Detective Training Manual

Chapter 336: Criminal Club-No. Four [Plasticist]! …

The way is very simple, that is to extend the length of the light channel.

I remember that the small experiment was very interesting. It was to roll a black cloth into a funnel shape, cover the flashlight, and then open an opening in the middle of the black cloth and insert a straw.

In this way, it is amazing to find that the light from the straw is very bright and it shines far away.

Of course, this is just a straw. If the inner wall of the straw is full of mirrors that can interweave and reflect the light, the light emitted will be even stronger.

At that time, Zhang Wei happened to have a flashlight in his hand. And luckily, this flashlight did not break.

As we all know, the farthest irradiation distance of a flashlight is between 150 meters and 200 meters, but the distance that the naked eye can feel is only about 80 meters.

Because the illumination area of ​​the flashlight is arc-shaped, it spreads the light into a wide angle.

Then if you tear off the arc-shaped sequins in the flashlight, roll them into a thin cylinder, and then transform them in the experimental class, you can concentrate all the light at one point.

Then, maybe it can be seen by people more than a hundred meters away.

So Zhang Wei, who was hovering on the edge of death, did so... and he succeeded!

In the dark night, a small beam of light, but bright enough, bloomed from the depths of the cave, and then reached the top of the cave!

This is his last hope. He is looking forward to someone passing through this cave just before the battery runs out, and then seeing the glimmer of light, driven by curiosity, he looks into the cave.

In the dark... own fate...

This beam of light was really seen!

What's more fortunate is that this person has financial or material resources, and even this person is a brave person who is physically strong and daring to enter the cave.

In short, Zhang Wei was rescued. This escape did not disturb the government or the school. When everyone was silently mourning the funeral for Zhang Wei, he was actually sleeping in a certain bed to recover from his injuries.

But now it seems that his rescue may not always be attributed to good luck. Because Zhang Wei did not appear in people's sight for a long time after that.

He is still a dead person in the legal sense.

This is very subtle...

The person who saved him seems to be very optimistic about his attributes. A person is dead in law. What a fascinating setting.

So Zhang Wei became a ghost!

For a long time after that, we don’t know what Zhang Wei went through until he was 18 years] Give you a red envelope in cash! Follow vx public [Book Friends Base Camp] to receive it!

In this year, a child named Lu Zang, his life has also undergone earth-shattering changes.

Car accident, disfigured, learned of his own life experience, ran away from home, unaccompanied.

And at this moment, at the entrance of the cave many years ago...Lu Zeng and Zhang Wei met!

From that moment on, the identities of these two people changed.

Lu Zang was pushed down the cave, and Zhang Wei became Lu Zang! "

The uncle spoke carelessly, but Zhou Yan was already dumbfounded. There were too many possibilities intertwined in front of him. He could hardly tell which one was the one he was looking for.

He hurriedly interrupted Uncle Gu's words.

"Wait! This...this is a bit wrong. Could it be that Lu Zeng was pushed out of the cave when he was 18 years old, and then he stayed in the cave for more than ten years and became completely unrecognizable? Found it by a mountain climber?"

Uncle Gu shook his head: "Do you think this is important..."

"Why is it not important?!" Zhou Yan shouted.

"Haha." Uncle Gu chuckled, "After Lu Zeng ran away from home at the age of 18, there is no news anymore. No one can guess what he experienced during this time and how he was treated. , So it didn't matter whether he became a savage after going through all kinds of difficulties in the cave, or was trained as an unconscious monster in the dark dungeon.

All you need to know is that somewhere in this world, there is a person who is collecting these people who have no social identity everywhere. This... is enough.

So whether it was Lu Zang who ran away from home or Zhang Wei who was deemed dead by the society, there was no difference in what happened to them. "

Zhou Yan gasped, "But...why would anyone collect such unidentified people? What on earth is he going to do..." Zhou Yan was puzzled, but as soon as he finished speaking, he was alone. Gave himself a frantic answer.


The perfect crime!

correct! If an unidentified person commits a crime! ! !

These people have no fingerprints, no blood samples, no ID cards, and no traces in society.

These people are no longer ‘people’ to some extent, but a kind of weapon.

If in the hands of an extremely smart person, how many perfect crimes can he use these people to create, and how many identities can he replace with these people?

Just thinking of this, Zhou Yan's body suddenly tightened...

"Wait!" he shouted again.

"It's not right. Lu Zeng ran away from home when he was 18 years old. Although he was disfigured at that time, his mother should know his appearance.

Even if he only reappeared when he was 30 years old, it would be impossible for his mother to recognize her son.

Every time he appears on TV, his mother will find it strange..."

As he spoke, Zhou Yan's own voice became faint.

Because he was terribly discovered that he unexpectedly automatically connected another thread to this story!

Wang Dabao...isn't it like this...

Wasn't Wang Dabao in the camera holding his own face at that time?

However, Wang Dabao's plastic surgery seemed to be very hasty, so his face was very stiff.

So if there is enough time.

One year, two years, even ten years.

A person, change a face... Then will he become another person perfectly...

In this society, a person's fingerprints are entered when applying for an ID card, and if there is no accident in a person's life, the first time an ID card is needed...should be during the college entrance examination.

Calculated by age It was exactly 18 years old at that time.

As for blood records, files are usually kept only after blood donation.

In other words, if a person enters his fingerprints after 18 years of age before donating blood, then if the design is sufficiently sophisticated...

One person can completely replace another person.

Zhou Yan thought about it, thinking about it, at some point, cold sweat began to emerge from his back.

A person, no matter in terms of identity, law, blood, or fingerprints, perfectly replaces another person.

What a terrible thing...

It was only at this moment that he finally realized the original motive of this case.

Why did Lu Zeng kill his mother and sister?

Because... he is the last credential to prove his true identity!

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