Detective Training Manual

Chapter 99: If you don’t decrypt it

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"Hmm!" Shizuka nodded heavily, and then began to explain~

The thing is like this.

A few days ago, opposite Shizuka's house, a new old man moved in, who was very old.

The Shizuka family thought that this would be their new neighbor, so they bought some fruits and prepared to visit. After all, they lived at the opposite door. In the future, they might have to help each other out.

However, in the conversation with the old man, Shizuka learned that the old man was not planning to live here.

When he bought this house, he actually wanted to buy it...

Uh, yes, this old man just bought the house, and then put it there, empty...Don't worry about what people think, rich and self-willed!

Although Shizuka's family found it strange, they didn't ask much.

In the next few days, Shizuka found that the old man did not live in the opposite house, and even he didn't even arrange furniture, beds and other things.

Every day, at about 10 o'clock in the morning, he enters the next room. The door is so open and not closed. Shizuka is still curious. She lies at the door and peeks in several times, and finds that every time... that The old man was holding a cane, standing in the empty living room, looking at the wall motionless.

Sometimes he stood for an hour, sometimes two or three hours.

Anyway, he didn't do anything, just stood there, and when he finished standing, he left directly.

Shizuka was very curious about this old man, so just yesterday, before she came to Nobita's house, she finally couldn't help it. She asked the old man who he was and why he wanted to buy this apartment?

In the next conversation, Shizuka learned.

The old man bought the house opposite because... he wanted to solve a puzzle that had troubled him for more than 50 years!

"Wh...what riddle?" Zhou Yan asked with full curiosity as he listened.

But Shizuka shook her head: "The old man didn't say anything. I was in a hurry to find Nobita to play, so I didn't ask. But I can feel that the old man must be very rich!"

"That's right~" Zhou Yan said in his heart: "In order to solve a puzzle, I even bought a house. This style is the same as that of Li Huan."

"So... are you going to introduce this old man to us so we can solve his mystery?" Lin Xi said.

"Yeah!" Shizuka said: "The old man must be particularly concerned about this puzzle that has troubled him for decades, and he also told me that if he really can't figure it out, he can only entrust a detective agency Come to help him."

Lin Xi was lost in thought...

The financial strength of a person who can buy an apartment at will, but cannot live in it, certainly needs no further mention.

And the nature of this case is not robbery, theft or the like, it is just an old man who wants to solve a mystery that was decades ago, so the scope of coverage will not be too large, police, forensic, etc All the people come in.

Such a case is the best for a newly established detective agency.

As for the commission... the old man even bought a house in order to decrypt it. It's definitely not comparable to a card.

Moreover, in case this old man is a celebrity, a wealthy businessman or something, a few more media will be invited to report to the detective agency.

That can really make a big profit.

"Okay...this commission, we took it!" Lin Xi said.


In this way, a very good commission was taken by Lin Xi.

The first day of the opening of the Xiyan Detective Agency was a very good start.

Zhou Yan also got off work and returned to Li Huan's apartment with the sunset.

This time, his superpowers were not activated, Zhou Yan was a little depressed, and he felt that he would take the bus in the future.

After going upstairs, Zhou Yan was surprised to find that Li Huan today is surprisingly quiet, not as usual, chattering around in his own room.

It may be because of the book publication.

At this stage, an author is the most tiring time.

"Emmm...I don't do anything, but the girl is immersed in hard work, but the money is still mine in the end. It seems a bit unbearable to think about it."

Zhou Yan thought to her in her heart: "Otherwise, split her half of the money? Cut... forget it. Even if you give her half, it is probably not enough for this girl to eat sushi, so she still won't get a point. Good for her, I'm helping her save and at the same time inspire her to create!"

Zhou Yan thought very happily, and then took out his phone.

None of the above calls.

Not even a call from the police station.

"..." Zhou Yan frowned, feeling very strange.

Why don't the policemen find themselves?

Three days have passed since the incident with that abnormal girl.

It stands to reason that if the police caught someone, they should call me to identify the murderer.

If no one is caught, you should contact me. After all, I am a witness.

What's wrong with this bit of news?

Don’t you know my phone?

It's impossible. They didn't forget the text insulting the police for half a year.

Could it be...

Zhou Yan thought of a very bad Did that female pervert really clean up the scene without any clues, even the blood stains were cleaned up, and even the'luminol reaction' could not be found. To the point?

No way!

Otherwise, find time to go to the General Police Department again? Reflect reflect? "

Zhou Yan thought, and unconsciously took out the piece of paper.

【Detective Club】

Zhou Yan groped for the writing on it...

Does this club really just exist in the legend?

If so, how can I find him?

Also, in the letter to Fat Melon, the place called "Sunday Bar" and the city where it is located, why can't I find it on the map?

These puzzles once again stirred Zhou Yan's nerves. At this moment, he seemed to understand the feelings of the old man in Jingxiang's mouth.

A puzzle can really make a person remember a whole life.

Even sometimes, it can make people feel that if you don't solve this secret, you will die.


Zhou Yan sighed and kicked out the cranky thoughts in his mind.

There will be a big deal tomorrow, so let's rest early!

He thought...just clean up like this and go to bed.


The next day, 8:10.

Zhou Yan was 10 minutes late as usual.

And when he opened the door to enter the detective agency...

I saw an old man, already sitting on the sofa.

Zhou Yan looked at the old man and blinked. The first thought in his mind was...

"Finished, all the **** clients are here, and I'm still late. This month's bonus is a waste of money."

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