Detective Training Manual

Chapter 77: The other end of the wall

   Zhou Yan looked into the entrance of the cave...

   Immediately afterwards, he discovered that he had directly seen the next room through this hole.

   "This... isn't this a peeping?" Zhou Yan cried in his heart, and then... keep watching.

   The room opposite should be a bedroom, and it’s a girl’s bedroom, because the sheets are pink and there is a rabbit pillow on the bed.

  Although it is not ruled out that some male compatriots’ bedrooms are also like this, but there is a high probability that there is a girl living opposite.


   There was another muffled sound, probably because of the approach to the entrance of the cave. This time the muffled sound was louder than before.

   After this... Zhou Yan heard a series of unhurried footsteps coming towards him, and then... a pair of slender legs appeared in his sight.

These legs are really good, the skin is delicate, fair, and a little shiny. This girl does not wear shoes, but the perfectly curved feet are stepping on the floor. If this is a brother who is a little bit of control and hobby, see this A picture, it is estimated that the heart rate cannot be controlled.

   Fortunately, Zhou Yan's sexual addiction is normal.

The female household opposite    was backing a little bit, and didn't know what she was doing. Due to the angle, Zhou Yan could only see the position near her knees, but just these legs, this girl couldn't be better.

  One step, one step, the girl retreated very slowly, as if she was dragging something...just when Zhou Yan was watching it with gusto.


   Three arms entered Zhou Yan's line of sight.

   Yes, there are three.

   Two of them belong to this girl, the same slender and white.

   And the third one is in the hands of this girl.

In   's sight, the **** the opposite side pulled a person's arm with both hands, and dragged it back a little bit.


   With the sound of friction becoming clearer and clearer, a blood-sparkling head entered Zhou Yan's.

   Zhou Yan's muscles tightened suddenly.

   That head, if you don't put it on your shoulders, you won't be able to recognize it as a head.

   The entire front part of the forehead has been smashed and collapsed. The blood has flooded the facial features, and it is mixed with off-white pulp, just like a disgusting ice cream ball.

   There is no doubt that this person is dead.

   At this time, Zhou Yan finally understood what the bang bang he heard was.

   is what the **** the opposite side is using to smash the dead person's head!


The corpse was still dragging, because the girl’s strength was not too great, so she dragged it very slowly. The corpse was just a little bit, slowly passing by Zhou Yan’s line of sight, and large swaths of blood flowed out along with the drag. , And then was rubbed by the corpse with shocking bloodstains.

   "Fuck! Fuck!"

   Zhou Yan kept shouting in his heart, but he dared not make a sound, but his body was like a ghost press, unable to move.

   "Don't **** watch!" Zhou Yan roared in his heart again, wanting to get out of the buzzing state of his head!

   However, at this moment...

   The girl next door seems to have noticed something.

   She stopped abruptly, and then slowly lowered her body.

   Zhou Yan only saw what the other person looked like.

   turned out to be the beautiful girl I helped in the alley a few hours ago!

   And now think again!

   The clothes that the dragged corpse wore were a long windbreaker, just like the stalker's clothes.

   The girl seemed to have discovered this hole. She moved in little by little. The eyes that were originally pretty grew bigger and bigger in Zhou Yan's line of sight, until they were posted, blocking the entire hole.

   She is also looking at herself on the other side.

   "Can't move! Absolutely can't move!" Zhou Yan told himself.

  Because this hole has been blocked by a box before, it must be black, and the person on the other side can't see anything.

   But if there is light passing through when you move, then you can immediately find out that you are peeking!

at this time......

"anyone there?"

   Across the wall, there was a fluttering inquiry suddenly. The voice was soft and pleasant, but Zhou Yan's back spine was irritated with a cold sweat.

   He clenched his teeth, not letting himself make any noise.

   Finally, the girl opposite moved her eyes away.

   In the next second, she suddenly stretched out a finger, and then quickly poked into the hole!

   "!!!" Zhou Yan was so frightened that he called out!

   But it's okay, the thickness of the wall is longer than her fingers, otherwise it will be enough to poke a blind word.

   "Madman, pure madman!"

   Zhou Yan roared in his heart, and he didn't dare to look any more, quickly took advantage of this gap, moved his body, and then blocked the hole with his hand.

   During the whole process, he didn't make any sound. The lunatic on the opposite side probably wouldn't find anyone peeking.

   As expected...

   "Huh? No one?" On the other side of the wall, the girl's soft voice came again, and then the sound of footsteps disappeared a little bit.

   Zhou Yan quickly got up and moved the cardboard box over to block the hole.

   He didn't bother to deal with the envelope now, so he took out his cell phone and prepared to call the police.



   At such a critical time, the phone has no signal!

  Well, because the floors are so dense, the signal is always disconnected from time to time.

   Zhou Yan hurriedly moved forward, preparing to find a place with a signal but this **** signal just doesn't appear!

   Right at this undead knotty eye, Zhou Yan suddenly saw something.

   A phone call!


   In this era, landline telephones are rarely used in families, but this old-fashioned residential building is still reserved.

   Of course, it’s usually just left, the phone bill has long since been paid, and it’s out of service.

   But, even if the machine is shut down, it can call the police.

   Zhou Yan rushed over immediately. He was not familiar with the second word, so he picked up the phone and dialed the police call.

   Just a few seconds later, the phone was answered.

   Zhou Yan felt relieved that the police in this world are really much more reliable than before he was born again!

   "I call the police! Murder case!"

   he said loudly.

   "Address..." The opposite is also no nonsense, and directly asks the most critical questions.

   "19th Avenue, the first...dudu..."

   Just as Zhou Yan spoke, suddenly the phone signal was cut off.

   "Hey! Hey!"

   There was a dead silence on the phone, and there was no busy tone.

   Zhou Yan was stupid, he picked up the landline, and then slashed along the phone line!

   The telephone line walked along the wall, and finally penetrated into the wall.

   This kind of old-fashioned telephone wiring is not connected indoors, but there is a centralized wiring box in the corridor, and the telephone lines of the whole building are gathered here.

   So, someone cut the phone cord!

   "No!~" Zhou Yan murmured.


   "When~ When~ When~"

   There was a knock on the door...


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