Detective Training Manual

Chapter 380: Difficulty in the blood

"Oh?" Zhou Yan was really surprised when he heard this.

A Sherlock-level detective came to help you solve the case in person, which is a great honor in the detective world.

It feels a bit like in the world of calligraphy, Wang Xizhi personally came over to write a couplet for your home.

Then this couplet really won't change for a lifetime.

So if other detectives heard this, they would probably be so excited.

But Zhou Yan...he still feels a little unhappy in his heart.

Thinking about it, ‘what are you doing for me? I took this case. You came here and didn’t tell me in advance? If Lin Xi knows about this and don't give me a holiday, what will you do to compensate me? ’

I thought so in my heart, but Zhou Yan was not too embarrassed to say, after all, the other party is a bigwig in the industry.

And they also said that this is a meeting ceremony, as the saying goes without hitting the smiley person.

"Um, let's not talk about the case first, you...why do you want to give me a meeting ceremony?" Zhou Yan asked involuntarily.

"Hehe, of course it was a courtesy in advance." The cook said: "Now that you have been sifted through layers of screenings, you still haven't been thrown out, so you are getting closer and closer to the'person in the prophecy'.

If you are really that person, then maybe one day, you really suddenly become the **** who saves the world...Haha..."

Benjamin smiled. Obviously, he himself didn't believe what he said, so the more he laughed, the more embarrassed he became. After a few laughs...

"...Well, it's actually because I'm going to take over this case. After all, it's about the [Criminal Club] case.

And Shen Keke is a very important person, so I have to take all the cases related to her.

It is really rude not to notify you in advance. "

Benjamin finally told the truth.

"Cut, that's right, Lanhuo just said Lanhuo, I have to say how cheap I got you." Zhou Yan muttered.

Benjamin was also very depressed, thinking, Zhou Yan, isn't this kid just a Trent-level detective, and now I am a Sherlock-level boss standing in front of him, why he is not respectful at all, and instead counts me down. Up?

I'm thinking about it.

"Then, although I haven't agreed to transfer the case to you yet, since you say you have broken it, you might as well speak out and listen. Maybe I can adopt some of your ideas."

Zhou Yan said solemnly.

"Huh?" Benjamin was shocked, I was Sherlock. Is your tone reversed?

"Don't be stunned, say quickly."

"Okay... okay." Benjamin suppressed the uncomfortable feeling in his heart. Who made himself utter the three words "meeting ceremony". As a gentleman, he is still a super detective with a lofty height. Have a general knowledge of the kid in front of you, and everything is important to the case!

He said this to himself.

"Then I will make a long story short. In fact, the reason why the deceased looks like a sudden death is because of the injection of a foreign body in the blood vessel."

"Um... sorry." Zhou Yan interrupted: "Maybe you didn't receive a call from the forensic doctor just now. This inference has been denied, because no bubbles were found in the heart and blood vessels of the deceased."

"No, no, no. I'm not talking about injecting air into the body of the deceased, so that only a simple autopsy can always find out.

Although the Criminal Club never cared about chess pieces, it would never teach Shen Keke this simple killing technique. "

"Oh?" When Zhou Yan heard it, he was a little interested: "If you don't inject air, can you look like sudden death? Is there any other method?"

"Yes...inject blood into the blood vessels." Benjamin said: "Oh, to be more precise, it is intermittent, but a lot of injections are different from the blood type of the deceased." Benjamin corrected slightly. a bit.

"..." Zhou Yan was silent, thinking for a few seconds in his mind: "It's impossible. If it is an injection of abnormal blood, wouldn't it be easy to find out during the autopsy!"

Wait, could it be..."

Here, I have to tell everyone about what will happen after the atypical blood is injected into the human body.

Two reactions will occur.

First: hemolysis reaction. Second, the agglutination reaction.

Let's talk about hemolysis first. You don’t need to care what the ‘hemolytic reaction’ is, just know that it can cause high fever, chills, kidney failure, lowered blood pressure, shock, and other symptoms.

When the injection of abnormal blood exceeds 200 ml, the person will die.

So everyone has heard that this method of death is when all organ functions of the whole body are affected, so the autopsy can easily detect the ‘hemolytic reaction’.

However, Li Dabo's autopsy did not find the above-mentioned symptoms, so this inference simply does not hold.

What about the "agglutination reaction".

This is a better explanation. If blood of different blood types comes into contact with each other, it will coagulate.

As for the conditions under which it can be solidified, don't worry about it, let's look down first.

"Could it be..." A coagulated blood clot flashed through Zhou Yan's mind, as if he had followed Benjamin's thoughts.

"It seems that you have already thought of it." Benjamin said, "In fact, I don't need to say, you will find out after a while. The blood type of the deceased Li Dabo is type a blood, so if you inject blood type b or a In the case of blood, an agglutination reaction occurs.

But if the amount of one injection is relatively small, such as less than one hundredth of a milliliter, then the clot will be very small.

These blood clots will follow the flow rate of the large blood vessels into the heart, and in the case of very small injection volume but extremely fast frequency, the agglutinated blood clots will be concentrated in the bends of the large blood vessels or hang on the valves of the heart.

When this accumulation reaches a certain level, the heart membrane will suddenly fail to open for a certain second, and the ejection function will suddenly fail.

People will die quickly. "

Zhou Yan listened and thought at the same time, so when the other party paused, he subconsciously took over the conversation.

"Well, the function of the heart valve is destroyed! If this is on an ordinary patient, it will be easy to check.

But if it is on a dead person it is very difficult to identify it.

After a person dies, the blood will coagulate quickly, even within half an hour.

It has entered winter, and it has happened to be snowing again these days, and the temperature is extremely cold.

If a corpse is left outside all night, the blood in his body will become solidified.

And among the blood that has coagulated all over the body, I want to find other coagulated blood.

Ha ha.

It feels like throwing an ice cube into the water and then freezing the water!

The original piece of ice disappeared without a trace...


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