Detective Training Manual

Chapter 493: smoke......



When everyone looks back on the past, there will be a few difficult things to say: for example, when they were young, they asked the girls in the next class why they didn’t stand up to pee, wanted to be forced but were dismantled, or wrote those second two in the corner of the book. Sad sentence.


   If we now retrieve the account we used in the past, log in to the QQ space that has not been used for ten years, and see the status and messages we have written, we will probably pull our hair in embarrassment.


   while writing seems to be the same.


   "Hehe-clown... a game?"


   This kind of book whose name doesn't sound very appealing, is it really me who wrote it?


   Just a year ago, I actually wrote this kind of thing secretly.


In   's memory, a figure typing on the keyboard in front of the computer seemed to emerge dimly. What was I thinking at the time?


who cares.


   Writing novels, after all, is not something that can support one's livelihood. It is not a fixed job. There is no salary. Creation requires inspiration and talent. With the support of all this, there is no five social insurance and one housing fund.


   Now I am almost 30 years old. I am already 30 years old. I have a family, a wife, and everything I should have at my age.


   Among these things, there is obviously no place for a ‘fiction’.


   "I won't write anymore..."


   I remember that before I got married, my family had a long conversation with me. In the end, I said this.


   The moment I said this sentence, I also suddenly felt that writing a novel does not seem to be that attractive anymore.


   got married after all... and her...


   At this moment, I naturally thought of her.


  My wife...a cute looking, but a bit grumpy, and amazingly able to find a gentle person in the grumpy.


   Wedding Eve...


   "Do you have any wishes?" I asked. Birthdays are once a year, and there should not be too many weddings in a lifetime. Therefore, in terms of numbers, the wishes made at the wedding should be more spiritual than the wishes made when the candles are blown.


She is still sorting out the wedding dress that she needs to wear tomorrow, so she didn’t look at me directly. In fact, her usual gaze will not always focus on me. Occasionally, I will meet her eyes, her eyes and expressions are the same. It's a bit cold, with ice ball, but there is always an inadvertent light in that ice ball.


   "I hope you can do what you like to do..." Her tone was also casual.


   "Haha, I'm doing what I like to do." I said with a smile.


   Go to work, go to get off work, eat, sleep, and occasionally look forward to a small drink. This is the life of the people around me, and I am naturally not that special person... so I should like these too.


   She straightened the cuffs of the wedding dress and glanced at me inadvertently again, my heart trembled, although I don't know why this happened.


   "Tomorrow will be very tired, go to bed early."




  At this time, according to the scene of the TV series, she should say something like "I love you", but I don't expect that. Even if she did, I will probably add the sentence "I know."


   That's it, we are together...


   After that...


After that, I became what everyone expected and admired. I was perfectly integrated with my colleagues, my family, the traffic on the street, the breakfast shops, and the lights at night, just like all the people in this city. The same, the similarity is so tightly connected, when the bus is squeezed, it seems that I am submerged in the blink of an eye, like a drop of rain that has submerged into the sea. When it returns to the sea, the rain is no longer rain, and I can no longer find a trace.

   After that, I only remember life, and the rest... I forgot...


   is like Zhou Yan at this moment...


   Early in the morning, he opened his dim sleepy eyes. I don't know when, he no longer loves to sleep in.


   He used to arrive at the detective agency at noon every day, but he hasn't been late for a long time.


   He began to sort out the case records, carefully fill in the investigation report, spend 2 hours a day to browse the detective network, and then carefully note the number of cases that may be taken over.


   After freshening up, he got on the bus...still the same road, but the world is no longer the same.


   About a month ago, a major event occurred in the entire Federation. 20 people with obvious anti-social tendencies committed suicide.


   Their deaths brought a channel for the Federation to vent their dissatisfaction, and these dissatisfaction, like a single spark, set off the scorching heat of a prairie fire.


   In the past month, strikes, demonstrations, and unscrupulous reports by various media have reached an unquenchable level. Although society is still running, it is not as easy as it once was.


And on this basis, Haimen Prison’s big escape was a blow to the federal government, because Haimen Prison is the highest-level super prison in the entire federal government. If it is lost, what else can the federal government offer to prove itself? Can protect the people in this world.


  What is our work for?


  What is our tax payment for?


   When the work, study, and life of the people in the Federation are not guaranteed, what will the government use to maintain the inner stability of these people?


  Facts have proved that the Federation cannot be taken out, at least temporarily. All, this world, has just fallen into chaos and continued operation...




   The wind chimes of the Xiyan Detective Agency remembered, and Zhou Yan walked in.


As usual, Lin Xi still sits behind her desk. This workaholic seems to have brutally forced herself to a high-intensity work after the'collective jump from the building' incident. She even moved the coffee machine to herself. A place within Zhou Yan didn't know when she came home from get off work, let alone when she came to work, or...she never left.


   "Why do you want to force yourself to be like this? It's not your fault that those people die...the whole world can't stop them." Zhou Yan once asked Lin Xi like this.


"The detective always wants to guard the world. If I die one day, in heaven or below, I saw my **** dad, he knew that the world became like this under my guardianship. When I beat him, I will be embarrassed to do my best..."


   This was Lin Xi's answer, but Zhou Yan knew that she was only blaming herself.


   New Year... One month after New Year's Day, the world is about to be the most grand festival.


   And in this month, Zhou Yan once again relied on the recommendation of [dit] to become a detective at the level of [Rain], and became the fastest-promoted newcomer of this century.


   But so what...




   There was a soft sound.


   Zhou Yan took out the lighter, lit a cigarette, and the pungent taste slowly filled his chest, making his mind a little more energetic.


   Finally...Zhou Yan also started smoking...


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