Devouring Myriad Ghosts System

Chapter 168 Overload Absorption


There was a look of astonishment on the woman's beautiful face, how could she have imagined that this kid who only had the Qi gathering period would dare to talk to herself like this.

The woman had already sensed the depth of Li Daochong's cultivation level when she was wearing the black robe. She was a Foundation Establishment cultivator, and she was still at the peak of Foundation Establishment, and she was only one step away from the Golden Core Stage.

Others may not be able to see the depth of Li Daochong, she knew from the very beginning that Li Daochong was the most powerful of them all.

As far as cultivation is concerned, Li Daochong may not be as good as Xiao Nanfeng and Chen Jiayin, even the temporary substitute girl Fangzhu.

But the determination of strength is not only about cultivation, but also skills, equipment and character, all of which are indispensable.

Between cultivators of the same cultivation level, because of the differences in skills and equipment, the difference in real strength will be greater than the difference in cultivation bases with a difference of one level.

However, even though Li Daochong is strong, he is still a practitioner in the Qi-gathering period, and there is still a big gap between him and a real practitioner.

In the eyes of the beautiful woman, Li Daochong is just a fledgling little cultivator with some ability.

But this little cultivator dared to speak to her in such a reprimanding tone.

The beautiful woman is angry, but now is not the time to be angry, the power of Minghuo has not weakened, and the relieved pressure on her body is only shared by Li Daochong.

I kindly reminded this kid that since he doesn't appreciate it, there is no need to say too much, if you want to die, let him die.

After thinking about it, the beautiful woman calmed down and stopped caring about Li Daochong. Taking advantage of the weakening of the power of the dark fire on her side, she vigorously counterattacked and mobilized the spiritual energy to extinguish the flames of the dark fire.

On the other side, the moment Li Daochong touched the underworld fire with his hands, his palms felt extremely uncomfortable as if being bitten by thousands of insects, as if his soul was being burned.

But only a few seconds later, Li Daochong's blood upgrader deep in the sea of ​​consciousness seemed to be awakened, frantically absorbing the flames of the underworld fire that had invaded Li Daochong's body.

Li Daochong's spiritual root was filled with the baptism of spiritual energy continuously transformed, and rapidly expanded to take root and sprout, and the spiritual root spiraled and grew stronger under the nourishment of spiritual energy.

Li Daochong felt very comfortable at first, but soon the feeling of fullness turned into a feeling of fullness, which gradually became uncomfortable.

It's like being forced to drink water after eating and drinking.


"Gain soul power, upgrade the host, level 13."

Li Daochong issued a reminder sound from the depths of his sea of ​​consciousness. In the past, whenever such a sound sounded, it was always pleasant, but now Li Daochong felt a sense of crisis that he was about to explode on the spot.

Minghuo was continuously absorbed by Li Daochong, which had exceeded the limit he could bear now. Li Daochong's hands were sucked by a strong suction and could not be pulled away at all.

Li Daochong's face was dripping with sweat, and the blood vessels on his forehead were protruding, and they were in danger of bursting at any moment.

Just when every blood vessel in Li Daochong's body was protruding, and it was full of excessive spiritual energy, and was about to explode, the dark fire that was rushing into his body was suddenly swallowed and annihilated by a majestic spiritual energy.

In just a few seconds, the huge flaming underworld fire ball quickly melted away, and then disappeared. The evil demon gradually emerged from the underworld fire. The huge demon body shrank at a speed visible to the naked eye, and a white ghost body popped out. The ghost returned to its original appearance, with only a pair of underpants left on its whole body, and a thick layer of white dust-like substance was attached to the skinny skin.

"Huchi, Huchi." Zhang Laogui collapsed on the ground with dull eyes and a dull expression, just panting subconsciously.


The beautiful woman spat out a mouthful of blood. Just now she tried her best to annihilate the underworld fire, but there was no spiritual energy left in her body as if it had been emptied.

There are no more than two ways to annihilate the underworld fire, one is to use real fire to counteract each other with violence, and the other is to use spiritual energy to extinguish dead fire with vitality, just like water to extinguish a fire.

If the former one does not have the fire root, one must practice the corresponding skills, otherwise no matter how strong the cultivation base is, it will not be able to draw out the real fire.

The latter method can be used to extinguish the underworld fire if one has aura, but it seems simple, but it is a stupid method.

Not only is it expensive, but it is also easy to get burned.

The beautiful woman has no method of real fire, and all she can do is to extinguish the fire with aura. Originally, even if she released all the aura without reservation, it was far from enough to extinguish the hell fire.

However, after Li Daochong joined in, the beautiful woman clearly felt that Minghuo was weak. Instead of sitting and waiting to die, she might as well give it a go, maybe there is still a chance.

Li Daochong and the beautiful woman each did their best, and worked together to annihilate the dark fire formed by the group of grievances.

If it wasn't for the beautiful woman to give it a go, Li Daochong would have absorbed all of the ghost fire, but then Li Daochong would have absorbed more spiritual energy than he could bear, and thus exploded to death.

The hot-blooded upgrader can absorb soul power without limit and convert it into spiritual energy to allow Li Daochong to continuously upgrade, but it cannot strengthen Li Daochong's internal environment. This time may not be the most painful time, but it is the time when Li Daochong was the closest to death, and he almost exploded to death, but luckily there was no danger.

If the same beautiful woman hadn't Li Daochong absorbed at least half of the firepower of the fire, she would not be able to extinguish the fire even if she tried her best.

However, the reason for this was only realized by Li Daochong after turning the danger into disaster, so the beautiful woman naturally didn't know.

The beautiful woman spewed out a mouthful of blood, annihilating the fire for an instant, but a trace of fire still entered her body and caused internal injuries.

Li Daochong was not much better at this time, the meridians bursting all over his body did not shrink back, the swelling feeling was extremely uncomfortable.

But Li Daochong knew that now was not the time to recuperate. The wronged girl who had just been ejected from Zhang Laogui was suspended in the air, and a creepy and ferocious expression appeared on that terrifying face.

"Kill it quickly, it is gathering the remaining grievances, quickly..."

Li Daochong heard a hasty and pleasant female voice, but he stopped abruptly in the middle of his speech. The cold air in the beautiful woman's body returned to her whole body, and she couldn't hold back anymore and fell to the ground.

Li Daochong held back the swelling pain in his body and supported the beautiful woman, and then shot out a fire talisman.

Instigate, bang!

The fire talisman hit the unjust girl in the air.


A creepy scream resounded throughout the hall, the sound was as sharp as a sharp arrow piercing the eardrum.

There was a hint of surprise in Li Daochong's eyes. The innocent girl who seemed to have run out of oil and lamps was completely indifferent to the enhanced version of the fifth-level fire talisman that she personally made.

After letting out an angry scream, the wronged girl was full of yin energy all over her body, and she rushed to Li Daochong, and a pair of sharp claws from the ghost body aimed at Li Daochong's sky spirit cover and grabbed it.

The beautiful woman lying in Li Daochong's arms was completely powerless with a look of horror on her face. She wanted to speak, but she couldn't make a sound because she was completely exhausted.

Instigated, the brilliance flashed, and Li Daochong shot out another magic talisman from his hand.

This time it's Thunderbolt.

Boom, click!

A bolt of lightning strikes.

The wronged girl felt something was wrong when Li Daochong sent out the talisman, so she turned around and ran away, but how could she escape the thunder and lightning, the ghost body was penetrated by the lightning and was on the verge of falling.

Even though the thunder and lightning have added damage to the ghost, but after this blow, the unjust girl has not been blasted out.

Another Thunder Talisman appeared in Li Daochong's hand, but just as he was about to shoot it, he suddenly thought that if he killed the unjust girl now, all of its soul power would be absorbed by him, according to his current overloaded internal state.

Killing an unjust girl is equivalent to letting oneself explode

perish together

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