Detective Training Manual

Chapter 392: Magicians also have their own persistence

Because Miss Zhenmei died in the process of magic, so ask about the tricks of magic, there should be no doubt about this.

Then the uncle in front of him... is also the head of the magic troupe.

Hiss... how to put it, Zhou Yan saw him the first time he felt that this old guy didn't seem to like himself very much.

This man has a standard Chinese face with a beard, and his eyes show obvious hostility.

"Hello, I am the detective of this case, and my name is Zhou Yan."

Zhou Yan introduced himself very politely.

But the team leader's expression didn't improve at all: "Oh, you just call me the leader."

"..." Zhou Yan was a little embarrassed. Okay, this person won't tell me if he doesn't say his name. Anyway, let him introduce himself. It's better to ask the police: "Um, hello, please come over. In fact, I mainly want to ask about the specific methods of this magic. After all, human lives have occurred. I wonder if there was an accident during the magic that caused the death of the deceased."

"I don't know! There can be no accidents in magic!" the head of the group said unfriendly.

"Huh?" Zhou Yan was taken aback: "Um, what do you mean by this answer...?"

"I said I didn't know, it was because I didn't know the technique of this magic! I said that there is no possibility of accidents in magic, which means it literally, don't you understand?!"

At this time, Zhou Yan was not happy.

Think about it, why you old man is so angry, now your magic group has a murder case, I'm here to help you solve it, why are you so stubborn.

Therefore, Zhou Yan also curbed his politeness.

"I said, Lord Leader, this entire magic troupe is yours. You have to participate in the setting, selection, and venue arrangement. Now you say that you don’t know magic tricks... don’t you open your eyes and talk nonsense? !"

The head twisted his head: "Huh, what if I say nonsense, in short, I can't reveal the tricks of magic!"

"Ah? Why!"

"Why? Just because I am also a magician! Keeping the secrets of magic is the most basic duty of every magician. How can I tell other people the magic techniques?"

Zhou Yan frowned, "Hey, uncle, it's dead now! Get rid of you and figure out the situation!"

"It's you who can't figure out the situation!" The head of the group said coldly: "Our whole group has sworn. No matter what happens, it is impossible to leak magic tricks.

Moreover, the magic technique of this [potion] was made by Miss Zhenmei, who spent many years of hard work and effort to come up with it. If I arbitrarily announce her technique, then after I die, I will not dare to face her in heaven! "


"It's nothing!" The head said: "In short, no matter what, I can't reveal a single bit. Whether you say I interfere with the investigation, or arrest me and detain me, I won't say it if I don't say it! Goodbye! "

With that said, the old man turned around and left.

"Fuck...fuck?" Zhou Yan was stunned: "This magician, is he obsessed with magic secrets so much?"

Well, maybe people who have never been a magician don't know the power of this obsession.

Just like the doctor’s "Hippocratic Oath", when the words'health is tied to life', this obsession will accompany him throughout his life, even if he is faced with a vicious criminal. The doctor will still do his best to save his life!

The same is true for lawyers. They only have their clients in their eyes. They will use their lifelong learning to protect the rights and interests of their clients, even if that person is a murderer.

Magicians are of course the same, they will spend their entire lives to guard the secrets of magic, no matter what the circumstances.

Zhou Yan was very depressed and watched the head leave.

Of course he didn't believe in evil, so he called the police again and told them to cross-examine everyone in the magic group. He didn't believe it. Could it be that the people in this magic group are all brainy? Really everyone does not disclose the magic tricks.

Then... Zhou Yan found out embarrassingly, that's really the case.

There are more than 60 people in the whole group, and no one has revealed even the smallest details.


"What's the matter?" Lin Xi walked over when Zhou Yan's expression of disbelief appeared on his face.

"Uh, it's nothing, I just wanted to inquire about the tricks of magic, and it turned out..."

"As a result, I didn't ask anything, did I."

"How do you know it."

Lin Xi smiled helplessly: "Go ask the magician's magic tricks. This is a big taboo. It's impossible for anyone to tell you like this kind of large magic group."

"Then what to do?"

"Of course I solved it by myself!" Lin Xi said, "It's like a contest between a riddler and a riddler. If you ask the answer directly, people will definitely not tell you, but you have solved the magic with your own wisdom. The other party can only admit that his technique is not subtle enough."

"So that's it." Zhou Yan nodded.

So now, the goal is very clear, we must first crack the magic trick!

So Zhou Yan closed his eyes and began to carefully recall the entire process of magic.

First of all, Lu Renjia is a random audience, which he can be sure of.

And the wooden box props didn't have any problems, Zhou Yan could confirm this.

After all, both have been checked by oneself.

Then the whole process is like this.

1. After Lu Renjia came to power, he first drank the potion.

2. After drinking the medicine, Miss Zhenmei said something to exaggerate the atmosphere. After that, she entered the wooden box and closed the door.

From this moment on, it is absolutely impossible for Miss Zhenmei to get out of the box.

No one can enter the box.

3. Lu Renjia was taken by the host to the back of the auditorium, where there was a bonfire.

In the process of marching, there are lights to follow, countless eyes can see this scene, so it is difficult to make hand, foot or halfway substitutions.

4. After Lu Renjia arrived at the bonfire, he was pushed into the fire. Then, the fire suddenly jumped high. This process of ‘jumping high’ lasted for about two seconds. Then, the flame went out and Lu Renjia disappeared.

5. After disappearing, the audience's eyes are naturally focused on the stage again.

At this time, the door of the wooden box on the stage was opened, and Lu Renjia actually appeared in the box.

Then who stood with him in the wooden box was Miss Zhenmei who lost her head.

One more thing to mention here is that Miss Zhenmei's head has not been found yet.

Okay, let's put things aside for a while, let's talk about the magic itself first.

Why did Big Brother Lu Renjia suddenly disappear from the bonfire and then reappear in the wooden box?

The distance between the bonfire and the stage should be at least 30 meters.

And Lu Renjia was pushed into the bonfire, and it only took a second or two for the audience to shift their attention to the stage.

During this period of time, even if Lu Renjia ran away, it was impossible to run onto the stage.

So... Is he really reborn directly in a wooden box?

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