Detective Training Manual

Chapter 368: Ming Ju (7) and ‘HOSPITAL’

Zhou Yan looked at the brand and was a little stunned for a while...

Of course he knows the meaning of this word, which is hospital.

However, if it's a hospital, you can't just put the word "hospital", it should be more or less modified.

For example, [xx Chinese Medicine Hospital] or [xxx Internal Medicine Hospital], if you draw a tooth on it, it can mean that this is a dentist's office.

But if there is nothing, just set up a [hospital] sign.

Zhou Yan raised his head and looked at the door in front of him.

Judging from the placement of the sign, this door leads to this hospital.

The door is small, not old, but absolutely not new, and even a bit out of tune with the buildings on both sides, as if suddenly a gap in the middle of the building was split at a certain moment, and then the hospital was blunt. Just like plugging in.

There are no other plaques beside the door, and there is a sense of irresponsibility everywhere.

Zhou Yan froze in front of the door for a while, then turned and left. He didn't know why he stood in front of a small clinic for so long...

Looking back at the book, the message still continues.

[The person in the false book: It is very simple to catch Xiao Zhou's psychology, just give him a holiday or give him a salary increase. 】

"Brother, you don't know me too much. Am I the kind of person who covets wages and holidays?"

[Lidos: Shen Keke met Zhang San before. This case was designed by Zhang San. Zhang San revealed that he was observing the world in a taxi. It is possible that he is a crime club no.3 observer]

Zhou Yan was stunned: "Zhang San? Zhang San??? What? You didn't mean Zhang San from a while ago?!"

Just as Zhou Yan was stunned for a few seconds, he suddenly saw another message popping up.

[Birds and rabbits: Ziliang's hospital? 】

Zhou Yan: "??? What? Ziliang's hospital? Who is Ziliang?"

[Zdoublef: Ziliang's hospital, right? 】

Zhou Yan frowned. He turned his head and looked at the sign that said [hospital] not far away from him: "Is this the hospital you are talking about?"

[Kun Kun Kun Kun: Ziliang? Good guys! 】

"Huh?" Zhou Yan frowned tighter: "What are you talking about, who is Ziliang? What's wrong with his hospital? Is it famous?"

[Kun Kun Kun Kun: Xiao Zhou, you go in and have a look, the contents will not disappoint you, it would be better to bring a cigarette. 】

"Bring... a cigarette?" Zhou Yan scratched his head: "I am not sick, why should I go to the hospital? Also, why is it better to bring a cigarette? The hospital does not always prohibit smoking. Is it?"

Zhou Yan was confused, but he didn't know what was going on. He felt...Since the brothers in the book said to let themselves in, it seems that it is not impossible to go in.

[Witness the power of salted fish: Go in! Go in! 】

"Oh, okay, although I don't know why I should be allowed in, but I can't go in and have a look."

Zhou Yan muttered, then looked around and found a small grocery store not far away, so he walked over.

"Boss, come and pack cigarettes."

"What brand do you want?"

"Um..." Zhou Yan took the long tone and thought for a while: "Just the cheapest."

He actually didn't know why he wanted to buy cigarettes, and he didn't know how to smoke them, but the brothers said he would bring a pack, so just bring one pack.

Immediately afterwards, the boss handed over a pack of cigarettes. After Zhou Yan paid the money, he put the cigarettes in his pocket and walked to the unnamed hospital.

Before coming to the hospital, Zhou Yan was a little nervous. He didn't know what he was going to do after entering the hospital.

Is it to say: "I am mentally ill again?"

However, once thinking about the changes in his thoughts over the past few days, Zhou Yan seemed to feel that it should be fine to find a hospital.

Because these days, Zhou Yan always feels that there is an extremely unreal feeling.

Well, not these few days, in fact, since I came to this world, this unreal feeling has been with me, but it has been a little fermented in the past few days.

So... do you want to go in?

Do you want it?

Zhou Yan just thought about it, unknowingly, his hand had touched the door of the hospital.

With a "creak", the door shaft made a soft noise.

Zhou Yan realized that he had already opened the door.

"..." He was silent for a second... and then walked in.


After entering the hospital, Zhou Yan habitually looked around.

In fact, there is nothing to look at. There is a straight passage in front of it. About 10 meters away is the end. The corridor made a bend there. As for what is left in the corridor after the turn, Zhou Yan can't see it.

He could only see a door within his sight, only a few steps away from him.

This is a very ordinary hospital, at least it looks like this now.

Zhou Yan laughed at himself like a mockery.

He felt that the group of people in the book were really true, urging himself to see a doctor.

So did I, actually actually came in.

But all come in, just let the flow go.

As Zhou Yan thought, he walked a few steps forward and came to the door in sight.

This door is as ordinary as this hospital. It was closed at this moment, but beside the door, there was a small sign saying [Doctor's Office].

"Uh, what am I doing?" Zhou Yan muttered to himself, then...knocked on the doctor's door.


The knock on the door was louder than expected, and there was a slight echo in the silent hospital corridor.

After a while...

"Please come in."

A voice came.

This is a male voice, very clear, but it sounds hoarse.

Zhou Yan opened the door...


As soon as the door opened a gap, a strong smell of smoke floated out. For people like Zhou Yan who did not smoke, he subconsciously coughed a few times.

The door continued to be pushed open, and as the smoke floated out, Zhou Yan gradually saw the scene in the office.

Then, he was taken aback.

There are many reasons why Zhou Yan is stunned...

First of all, the image of this doctor's office is different from what he imagined. There are no bright windows or lights, but rather dark.

Opposite it is an office desk with a [big head] computer that should have been eliminated a long time On the desk is not a case, but a mess of things.

For example, waste paper balls, key rings, fruit peels, cups, and... an ashtray.

The cigarette butts inside have been piled up high, and the top cigarette butts are crumbling.

Not far from the door, there are two sofas, which seem to be for the patient to sit on while waiting.

But in such a messy office, will there be people waiting in line?

In addition to these, what makes Zhou Yan feel a little uncomfortable is... the one sitting behind this messy office desk



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