Detective Training Manual

Chapter 401: The...Nth blindfold!

In other words, the part of ‘audience card selection’ is actually useless at all.

It's just a blind trick designed to make the audience think they can control the magic.

So, will Miss Zhenmei be a blindfold herself?

At this point in reasoning, in fact, it has been difficult.

However, Zhou Yan just made a way out of a dead end.

"I know what happened to that headless corpse!" He didn't drink violently, just murmured...

"What?!" Lin Xi on the side was stunned, looking at Zhou Yan with an incredible look.

Yes, Lin Xi was a little surprised.

Although she knew from the beginning that Zhou Yan was a detective with a talent for horror, but that was just a talent.

Even in some cases, he would occasionally come up with clues that other people hadn't thought of, but for the detective, it was just a cleverness, just a flash of inspiration.

All detectives have a flash of inspiration, but if they only rely on this kind of lucky aura, then the path of detectives is not far.

The only thing that can identify the strength of a detective is still the most fundamental reasoning ability.

At this point, Lin Xi never thought that he was worse than Zhou Yan.

However, at this moment Zhou Yan actually solved the mystery before he had found a reasoning idea at all.

This made Lin Xi stunned for a while.

"You...what did you say? Did you know how Miss Zhenmei's head was cut off?"

Zhou Yan nodded: "Yes, I thought of a way, and only this way can we see the **** scene!"

"What is it?" Lin Xi asked immediately.

Zhou Yan did not answer immediately, but immediately turned and walked out of the ambulance and ran in the direction of the theater.

Seeing this, Lin Xi naturally also hurried to keep up.

As for Lu Renjia, this eldest brother still has an oxygen tube in his nose. He is wearing a hospital gown and is cold and cold. Naturally, he can't follow him. He can only sit on the bed and yell: "Hey, don't say half way. Ah, what's going on? How did you chop off your head!"


Outside the ambulance, Zhou Yan and Lin Xi moved quickly, and they had already reached the gate of the theater at this moment.

Lin Xi couldn't help but reminded on the road: "Are you sure you thought of the technique? I think..."

"Yes, I thought about it." Zhou Yan interrupted Lin Xi's words: "I know what you want to say. You think your reasoning ability should be similar to mine. Actually, I think so too.

Even sometimes, I feel like I can't keep up with you.

So you will subconsciously doubt my sudden answer, this is normal

Because...I didn't even think about [how to behead my head] just now! "

"Then...then what are you thinking?"

"I'm it possible that Miss Zhenmei was already headless before entering the box."

"..." Lin Xi was silent for a while.

"Also, is it possible that when Miss Zhenmei entered the wooden box, Brother Lu Renjia was already in the box, but he didn't know it.

Because only in this way can we explain why Lu Renjia appeared in the box on the stage.

It can also explain why Miss Zhenmei's head suddenly disappeared.

Because it was like that from the beginning!

In the beginning, Miss Zhenmei had no head!

At the beginning, Lu Renjia followed Miss Zhenmei into the box.

What our audience sees is just blindfold. "


Well, what Zhou Yan said was very weird. They weren't ‘inconsistent with reality’ anymore, they were simply a bit spiritual.

Could it be that thousands of spectators in the audience were hypnotized?

Could it be that this magic troupe has someone who can manipulate the corpse and let the headless Miss Zhenmei walk into the box by herself?

These words are ridiculous.

But... just after listening to these ridiculous words.

Lin Xi's pupils trembled suddenly.

Are you saying...Miss Zhenmei, she...

"Yes, there is only one possibility to complete the appeal method! That is...Miss Zhenmei, that is Lu Renjia!"

Well, everyone knows how crazy this idea is.

Everyone knows that Miss Zhenmei who walked into the box knew that at that time, Lu Renjia was taken to the bonfire stand behind the auditorium.

However, only this method can explain all this.

As long as Lu Renjia takes the headless Miss Zhenmei into the box, when the door of the box opens slowly, everyone will naturally see Lu Renjia and the headless Miss Zhenmei.

Then if we reason in this direction, we can immediately find a very subtle place.

That is!

In fact, no one can be sure, the person without a head in the box was Miss Zhenmei herself!

Because everyone just saw a headless man in the cloak of Miss Zhenmei spitting blood.

After the blood spurting, the scene began to be chaotic, and the curtain was slowly pulled down, until the police arrived ten minutes later, and then the blood was collected for testing, which finally confirmed the identity of Miss Zhenmei.

But... who can guarantee that the corpse inspected by the police at the time was the same as the corpse spurting blood in the box in full view?

No one can know what happened in the ten minutes that no one can see behind the scenes.

In fact, it's all here, and we can think about it more free and easy.

That is who can guarantee that the blood spurting... was really a corpse?

The audience saw nothing more than a neck surrounded by Miss Zhenmei's cloak under the shining of the stage lights.

At that time, no one knew what was under the cloak.

It is only because of the early language inducement and the rendering of the scene that the audience preconceived that it was the corpse of Miss Zhenmei.

If it's just a pile of iron rings or balloons, it looks like a support for the body...

If this is the case, spraying blood from this so-called "corpse" can be done very simply, just get a few bags of and then use a pressure device to go out Just spray it.

How about, here, have everyone's thinking have kept up?

That's right, that is in the box on the stage, there is no corpse of Miss Zhenmei at all, it is just an empty cloak shelf.

At this point, it directly leads to the next question.

Since Miss Zhenmei's body is just a cloak frame, where did Miss Zhenmei go in?

Oh, the answer is obvious.

Because when the box was opened, there were two people in it!

One is Miss Zhenmei, and the other is Big Brother Lu Renjia.

And just now we also said...

There is only one way to accomplish this technique.

That is Miss Zhenmei, that is Lu Renjia!

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