Di Daughter’s Rebirth: Sheng Shi Wang Fei

Chapter 161 Seven years in a blink of an eye (5)

Chapter 161 Seven years in a blink of an eye (5)

"Chunmei, there are some things that we can't just avoid if we want to." Those enemies, the more they dodge, the more complacent they will be. Therefore, it makes sense for them to go head-on!

"Miss, you..." Looking at Shen Jingshu, Chunmei now finds that she doesn't understand Shen Jingshu more and more. She just feels that Shen Jingshu seems to have hidden a lot of thoughts. They want to see, but they can't see through.

"Okay, let's go back." Withdrawing her tears, Shen Jingshu suppressed the sourness in her heart, as well as the faint reluctance, she could only wish Prince Duan in her heart, hoping that he was fine.

My son, I hope you are safe, and I also hope that those nightmares in the previous life will not happen to you again!

When I got home, I told Shen Wenhua and Shan Yuerong the news that Prince Duan's son had left. The two of them were taken aback when they heard it, and finally turned into sighs, "The son mentioned it to me before, but I didn't expect him to leave so suddenly. .It's just that Duan Wang's health is not right now, so I don't know if this is a good thing or a bad thing."

"Father, why did this happen?" Prince Duan was in poor health, which was something that didn't happen in his previous life, but in this life...

"Who can tell clearly about the royal affairs? Prince Duan is not in good health. It is said that he misses his son very much and asked him to go back. That's why he left so soon." Shen Wenhua also knew about the situation of Prince Duan's mansion. King Duan The prince will be more comfortable here in the south of the Yangtze River, and it will be troublesome to go back, right?

"Really?" I feel a little sad in my heart, Shen Jingshu knew the methods of those people in her previous life. A person as talented as he was in the previous life was discredited by them. Isn't it just because they want that person not to be able to inherit the throne? Shen Jingshu is really worried for being so cruel for a throne!

I hope that person will be safe, now that he is not what he was in his previous life, he already has his own power, so he won't be easily bullied after all, right?

"I hope your son is well! It's just that now that he's gone, I don't have a chess player." I felt a little regretful, but also a little worried. After several years of getting along, Shen Wenhua had already had a different relationship with Prince Duan. Feeling emotional, especially when Crown Prince Duan helped him so much and saved the lives of his family, how could Shen Wenhua not be grateful?

"Daddy, and me, and brother Han's chess skills are good, so it's okay!"

"Yeah, Daddy, and me, I can stay with Daddy!" Shen Zihan is now five years old, he is very strong, and very smart, Shen Wenhua loves it so much!

"Haha, okay, let's go, let's play chess!" Seeing his son's cute appearance, Shen Wenhua was really happy, but the haze of Prince Duan's departure was swept away.

"Okay, okay, let's go, let's go, Daddy!" The five-year-old Shen Zihan already knew how to read people's expressions, and now knowing that Shen Wenhua was unhappy, he naturally worked hard to make everyone happy. The little guy has gathered the advantages of Shen Wenhua and Shan Banyan, and he looks extremely cute. In addition to his own intelligence, he always makes everyone feel much better.

"Okay, let's go, Brother Han, let's play chess!" Because of Shen Zihan's joy, everyone also showed a little smile on their faces. Although they were a little worried about Prince Duan, Shen Wenhua believed in Prince Duan. Not much to say. Shen Jingshu looked at Shen Zihan, then looked at her family, and thought of Prince Duan. Although she was a little worried, she also believed in him. Prince Duan has helped her a lot these years, of course she knows the other party's strength, even if she is a little worried, Shen Jingshu doesn't show it on her face.

In the past seven years, both of Shen Jingshu's best friends got married. Although Yang Huilan was far away, Kong Xinhe was by her side. It's just that whenever the night is quiet and people are lying on the bed alone, Shen Jingshu can't help but think of that cold man, thinking of that person fighting alone in the capital, Shen Jingshu's heart is always a little empty, as if ever since the man left Only then did she suddenly realize that the other person meant nothing to her. Shen Jingshu would always think of that person in the dead of night. As the days passed, the face of that person became clearer in her heart.

Let people always pay attention to the movements in Kyoto, Shen Jingshu is also relieved to know that everything is fine with the other party, and there are no rumors like in the previous life.

Although she didn't know why there was such a change, Shen Jingshu only hoped that the person would be safe. As for the others, Shen Jingshu didn't want to think about it.

In a blink of an eye, two out of seven years have passed. For seven full years, Shen Jingshu has now become a slim woman, and her whole body has become more and more demure and elegant. The naughty she she used to be has completely disappeared.

The business of the charity hall is getting bigger and bigger, Kong Xinhe and Chen Feng are also in love with each other, Shen Jingshu is also relieved to let the husband and wife take care of it, and they do their best, Chen Feng is also very good to Kong Xinhe, even because of her not taking concubines, Yang Huilan is very envious , I joked about Kong Xinhe's good fortune several times, every time at this time, Yang Huilan's eyes were a little sad.

Shen Jingshu knows this. Although Yang Huilan's husband's family is very good to her, but in this era, taking concubines is the most normal. Yang Huilan's husband also has concubines, although there are not many, but in the end let Yang Huilan I feel uncomfortable. For this, Shen Jingshu had no choice but to comfort her, and she couldn't say anything.

Individuals have their own destiny, Kong Xinhe is able to do this now, it is because she has lost a lot and worked hard in exchange for it, Shen Jingshu admires this very much. Chen Feng is treating Kong Xinhe like this now, of course Shen Jingshu is gratified. On Yang Huilan's side, her husband is respectful and her mother-in-law is friendly. Because of her education since childhood, Yang Huilan has never resisted this matter, and although she feels uncomfortable, she still accepts it. What else can Shen Jingshu say about this?

Seven years have passed, and the Shen family is still the same. The spring of this year has passed, and autumn is coming. I saw a beautiful and refined woman in the wind. It is unforgettable at a glance, even if the woman is not wearing any attire at the moment, she is already stunning, with a natural temperament, extraordinary and refined, it is impossible to describe the woman's appearance.

At this moment, the woman is caressing the strings, her fingers are playing moving notes, the surrounding is peaceful, as if any sound will affect the woman, even the leaves will avoid the woman and fall, looking from a distance, I really mistakenly think that I am It's time to come to the fairyland on earth.

After the song ended, the surroundings seemed to be still. After a long time, I finally heard the sound of someone's hurried footsteps, "Miss, Miss, a letter from Kyoto!"

"Chunxiao, how many times have I told you? Don't be so frizzy when you do things, why don't you always listen?" The voice is sweet and pleasant, and it no longer has the childishness of the past. Isn't the woman in front of her grown up? Is it Shen Jingshu?

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