calm down..."

"It's always normal! I'm not mad at you at all! Just Lugo. Say goodbye to Belle, dude! I don't think so!

I was about to hear a phonetic sound called Pumpkin.

"... Mia, calm down"

Lenore says with no expression. There wasn't much emotion in that voice, and it even felt like I was just saying it for now. Maybe it's the usual thing to do.

Oh, what do you care? First appearance at lunch. I'm Mr. Lenore. I was a shield with these two today.

"Well. Lugo is the star of the" Awzi "spill, and maybe it's only natural for Belle to report it to Lugo."

"No, look... Claria was suddenly hospitalized, and Belko seemed busy. Besides, I can't use the Divine Chant Oracle or anything, so I can't even get in touch with you by correspondence, right? That's why you came to tell me directly."

I wonder what would happen if I accidentally talked about holding Belle child... while I was in a desperate attempt to get Mia in a good mood.

"... When I went to say hello to Mia, I don't think Mia would have gone because it would have taken me a while to stick around"

Lenore was a calm "clever" everywhere.

"Huh... well, that means... I'm, uh-huh...?

Mia with her hands on her mouth and a startling look on her face. Lifeguard remembered an advertisement for his annual income on a magazine or something.

"... is, ha..., a world like this, you just have to perish"


Mia falls asleep on the lawn and says something outrageous.

"Asshole. I was wondering if the world would end."

It was Edvin who came there.

"What the...! You!"

Mia jumps off a gut. You're doing great, this girl.

"I am, Aliumi. Can I borrow your black jail stone array?

"Hmm? Ooh."

Edvin, who said he was starting to build his body, was thus starting to borrow training items for drift protection.... By the way, they seem to be enough to manage to lift the barbell for one hand with both hands. Around where Belgrette didn't try to lift or freak out, it would still be something like a man's arm strength.

"Ha. Is it Shugyo again, Edvin which? I think it's a waste of effort. Nah. More than that, why don't you study" Oracle "?

"Uuch. She doesn't know."

That was Edvin trying to leave, but I stopped, as I recall.

"Oh, no, Aliumi."


"I went to Wangdu the other day for the rest of my holidays... I ate a little mesh in the tavern during the day"

"Oh... is that Gautendor? Maybe."

It's about the assassin, the name of the tavern he went to when he followed Claria.

"Whoa. You know me well. Son...... Aliumi. You're pretty talkative. I suppose the story of defeating Farvnar was just a lie - but it was easy to do Detlev, who was also an assassin in the Silver Legion Squad Silvalios, and it felt like it had spread all at once."

"Yeah, yeah."

For some reason Mia is nodding satisfactorily. Why are you looking like "I raised you"?

Watch how such a girl goes, and Edvin goes on.

"It's not all about being famous, Lord Mia. Knowing the name… means more enemies."

"Hmm. Everyone, like Edvin, said, 'If you take this guy down, you'll raise my name, Heeher!' I don't think it's just like...?

"Oh, yeah. Just..."

It was rare and showed what Edvin would call it.

"... I can get into his ears, and I have to get into trouble..."

tingly. Mia and Lenore reacted faintly - I felt like

"Bye. That's why I'm borrowing it. Black Dungeon Stone Array"

Leaving that behind, the flaming 'mad dog' left this time.

"Who is he?

I will ask all the questions quickly if you are unwilling to leave a mystery behind.

"... mmm..."

Mia has a bad tooth cut.

So I made some predictions, but Lenore answered the question of drift protection.

"... Midir College, one of the five 'pentas'. I think it's Dino Gayleroen."

I've heard it over and over again, the presence of 'Penta'.

This is the first time I've heard the exact name.

"... fourth place at Midir College. The College's best flame user, with two names:" Dinofang, "a double-toothed prison flame. Character is extremely arrogant and belligerent. Confident people who don't stop saying that they are the strongest. Indeed, its strength is real, and it has the merit of destroying category s grudge demon, Gillanty Odd, single-ridden. He is also expected to be the property responsible for the future force of Raindeer"

Mia, who was listening to that explanation, hummed her nose.

"Genius is different, really."

"Heh. You look strong."

Lenore, who sees such a flushing grin, answers instantly.

"... definitely strong.... maybe more than you"

Mm, and the boy hoists his eyebrows.

"Why not? Why not? Does he take down Farvnar, too?

I thought I was childish myself, but Lifeguarding says that from a confrontational point of view.

Lenore also responds instantly.

"... maybe we can take it down"

Probably not exaggerated or anything. To Lenore, who said pale, the exodus lost its word.

"... the resentment demons came to the college, that day.... If there was' Penta 'in the first place, the story would have ended there with nothing wrong"

"Lenore. 'Penta' wasn't actually there then, and I don't think those people would fight for us if they were there. It was Lugo who actually protected us."

Rarely, Mia protested in such a zero tone. Lenore also has a rare, hazy look.

"..., sorry.... I'm not going to deny you"

"Ah, oh. I know.... But are you that strong? I mean, what is it? What do you mean" penta "?"

"… a man of gift, said to be less than a few hundred in total in the world today. Born to be able to deal with the advanced divine chant Oracle, it is said that the number of 'pentas' belonging to the country will remain directly connected to force. Currently, the College has five 'Penta' enrolled as students"

Go on, Mia accompanied him bitterly.

"Originally...... about 200 years ago? Was it. The Academy of Divine Chanting" Oracle "was originally created for" Penta. "It was a place to keep talented people for the good of the country. But the absolute number of 'pentas' is so small, it seems to me that it gradually became like this kind of learning house. I mean, we're fucked! Hmm!"

Instead of having a rare 'penta' among a large number of students, are you saying that the facility that secured and held the 'penta' gradually changed its appearance to the college?

"Well... stick to anything. If I become Magee, the country's exclusive chanter, and get Hutu to do a lot of work..."

It's kind of like a Mia, tired modern Japanese line, which makes me think of drifting protection.

"Mia is surprisingly realistic."

"What a surprise. Well, I'd like to make it easier for my family soon."

"Easier for the family?... are you poor?

"Bi, it's called poverty! No, well, I'm poor... We're seven sisters and brothers. My family, I'm the top of the list and I'm just a farmer in the country, that's already a fire train... Still, the results of the Divine Chant" Oracle "test I took under no auspices are not surprisingly bad, okay, sister. Good luck with that. I'm going for the professional chanter" Maggie "! I thought it was still there."

Mr. Mia, it was half his life.

I see, and I think the drift protection.

Mia was thus admitted to the College and, as a result of her efforts, probably reached the point of earning the thirty-seventh place overall.

Even that thunderstorm that rewarded Farvnar with one arrow should never have been easily obtained.

If a natural genius emerges there called 'Penta', etc., and is automatically positioned at the top, then Mia cannot have good feelings if she is promised the future as the property of the country.

Maybe it's something I can't help but... Inside, I wouldn't be convinced.

"Speaking of which, Lugo, you got another bounty for the 'Auzi' thing, didn't you? Beautiful to make five million escs in this short period of time! Why don't you marry me!

"Huh? Yes, no, what are you talking about?"

He is a boy who gets upset and distracted even though he knows it is a joke.

"... hehe, right... there's nothing good about marrying a poor country girl... right... me... nothing..."

"No, no, Mia's got plenty of good places too. First of all, look, I'm fine. And then..."

"Ugh, yeah. And then what?"

"... er,..."

Exactly, he was a drift shelter who couldn't be called "cute" in front of him. Even if I had all the sketchy skills I could say, I think I'm going to be on mia tune.

"I'm fine... and, look... that's it... I'm fine..."



Mia falls on the lawn again with patari.

"Enough is enough... I was just a little distracted by Belle, and Lugo was just worried about me..."

The girl turned aside and began to sleep.

Wow... what to do... ripples just above the fallen mia. Liquid shielding has become apparent recently. Oracle, the divine chant of communication.

"... Mia, they're communicating"

Lenore, who had been eating bread in silence, tells Mia she didn't realize.

"Hmm...? I don't know who's running errands for me like this... Yes, Leaver Mia."

answered her in an unmotivated voice to the correspondence,

"Leaver, it's Belgrette, though. I knew you were there. '

It was Belgrette. Mia jumps into momentum.

"Beh, Belle? How did you know where I was?"

Speaking of which, Belgrette shouldn't have been very good at communicating, Lifeguard recalled.

In fact, it seems pretty unusual to pinpoint Mia, who shouldn't know where she is, and she'd be surprised if she did too.

"How did you know I was here?... What? Love?"

"Hehe. It's a beautiful day, so I thought it would be the usual place in the courtyard. '

"Oh, shit.... So? What can I do for you?"

"? What," me like this "..."

He still seemed to care about what he was not told when he left the college, and Mia was pointing her lips in a slightly obstinate tone.

'Cause in the meantime, this one's finally settled. Sorry I'm late.'

"... yeah. But you went to Lugo's the other night, didn't you? Then you came to tell me..."

'... no, because when I go to Mia's, it takes time to get hugged'

Lenore snorted at the words.

"... me, very right"

"Uh-oh, shit! God of Creation, is this the world you wanted!

"Oh, is Lenore here too? Hi, I'm sorry about Lenore, too. Collaborative research, I was on my way. '

"... Hello. It's okay, never mind."

Bellette and Lenore started the conversation, so Mia began to persuade herself in earnest. "Am I an unnecessary being, God?" "Ooh, Sonoyona world nad annihilation boshiteshimaje" and so on are switching voices and starting a solo play. I'm gonna act first. I'm scared.

"Mia? Are you listening? So to apologize, I'll take Montilene's cake next time. Look forward to it. '

"... Montilene?

Mia reacted perfectly to the word.

It's also the name of the confectionery shop that the royal family found out about "Auzi".

"... well, you can't even try to fish like that"

No, you should be caught with that, Mia answers with a look so full of grit that she wants to penetrate.

"Well, how can you forgive me?

"... you want me to forgive you?

"Yeah. I hope you forgive me."

"Important about me?

"Yeah, yeah."

"Oh, I can't help it. I can't help it anymore. Bye, boobs."

'Oh, I'm sorry, they're calling me. Hang up. "


That's how mercilessly the lunch break ended.

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