Detective Training Manual

Chapter 382: (You finally think of [Easter eggs

After 20 minutes...

I don’t know if it’s because of the vehicle explosion. The night wind seems to be warmer than before.

Zhou Yan is still sitting on the side of the road...

Benjamin has already left, and they are here to take over the case, so after all, the staff can't wait too long.

So far, this traffic accident has been handled by [Cook] himself. What he can handle without worrying about Zhou Yan, a Charlotte-level super detective is definitely better than himself.

As for the case of Shen Keke's murder, in fact, there is basically a search now.

Just like the two people combined, as long as other different blood types can be found in the heart of the deceased, then the killing technique can be finalized.

Before Benjamin left, he provided a few more addresses. These addresses were selected by another Sherlock-level detective: [Library].

These locations are near some road sections that the deceased Li Dabo often walked in the past six months, combined with monitors, small alleys, and some big computer data that Zhou Yan can’t understand. Anyway, the [Library] lists a few possible detentions. The location of Li Dabo.

Now, as long as Zhou Yan contacts the police and asks them to look for these places, they will be able to find clues.

As for Lin Xi, she could easily remove the suspicion by finding some alibi within this week.

After all, Shen Keke was dead, and Zhao Shengrui, who was a bully, borrowed his courage, he did not dare to sue Lin Xi in his own capacity.

Therefore, the ending of this case can be known at a glance.

The only thing that made Zhou Yan feel grievous is...Shen Keke is dead!

The criminal in a case was killed under his nose!

Not because of legal sanctions, nor because of spiritual condemnation and self-salvation...just a tragic pawn, after being used, it was ruthlessly abandoned!

The case is over, and it seems that Zhou Yan solved the case.

But only he knows... he lost thoroughly!

Criminal Club...A group of the most terrifying criminals in the world gathered together!

Now only two people have surfaced, [Zhang San] [Zhao Si].

And the tip of the iceberg shown by these two people is already so terrifying.

So how many people are there in the Criminal Club?

What kind of terrifying power can they show when they are gathered together?

But think about it the other way around... such a terrifying criminal group can't even trace its origin. But in the long years of this world, society can still be peaceful, people can still live peacefully, and few people even know that there is such a horrible group of people in the gloom...

This is all because there are countless detectives guarding the world.

Use wisdom, talent, ability, and even life...

More than 90% of detectives have been seriously injured!

About 60% of the detectives have been threatened more than once!

35% of the detectives died abnormally, shot, poisoned, and even disappeared collectively!

When other people are living in the sun, tens of thousands of detectives are fighting against evil in the shadows, resisting the darkness with their chests, so that the world behind them can thrive under the light.

"You are a detective..." This is Lin Xi's mantra.

"Well, I'm a detective!"

Zhou Yan murmured...

The faint smell of the vehicle exploded in the night breeze. Zhou Yan took out the note in his pocket. He didn't know why he took it out at this time.

He seemed to want to know whether the people in the book wanted to be a detective just like himself, and then guard the world together.

[Guihai Yuanlin: A cook who can't solve a crime is not a good detective? 】

Haha, Zhou Yan smiled knowingly after seeing this message.

Yeah, a cook...

The realization is that when the criminal club is so powerful, then the Sherlock-level detectives must also be extremely powerful.

People like [Cook] can only be at the bottom of the rankings, and it is because Sherlock level people suddenly lack dozens of people and need to expand the membership, so they can barely join the ranks.

So how strong are the four super detectives left over from the last generation?

Oh, right.

If the criminal club exists...what about the detective club?

Will that not be a legend.

Zhou Yan couldn't help but imagine that if the world is facing a huge crisis as the story says, then there will really be a super detective like a **** who will come and lead the world out of the darkness... it will be a scene. What kind of picture.

[Bc1111: Too ruthless, please don’t let us line up with such a ruthless character, we are all ordinary kids]

"Haha, don't be afraid." Zhou Yan said with a smile: "Although the people in the Criminal Club are indeed terrible, we have been growing up, otherwise, how could this notebook be called "The Handbook of Detective Practice"? ......"

[Fox love deer: A bizarre way of killing, this way should not be taught by Zhang Sanhui. This is a bit similar to the killing technique known to criminals like "doctors". 】

Zhou Yan also nodded after seeing this passage: "Yes, so I think this criminal technique may have come from cosmetic surgeon Zhao Si.

They are all an organization, so this killing technique can be taught by anyone.

As for Zhang San, listening to that, he is more inclined to directly start making some ‘interesting little organs’, and then appreciate his prey being slowly killed. "

Just watching, watching, suddenly, Zhou Yan saw a long message.

[Sword Man Fei: Zhou Yan! I have a very important question! Help me think about it!

A man in his 40s who moved bricks on a construction site and went to the hospital fierce and strong. He told the doctor that he was weakened, dizzy and unconscious, and suddenly fainted.

I was in a coma several times, every time at 4 o'clock in the afternoon.

There is also a problem with my tongue and my sense of taste. Then I went to the MRI and looked at my brain. After the result came out, nothing happened, the point (this person likes to drink Coke)!]

Zhou Yan frowned when he looked at this message.

"Hiss... dizziness, loss of strength, and taste problems. Isn't this an obvious neurological disease?

Cerebral hemorrhage ~ ~ cerebral infarction, all have this symptom.

Sudden coma is a typical symptom of transient cerebral insufficiency. In his 40s, he is also the age of the onset.

But... but this person did an NMR of the head, but found nothing... This is a bit strange.

What's even more strange is that this person has a frequently-occurring attack at 4 pm every time. This is unreasonable. Does cerebral infarction depend on time? "

Zhou Yan frowned. He thought this disease was really weird.

But... suddenly...

"Hey? Is this man married? Does he have children?"

Zhou Yan asked suddenly

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